For 10 billion yuan, he turned over the garbage for 8 years!

For eight years, he has really been "mining coins"!

I just saw a sad and ridiculous report, and I must tell you:

It is said that in Wales, England, an IT man named James Howells threw an old computer hard drive during house cleaning in 2013.

After a while, he remembered that the hard drive contained his electronic wallet, which contained 7,500 bitcoins .

In 2013, bitcoins were not cheap either, around $88 each, so it was also a considerable sum of money, totaling $655,000 (about 18.2 million Taiwan dollars) .

So he immediately looked around, and finally found where his rubbish went after three months - a landfill in the Newport area.

The workers there told him that the garbage brought in in the last three or four months was about one meter deep, but the area was the size of a football field!

For eight years, Hall has been scouring the rubbish heap for his lost $10 billion (Photo by Tom Fisk from Pexels)

"Frankly speaking, my soul is going to be destroyed. I think every minute and every second, if only I could find it..." Hower once told reporters that year.

Over the past eight years, he has not given up, and has continued to go back to find it.

For eight years, he has really been "mining coins"!

And during these eight years, bitcoin has been rising, and today, the value of 7,500 bitcoins has reached 358 million US dollars (close to 10 billion Taiwan dollars)! (It feels like his heart is bleeding when he looks at the price of Bitcoin every day.)

Most recently, he asked his neighbors to join him in the search, and promised to pay them millions of dollars if he found it, because he still felt that he could find it. However, the local government refused him to bring a large number of "volunteers" to the excavation due to health reasons.

After listening to this story, everyone must remember: take good care of your e-wallet and password!

Hower, a tech man who lost a lot of money, was interviewed by CNBC in 2013 (Photo: Screenshot from CNBC News)

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