[Sharing with Video] The Craziest Cat Slave in History "Louis Wayne" - The Movie "Genius Cat Slave Painter"

Remember, no matter what difficulties or pains you encounter, the world is inherently beautiful.
Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

Doctor Strange acting like what

Since "Current Wars" played the inventor "Edison", "Crisis Leaks" WikiLeaks founder "Julian Assange", "Brexit: The Uncivil War" (Brexit: The Uncivil War), the former chief special adviser to the British Prime Minister " Dominic Cummings", British businessman "Greyville Wayne" in "Operation Iron Curtain", after British mathematician "Alan Turing" in "The Imitation Game", "Bam Dick's Egg", no, it's "Ban" Needict Cumberbatch (hereinafter referred to as: Benedict)" once again played the role of the biographical figure, the crazy cat slave illustrator "Louis Wayne", who is good at interpreting the role. "The actor.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

Playing the genius professional "Benedict Cumberbatch" this time incarnate "Cat Slave Painter" "Louis Wayne"! In "Genius Cat Slave Painter", "Doctor Strange - Cumberbatch" and "The Crown - Claire Foy" play the cat slave couple together! "Genius Cat Slave Painter" is about the life of the illustrator "Louis Wayne" and the influence of "cats". The director "Will Sharp" was once an actor, and "Benedict" was second in "Sherlock Holmes" Ji has worked together before, and this time I directed this biographical film, and I am very happy that Cumberbatch can join in the role.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

plot outline

"The Genius Cat Slave Painter" follows the talented illustrator "Louis Wayne", who is known around the world for his vivid paintings of "anthropomorphic cats".

The story of the whole movie revolves around the life of "Louis Wayne" and is described through three story lines. The first one focuses on his responsibility and depression as the eldest son of the family, as well as the changes in the relationship between the family's siblings, and Familial hereditary mental illness is worrying. The second one tells the love story of his and his wife "Emily" who are 10 years older and different in class. The two know each other, cherish each other and love each other. The other third is that after his wife passed away due to cancer, on the one hand, he reminisced about his creation of anthropomorphic cat illustrations, which led to the cat-raising trend in Europe and even America. Even though he suffered from schizophrenia in his later years, he never stopped drawing. Creations about cats.

And this core is all derived from the indelible love for his wife and the cat "Peter" they raise together. The whole story is quite moving and poignant.

Therefore, it attracted the attention of the "Comba Bay District":

"Louis's story is very touching, and I was fascinated by his artistic talent, and his entire life journey was very special."
Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

The distance between genius and neurosis

According to later generations, "Louis Wayne" suffers from familial genetic schizophrenia, but some people argue that he actually suffers from "autism". No matter what he was suffering from, in short, he was eccentric since he was a child, and this man was even more difficult to figure out after losing his wife.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet
Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

The narration in the film is "The Crown" actress "Olivia Coleman", who she describes as "Louis Wayne" in her eyes:

"Extreme anxiety and recurring nightmares" were an intricate part of his life. Sadness is his forever partner, no matter how hard he tries, sadness never leaves him. He left home with his sisters to Sir William's castle in a village. Trying to escape the dark and disturbing abyss into which his mind was being sucked.
You can find a way to escape life's ups and downs, but how do you get rid of memories? How do you escape memories of times gone by when the breeze blows? These words, most moments, and that touch His heart echoed, creating a conundrum. "

However, because of this, he can become a talented artist. At the beginning of the movie "Comba Bay" always mentioned "electricity", which made me think that he was not only a painter but also a scientist, just like "Da Vinci", but later I found out that his so-called "electricity" turned out to be emotion , is touching, is saying "love".

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet / Pete cat is so cute

The rise of the cat king

"Since ancient times, cats have been worshipped as mystical gods and vilified as an evil ally of witchcraft and sin. But I think you're the first to see that they're actually funny people, dumb and likable and lonely and scared and brave, just like us. - "Olivia Coleman"
Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

"Genius Cat Slave Painter" recreates the legendary life of "Genius Painter-Louis Wayne" who changed the historical status of Elvis King all over the world. Because of his love for his wife and cat "Peter", he was saddened by the death of his wife due to breast cancer. In order to commemorate and capture the current surrounding him, he began to draw cats, and then he was able to describe the various charms of cats vividly. was warmly welcomed.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

It even influenced the entire European aristocratic circle at that time, and was invited to be the chairman of the British National Cat Association to save the "cat life", running for stray cats to protect the rights and interests of the cat emperor's survival. Therefore, "Cat" has changed from being rejected to being accepted by everyone. "Louis Wayne" can be said to be the ancestor of "Cat Slaves".

