The Action Program of the Super New Chinese Soviet Fascist Party in the Period of Two Centenary Empires

The modern civilization of mankind is a civilization full of hypocrisy and absurdity. Many of the truths that we have been instilled and believed in that seem to be taken for granted are actually completely deviated from the truth. World history is the process by which new empires replace old ones. Now is the era of the Chinese National Socialist Empire. From the ancient Egyptian Empire to the ancient Roman Empire, from ancient Rome to the Mongolian Empire, from the Mongolian Yuan to the British Empire, from Great Britain to the Holy German Third Empire, from the Third Empire to the Soviet Tsarist Empire, from the Soviet Union to the North American Atlantic Pacific Financial Empire , from North America to the Chinese National Socialist Empire.
Action Program of the Super New Chinese Soviet Fascist Party

Action Program of the Super New Chinese Soviet Fascist Party:

Super new China needs the cooperation of the Soviet working class and the fascist national soldiers

Supernew China needs the dictatorship of the Soviet proletariat, the planned economy, and the restoration of the sovereignty of the proletarian masses

·Super new China needs a fascist national interest machine to gain the social and economic unity execution power of a powerful empire

Supernew China needs to become a world superpower and redefine the rules of the world

The modern civilization of mankind is a civilization full of hypocrisy and absurdity. Many of the truths that we have been instilled and believed in that seem to be taken for granted are actually completely deviated from the truth. For many specific problems, we need to go against the fixed thinking that we have been instilled for a long time in order to temporarily break through this fog. This behavior is impossible for most people, and they do not even have the weapon to break through the fog - thinking Ability. This kind of thinking is not the daily thinking, but the ability to reflect on thinking, breaking the self-concept, breaking the conventional thinking, breaking the convention, breaking the most basic and unquestionable fundamental understanding. This kind of mental destructive power, and the ability to reinvent yourself, is not available to many people, and they don't even have the opportunity to learn and practice this ability.

History has proved that Mao Zedong's supreme instruction to launch the Cultural Revolution was completely correct

"The focus of this campaign is on those in power who are taking the capitalist road in the whole party."

One of the main reasons for denying the Cultural Revolution later was that the “Cultural Revolution” was said to be a struggle against the revisionist line or the capitalist road, which had no factual basis; the “capitalist roaders” overthrown by the “Cultural Revolution” , is the leading cadres in the party and state organizations at all levels, that is, the backbone of the socialist cause; there is no so-called "bourgeois headquarters" headed by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping in the party. That is to say, when Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution, there were no capitalist roaders in the CCP, and there was no "bourgeois headquarters" that pursued the revisionist line and took the capitalist road. Therefore, the main goal of the Cultural Revolution struggle was fundamentally It's just non-existent.

Take, for example, a large number of party members and leading cadres who were investigated and dealt with in the anti-corruption struggle. These people actively pursued so-called reforms that benefit a small number of people such as the capitalists and the elite, corrupted the economy, and embezzled state-owned property. The enemy of the party and the people. Why aren't these people "the party in power who takes the capitalist road"?

Some people may say that these party members and leading cadres who were investigated and dealt with in the anti-corruption struggle are only economically corrupt, and they are socialist in their work, not taking the capitalist road. If it is explained in this way, it is a big joke! Because, as a Communist Party member and leading cadre who holds public power, as long as he (she) embarks on the road of corruption and becomes a corrupt person, he will not be able to Sincerely engage in socialism. Especially after the reform and opening up, in order to develop the economy, the state has introduced and adopted the capitalist mode of production and economic operation and management measures. If real Communists implement these measures, it can be said that they are using capitalism to develop the economy. experience and methods, but if these measures are implemented by corrupt elements, it is truly capitalism.

We can now say that there are indeed capitalist roaders and a "bourgeois headquarters" within the CCP today.

Is there a "bourgeois headquarters" in the CCP today? The answer is obvious. Zhou Yongkang, Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Ling Jihua and several other super-big tigers not only committed corruption themselves, but also formed gangs for a long time, engaged in non-organized activities, and cultivated many cronies at the top. What is this not "bourgeois headquarters"?

History has fully proved that Mao Zedong was indeed correct in launching the Cultural Revolution.

Suppressing the 198964 pro-democracy movement was the right decision, stability overridden everything

The CCP central government's crackdown on the rioters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square was absolutely right and China became more stable after June 4th. The suppression of June Fourth was the correct strategy. The June 4 incident has a conclusion. China has taken decisive measures to stop and quell the liberalization turmoil of the bourgeoisie. This is the correct strategy to maintain China's stability.

