[Intercontinental play-offs] Australia catches the last train of the World Football Team! The full list of in-game matches of the World Cup is released

The World Cup play-offs for two consecutive days ended in a mighty manner. The four participating teams had their own joys and sorrows. After a fierce battle, Australia and Costa Rica defeated their opponents and successfully entered the World Cup final week. The long-awaited 2022 The World Football Championships list has finally produced a complete version, and at the same time, this also means that there is less than half a year left before the opening of the World Football Championships. Let’s review the two intercontinental play-offs now, and do a little bit of the latest prediction analysis of the World Football Group’s group stage!

The World Cup play-offs for two consecutive days ended in a mighty manner. The four participating teams had their own joys and sorrows. After a fierce battle, Australia and Costa Rica defeated their opponents and successfully entered the World Cup final week. The long- awaited 2022 The World Football Championships list has finally produced a complete version, and at the same time, this also means that there is less than half a year left before the opening of the World Football Championships.

Take advantage of this now to review the latest predictions and analysis of the two intercontinental play-offs, and the World Football Group stage match !

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World Intercontinental Play-off Match Review】Australia vs Peru

Before the start of the World Cup play-offs, Peru gathered 13 national-level wizards to cast spells in order to win. A successful win qualifies for the promotion, so wizards find it useful.

In the 2018 World Cup group stage , Australia vs Peru was staged. Peru won 2-0 at that time. This play-off was like a revenge match. Both teams had a great desire to defeat their opponents.

Peru's lineup is similar to four years ago, almost veterans, with rich experience in battle, and experience with Australia, but Australia, on the other hand, is far from four years ago, the whole team is almost new, and the style of play is also different from the past. The Peruvian experience will not work.

It is a pity that the result was not as expected by the Peruvian wizards. After 120 minutes of fighting, it was impossible to distinguish between the two teams. Not only the score, but other data showed that the two teams were evenly matched. In the end, Australia won the PK match with a score of 5:4. Qualify for the 2022 World Cup.

It is not uncommon for teams to change goalkeepers before the penalty shootout, but the bearded goalkeeper from Australia, Andrew Redman, seemed to dance in the goal as soon as he played. The fans watching the live broadcast of the World Football Championship were dumbfounded, as were the opponents. The purpose of his dance was to distract Peru.

After the game, the Australian coach said that Andrew is a very outstanding goalkeeper in the PK game, and he has successfully interfered with opponents with such moves in the past. One of the Peruvian players who lost a penalty even directly announced the retirement of the national team.

World Football Play-off Match Review】Costa Rica vs New Zealand

Compared with the aforementioned Australia vs. Secret, the two teams in this group of World Football Play-offs are far from each other in strength.

Costa Rica used to belong to the North American powerhouse. Although it is not a particularly prominent team in the World Cup, it must be able to play well against New Zealand.

The result was indeed the case. Costa Rica scored the first goal in the first three minutes. Although New Zealand counterattacked and scored a goal, the foul could not be counted, and finally achieved a 1-0 victory. The last ticket to the 2022 World Football Championship is to advance to Group E of the World Football Group Stage. At the same time, this is also their fifth and third consecutive promotion.

The latest version of the analysis! Can cross-continental finishing and qualifying teams shake the World Cup group stage?

Australia has made it to the final week for five consecutive years, while setting a new record for the first time in a World Cup with six Asian teams from the World Cup.

However, in the top 32 group D [France, Denmark, Tunisia, Australia] of the World Football Championship that Australia has advanced to, France and Denmark are very strong. Australia also encountered these two teams in the last World Football Championship. The result is defeated by France, Persuasion and Denmark . Although the new Australian team is different from the past, the opponent is not a fuel-efficient light, and Tunisia is not a weak team. It may be very difficult to advance to the top 16.

The first thing Costa Rica will meet in the next final week is Group E [Spain, Germany, Japan, Costa Rica] of the top 32 in the World Football Championship. Group E is what fans call the death group this year. In the group, the first and second places in the group are very likely to be arranged by Spain and Germany, two traditional European teams. Because of this, the chances of Costa Rica qualifying are very small and difficult to be optimistic about.

Japan, which is also in Group E of the group stage, what will they do against the top two...?

The death group does not admit defeat! Japan seeks to advance to the top 8 of the World Football Championship and secretly meets the Spanish national team spy


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