Life anecdotes|It's just a stone on the road of life (Part 2) - "Straight Ball Showdown"

Those stones on the road of life are sometimes just "stones" not me and me. Then we'll... pick a good luck "stone", and directly...

Summary of the previous situation: After the first article [It's just a stone on the road of life - "Gift"] ,
Anyway, A was diagnosed with this... gallstone, after we took a bunch of bad homophonic names, sent a plaque to celebrate, and made hundreds of bad jokes about "why do you have stones, not pearls, agate, and diamonds?" ...

Lucky Stone

A mentioned resignation. Originally, after resigning, the surgery date was scheduled on the first Friday in July. The time was fixed, and only when the good day, Ji Shi, had to make a clean break with gallstones.

However, people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. Life planning is often arranged, and the courage has the final say.

On a holiday at the end of June, she suffered two more attacks and went to the emergency room on both occasions.

According to the number of times she went in and out of the emergency room like this, it seemed really impossible. The hospital did not do it again and again~~ (the courage was immediately put on leave)~~, directly arranged for A to be admitted to the ward from the emergency room, and the surgery was performed in advance—

One afternoon at the end of June, A started the operation directly in the afternoon, and wanted to fight Shitou once and for all. I thought about it, sent a message and asked her:

"Do you think this is a 'premature birth' for gallstones?"

Photographer: Pille Kirsi:

help me count down

A’s surgery requires general anesthesia . Thinking of this, I can’t help but… a little nervous (A: I don’t know, it’s not you who is going to be anesthetized…),

Think about it, under the control of others, you have to lose consciousness all over your body, let others slaughter and arrange, and after you wake up leisurely again, the most painful surgery process and the lovely courage are gone. I just imagined, Sweat beading on the palms.

However, after all, I am not going to be anesthetized... So apart from being nervous, I have to say that I am a little curious .
Especially since I was a child, I heard my lazy dad and netizens on the Internet boast about how powerful general anesthesia is. The anesthesiologist asked them to count down from 10. There were only a few counts, and everyone slept together, no exception .

"While you are under anesthesia, help me count, how many seconds you can last!" I said to A, giving her an important task. A fully agreed.
Before A waited to be pushed into the operating room, and before she was anesthetized, the two of us discussed and planned to make a list of "food items" that we would like to eat together after her surgery, such as Thai cuisine, herbs, Grilled Bleu, Japanese izakaya... We can't let it go!!!

After chatting and chatting, A suddenly didn't reply. I guess, she was pushed for surgery.

While I hoped that the operation would go well, I nervously wondered what the general anesthesia was like...

Soon, A 's premature gallstones were delivered naturally .
Ah, no, it was A's surgery that went well. She woke up and received a message.

I immediately sent a message to ask how she was doing, how many seconds would she be able to fall asleep under general anesthesia?

"In the end, I didn't tell me to count the seconds at all , I just said it was time to go to bed, and I fell asleep. " A said.

It's so, so boring and bland, I feel so boring.
A, the name you gave for the stone is so boring, even the operation of anesthesia is so boring.

"But, when I was lying in the recovery room just now, the medical staff were talking about group buying peeled peppers, but they didn't catch me, sorry, I didn't follow me, damn it!"

she says.

Well, very good, very A.
I looked at the ridiculous cell phone messages and laughed in my office. Well, A, you're still interesting.

Now, I can be sure that your surgery went well.

Photographer: Anna Shvets:

The next day after the operation, at noon, A was elated and took a picture of the hospital lunch for me to see.

After all, after a long period of fasting (you need an empty stomach before entering the emergency room and anesthesia, and you can only eat after a day after the operation), although there are drips during the period, you will not really starve and feel wronged, but as a human being, you will still be able to eat. I want to really eat something with my mouth.

A was finally able to eat, I saw her happiness, and the messages from her almost overflowed our chat window.

The photo of the menu, three dishes, green vegetables, side dishes, fish, a bowl of rice, and a bowl of soup, looks pretty good. Obviously, hospital meals are quite nutritious.

"Eat!" she typed. I can completely imagine her flamboyant gesture with a face full of joy and want to "eat".

"Digai, are you going to start eating boldly now?"

I type quickly.

After the message was sent out, I realized how out of place I was, and actually said "go 'gold' to eat" to a guy who had just taken his guts out.


Later in the story, A was successfully discharged from the hospital and resigned.

She brought out the "Shi Yi (Dhou Shi Johnson)", "Shi Er (Shi Er Pot)", and "Shi San (Key Stone Carving)" stones that the hospital gave her.

When I went to visit A at A's house, the two of us were amazed by the tiny little rocks in the transparent jar. It turned out that these inconspicuous and ugly mini-stones could actually make A suffer from death.

Later, I kept yelling from time to time that this stone should be kept, and it would be a mess in the future as a proposal ring for her boyfriend. A will also laugh at himself and make a bunch of absurd jokes that have nothing to do with guts.

Although these are only some stones on the road of life (and in the body, in the courage), it is more painful and exciting than those stumbling blocks on the road of life.

Although they all say, "Those are just stones that you encounter (actually produced by yourself) on the road of life",
A lot of things, at first glance, the two of us laughed together , laughed and cursed, laughed at each other, and jokingly moved forward.

However, we all know that nothing is more important than our own health.

Internet access is not as important as your own health, and laziness is not as important as your own health.
Work is not as important as your own health.

Health should not be an ideal, nor should it be reduced to a slogan. It needs to be taken care of and practiced day and night.

As we get older, even though we always have the ability to make fun of each other, we no longer have the same ability to squander our health together as we once did.

May we all take care of ourselves.

A shot, 2022.08 Qixingtan

PS Later in August, A really went to Huadong for vacation and watched the sea every day. As for the fact that I was sitting in the office looking at the vacation photos from her, I was envious and jealous, gnashing my teeth sour, that's another story.

※Some small stories in this article were published on my Liker Social at the end of June. At the same time, I would like to thank everyone on Liker Social for their blessings and concern for A at that time. Thank you.

※Other more A, as well as sloth's life deeds, welcome to follow #sloth hahaha .
※The life of a sloth, lazily in the square grid , Matters and ruffian country .


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