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

An interesting scene is when "Louis Wayne" publicly showed the cat's image to everyone in the movie and said: "They will turn blue and communicate with us in our language." Surprisingly, it indirectly predicted the appearance of the well-known Japanese cartoon character "Doraemon".

Victorian Pride and Prejudice

The charm of "Genius Cat Slave Painter" lies in its "details" and carefully crafted "scenes", which then create a "Victorian beauty". The "image" of England from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century was crucial for a "famous family". Britain, as the colonial ruler of half the world, is extremely ironic that these nobles are bound by ruthless, so-called obligations and norms.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

For example, as the only son of the family, "Louis Wayne" must take care of the entire family as the head of the family. However, because of his eccentric and Tone-like character, it is impossible for him to be a competent head of the family. On the contrary, he is a sister. While the elder sister is running the house, the younger sisters stay at home and wait to get married. Even if the family's financial situation is not good, they must maintain the dignity of the famous family, because this often leads to conflicting relationships between them.

The normalcy that we moderns take for granted, in this arrogant and ruthless generation, is secondary to a society of false prejudice. As the head of the family, anything that goes wrong can cost your family's respect for you. And those rituals used to show thoughtfulness and humility have turned into oppression.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

Family sisters often worry about what their neighbors will think and say about them. For example, when "Louis" married a governess "Emily", the class status is too different, and they are afraid of jokes. Afraid of bringing shame to the family, the couple simply moved out and moved to the suburbs. Even after moving out, "Louis" still has to bear the family's livelihood. Every time he has to send money back, if there is no money to send it back, he will also be insulted by the family sisters. In fact, under the etiquette of "Pride and Prejudice", I was very angry with the head of the office.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet


"Emily" said to "Louis" before her death:

"Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, no matter what pain you encounter, the world is inherently beautiful."

Perhaps it is this sentence that inspired "Louis" to continue to draw "cats". I really like this sentence, in fact, this sentence is enough to run through the core of the whole movie.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

"Genius Cat Slave Painter" is a beautiful and poignant biographical film. It is like being in an oil painting. It is a cute and avant-garde anthropomorphic cat illustration. However, these are all based on "Louis"'s life of repression, struggle and suffering.

From the context of the film, we can see the changes in "Louis"'s painting, from the contemporary mainstream "dog" to the gray tones that are busy with life. Although his life is not all pain, but his happiest time should be the period after he got married and moved out! The images from this period are the most beautiful. It is also because of this that the happier he is, the more painful it is to lose. Fortunately, his beloved cat "Peter" is still by his side. He can continue to draw cats. "Human Cat Painting" is "Louis"'s monologue and humorous to the world.

Image source: Quoting screenshots from the Internet

As relatives, friends, and beloved cats passed away one after another, the picture became more and more black, and the style of cat painting became more and more strange and depressing. In the constant piles of pain, he finally chose to close himself. At the end of the movie, the elderly "Louis" is in a mental hospital. The numbness of painting and the visit of old friends make him cry like a child, tears like bursting embankments. Gushing out, he was the only one left to live alone, and he could finally vent all the repression.

Image source: Quoting a screenshot of the video

In the end, I found that "Louise Wayne" not only created a generation of "cat lovers", after he became famous, a family sister came to ask him why he had no money and where was he spending his money? "Louis" said that he did not apply for a patent for the painting, and more and more people painted his imitation paintings. Then he said, "He can sell the original paintings for money, so, in fact, they are also considered a kind of currency." Is this paragraph very visual? Isn't this NFT? It turns out that "Louis" is also the originator of NFT. To be honest, I really had such an idea in my mind when I saw this passage. To be honest, if he really made his paintings as NFTs in modern times, it might sell better.

Image source: Quoting a screenshot of the video

"Genius Cat Slave Painter" is a movie worth savoring. Of course, it has the affectionate performance of "Benedict Cumberbatch". I have to say that "Cumberbatch" is really good at figuring out biographical films. The characters in the game, especially the genius ones, are no wonder they are called "genius users".

If you have seen the movie, friends are welcome to share your experience, and leave a message to me at the bottom. Friends who have not seen it recommend to watch it quickly, and then discuss it with me after watching it.

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