FIFA 2022: Israel hosts Messi and Paris Saint-Germain, kicks off French Football League

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Argentine football star Lionel Messi will arrive in Israel at the end of the month with French team Paris Saint-Germain for a match against Nantes at Tel Aviv's Bloomfield Stadium, which was the result of Israel's first-ever tie last year by billionaire Sylvain Adams. Sylvan Adams) took the season opener to the Jewish state, hosting the Champions Cup or the French Super Cup the following year.
FIFA 2022: Israel hosts Messi and Paris Saint-Germain, kicks off French Football League

Messi leads team to visit Israel again, Neymar and Mbappe will be absent

Messi's last visit to Israel was in an exhibition match against Uruguay with Argentina's national team in 2019, before Paris Saint-Germain arrived in Japan on Sunday for a summer tour with Brazilian player Neymar and Spanish defender Sergio Ramos will play in the Super Cup in Israel after being ruled out last year. Kylian Mbappe, who also did not play in 2021, will be unable to play again due to suspension.

Messi and Mbappe 's excellent cooperation fans exclaimed

Messi and Mbappe combined to create a dazzling goal in front of thousands of fans during Paris Saint-Germain's open pre-season training session. They are preparing for training camp in Japan for the new season and held a public meeting on Monday.

Messi struggled to get the ball from his opponent and passed it to Mbappe, who the France international took and flicked it from one foot to the other before moving it away from the goalkeeper, both The perfect match made football fans very excited.

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