Peony Pentecost Rose Pfingstrosen

Around the world, the peony flower has positive meanings. In China and Japan, it represents wealth, female beauty and love. Christian imagery associates the peony with wealth, beauty, and the promise of redemption.

I'm a plant killer...can finally say out loud that pretty pink peonies are from my garden.

Although only a cluster

Count almost a hundred buds. Open in batches.

Buds about more than a month.

Really bloom to full in just one week.

It withered very quickly after that.

At present, it is very prosperous. After measuring, the diameter of the flowers is more than 15cm.

How to tell the difference between peonies and peony

I think the flowers all look alike?

Remember that the difference between peony and peony is the difference between herbs and woody

Please inquire by yourself

Take a variety of highlights to share

MiSa's head is the peony flower in the garden

MiSa Changqing, same mobile number, social avatar used for more than 15 years.

Pure white with two red threads inside.

This is to break the beauty's face.

Inevitably happy.

A red apricot came out of the wall.

No no pink peony squeezing the head.

Today red, pink and white peonies are in full bloom. It is customary to call it the "horse rose" Pferderosen because it is used to adorn the horses in the Whitsunday processions. Peonies have no spines and are easy to pick.

Pentecost (translated by the Catholic Church as Pentecost), commonly known as Pentecost Pfingsten
Pentecost dates back to the Jewish festival of Shaut, the first celebration of the harvest of the year. For this reason, many pilgrims came to Jerusalem. According to the biblical book of Acts, a gust of wind swept the gathered believers who were able to preach in a foreign language - the Holy Spirit appeared. This event is also considered to be the starting point of the missionary work of Jesus' disciples and is the center of Christianity, which is different from Judaism and other religions that do not know active missionary work.
Which symbols represent Pentecost?
The white dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and therefore Pentecost. In the Biblical Pentecost story, there is no dove; instead, flames and fire are mentioned. The cow, like the peonies, represents the season: Pentecost, when farmers drive the decorated cows back to their pastures after a long winter. This celebration is still alive today, with processions and many tourists on Holy Spirit Day (traditional cattle drives are cancelled in 2022). Other Pentecostal customs, such as the maypole or the fire pit, have only regional significance.,pfingsten220.html#:~:text=Der%20Begriff%20Pfingsten%20leitet%20sich,daf%C3%BCr%20allm %C3%A4hlich%20ein%20eigener%20Feiertag.

Ancient legends tell us why the peony is also called "Pfingstrosen":

When Jesus was passing through Galilee, a woman named Magdalena who lived there wanted to follow Jesus and become a disciple, but she was married and had children. Three days later, when Jesus left, Magdalena had to stay at home.

Tears in the Rose Garden

One day, a disciple passed by and informed him of Jesus' death. The woman walked in pain to the rose garden behind the house, crying with grief. Suddenly, she heard beautiful music, and her heart became light. At this time, another disciple brought news: Jesus had risen from the dead and went to heaven, and on the first Pentecost, 3000 people were moved and baptized.

Magdalena ran into the rose garden, unable to believe her eyes: her bushes were full of roses. But these roses had no thorns—they were the first peonies.

The woman thought, "God took away the thorns and turned sorrow into joy".

Only God can pluck the thorns from the rose bush, raise his Son from the dead, and give people eternal life after death.

Around the world, the peony flower has positive meanings. In China and Japan, it represents wealth, female beauty and love. Christian imagery associates the peony with wealth, beauty, and the promise of redemption.

Peony also has a long history in medicine and was once used as a medicinal plant. Although it is mildly toxic, it is traditionally used to treat gout. Since the medicinal properties of the plant cannot be proven, it is of little importance in medicine today.


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