Code Farmer Daily - "Songwriting" to you late at night

Aki Studio's third single released!

Oops, just a few days after I finished speaking, the third song came out XD

Aki Productions

The theme of the song this time was written by me, when I was still playing a group. However, because of my poor use of words, I have not done QQ since then.

Later, after collaborating with@亜西, in view of the good literary talent of Axi, I later asked him to help modify the words of the lyrics. Unexpectedly, the effect is very good, I did not hesitate to use it

In short, it is not appropriate to talk nonsense, come and listen now



 To you late at night The night of missing you.

Lyricist Lyricist | Ama NoahLiu, Aki AkiChen
Composer Composer | Ama NoahLiu

Looking at the photos you posted, my heart throbbed and I spoke to you, the language so clumsy, shy and affectionately separated, only relying on each other's messages to spend every late night missing you, this moment transcends space and Time tells me to leave all my tenderness to you, looking forward to your morning message so brightly, warmly and dazzlingly saying goodbye to you "good night" I am lonely and lost, how can I say that only your vows are in my heart to spend every day Close to the trial of loving you This moment traveled through space and time and asked me to leave all my tenderness to you Is it this night that makes my thoughts mellow? I feel so overwhelmed by thinking about you Is this kind of moonlight overwhelming my mind? I'm fine I want to say Good Night, Miss You.

Looking forward to your morning message and your "good night" goodbye It seems that only the moment with you fills up the whole day, only the late night with you Is it such a night that the deep and deep thoughts make me feel overwhelmed Is it such a moonlight Let the loneliness feel helpless, I really want to talk to you (I really want to talk to you)
I really want to talk to you (I really want to talk to you)
I really want to say I'm Missing You to you again.

composition anecdote

In fact, I only started to make this song after I came to Japan, so it was quite a big deal about how to record the song at the time.

One of the characteristics of Japanese houses is that the sound insulation is really not good. In addition, I am currently living in a dormitory introduced by the school, and the walls are made of wood, so I have to consider whether it will disturb my roommates during the recording.

In the end, I hurry up to record while my roommate was away, which also caused me to look back and listen to it after a while and found that I didn't sing very well (sigh

(Well, actually, I also feel that the first song is not very well sung now QAQ

And how did you write the lyrics at that time? On the one hand, it was because there were quite a few people around me who could compose and write songs. I wrote lyrics thinking that others can do it, and I found that my literary talent was really QAQ.

As for the content, where did the romantic words come from? Well, I also admit that I wrote it down with reference to the process of interacting with my ex-girlfriend (>"<)

Even a stinky person like me has been in love, okay?

Because in the age of the Internet, although my relationship with my ex-girlfriend was first known by the school club, the emotional heating part started with FB Message+Line

Later, although there was no long-distance relationship, but for people who often use communication software, it means the same thing.

Because of this, I wrote the lyrics with reference to the interaction process of this relationship. To be honest, I was quite shy when I saw it later XD

To be honest, I am very grateful to Aki for being willing to help me revise the lyrics and make a MV, so that this song has a chance to appear. In addition, there is a night theme, I think it is super in line with my mood when I wrote the lyrics, I really thank you again

Alright, that's all I'll introduce here. The most important thing is that I hope you can read Axi's text. There is a lottery in it. LikeCoin is also open to buy NFTs. Please buy and help me earn money to rent a studio. QAQ

Text link ->
Aixi Studio|Song written by Ma Nongquan ─ To the late night of you The night of missing you. (🧧 Prizes for answering)

signature file

Hello, code farmer here, I am a furnace operator/verifier of a bunch of nodes/technical blogger/Ama online workshop lecturer/composer . If you think my work is good and want to support me, you can entrust some Virtual coins to my validator machine. The following is my information

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BitCanna Validator Machine -> Code Big League
Music Creation-> Axi Studio


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