Things I Learned (Probably Series 1)

Kamimen Knight Decade's Nakano Kadoya once said: There are many people who have the right to leave, or they can use their own itinerary! (Original--no one has the right to defile or exploit the journey)

Jokes are an equal opportunity for everyone. Although I would have cared about it when I was laughed at in the past, and I probably will now, but it feels as if I accept the concept that everyone is a joke, and it will not be so uncomfortable.

I suddenly thought of a funny thing. I have long accepted that life is a game, but I just don’t want to joke about it. Now I accept that life is a joke. It’s okay to smile bitterly. After all, this is an undeniable fact.

But I think it's okay to live like a fool and to live like a joke, after all I just want to be a fool

The previous premise was that being an idiot is not the same as being a joke, so I want to be

Although I don't accept it now, I have to accept that being an idiot is a joke, but even so, as long as you don't deny your life journey, it's probably a noble act.

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