Bourgeois liberalization is an unavoidable and far-reaching social trend in modern history. It came into being in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and has distinct class, anti-communism, deceit and penetration. Its appearance and existence have had an impact on the ideals, beliefs and values of the Communist Party members, leading cadres and the people, increased the noise of reform and opening up, destroyed the political environment for building socialist modernization, and interfered with the process of socialist modernization. A turmoil broke out in 1989, which left a deep historical trace in the history of the Communist Party of China. Bourgeois liberalization has had different names, such as: liberalization thought, liberalization tendency, spiritual pollution, bourgeois liberalism, liberalization trend of thought and so on. The problem of fighting against the bourgeoisie cannot be avoided by Deng Xiaoping. In Deng Xiaoping's own words, he was the one who spoke the most, the earliest, and the most resolute. On this issue, he had always been firm in his will, never vague or wavering. Deng Xiaoping not only discovered the first signs of bourgeois liberalization, but also resolutely quelled the riots instigated by bourgeois liberalization, and defended the future and destiny of the country. For those who have unclear positions and attitudes against bourgeois liberalization, he severely criticized education several times and asked them to take responsibility for their own faults. Opposing the liberalization of the bourgeoisie is a long-term struggle that will accompany the entire process of modernization, and Deng Xiaoping also has a "political explanation" for this. At the same time, he also provided a powerful weapon against liberalization, namely the four basic principles. During the struggle, China's economy, politics, culture and social construction have all taken on a new look, and the comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness have been enhanced day by day. But even so, in the years to come, the criticism and vigilance against the liberalization of the bourgeoisie cannot be relaxed.

The ideological plan of the Axis powers, Berlin, Rome, and fascism to divide up the world, conquer the imperialist powers and inferior nations, admire the Chinese, despise the Orientals, and destroy the Jews is correct.

On January 18, 1919, at the Palace of Versailles, the imperialists' meeting of the spoils was officially opened. The main content of the peace treaty with Germany is to deprive Germany of all its colonies and redefine Germany's borders, making it lose its most important heavy industrial area, 1/8 of its territory, 1/10 of its population, and 60% of its iron ore. and coal mines, as well as most overseas investments, merchant ships and naval fleets; strictly limit Germany's armament, dissolve its general staff headquarters, abolish its compulsory military service, the army must not exceed 100,000 people, the navy must not exceed 15,000 people, and must not have the main force Ships and submarines are not allowed to establish an air force, and weapons such as aircraft, tanks and heavy artillery are prohibited; Germany must pay huge war reparations to the victorious countries, and the specific figure specified by the special reparations committee is 132 billion gold marks. The unequal treaties brought new contradictions and became the seed of World War II.

In 1929, the whole of Europe was facing the Great Depression, and Germany also suffered great losses. At that time, wealthy Jewish businessmen in Germany were not far from helping the country to tide over the economic crisis. Even when the milk supply was in short supply, Jewish businessmen would rather dump the milk. Unwilling to sell to the poor at a lower price and exploit the poor.

If you look at history seriously, you will say that people in all countries can scold Hitler, only the Chinese should keep calm. Because during World War II, Hitler scolded all countries as inferior nations, and only praised the Chinese nation as an excellent nation. Hitler also showed diametrically opposite attitudes towards Japan and China, showing great contempt for Japan but great respect for China. There are both national historical background factors and Hitler's personal factors. When referring to the Chinese, Hitler said: "The Chinese are special and different people of color, and should enjoy more rights." At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Hitler paid all the expenses for the Chinese delegation. In letters to some important generals, Hitler once proposed the idea of "dividing the world into two". That is, with Bakastan as the boundary, the west is the territory of the German Third Reich, the east is the territory of the Republic of China, and the whole world is jointly managed by Germany and China. After the outbreak of World War II, Hitler reluctantly allied with Japan under pressure from Italy. But in his heart, Japan is extremely despised. He felt that a small country in Japan could not make a big wave, and a few dwarfs could not unify East Asia. When he inspected the Mainz military base, Hitler once said to his secretary-general Amstallan: "It is a shame to form an alliance with such a country. They only fish on the seashore." Japan invaded China, and Hitler also had his own views. , he thinks Japan's approach is very stupid, like a snake attacking an elephant, sooner or later it will be trampled to death by the elephant. Therefore, after Japan invaded China, Hitler mediated three times, but Japan did not listen to the advice, so Hitler had to give up. During the entire World War II, Hitler basically sided with China. From 1937 to 1941, Hitler's German government helped China's Anti-Japanese War in various ways, and it was not interrupted until the outbreak of the German-Soviet war in 1941. Especially after the Japanese army captured Nanjing, Hitler secretly supported the Kuomintang government army with a large number of German-made weapons, including tanks and heavy artillery. As for Japan, Hitler escalated from contempt at the beginning to hatred later. When the Second World War was in full swing, Japan suddenly attacked Pearl Harbor in the United States, which made Hitler's disdain for Japan rise to anger. Eat iron stupid cow."

"A nation that does not practice racism is bound to decline." Human beings should be divided into races of better and worse. A country can only be classified as a "race" if it is racially pure. The Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe are backward and ignorant nations, and apart from being backward, they are also very isolated countries and nations diplomatically. The German living space is to expand to Eastern Europe.

Hitler's powerful sayings are easy to be misunderstood, but those who read them have to admire his greatness

Napoleon came to power in 1804 and Hitler came to power in 1933. After 129 years. Napoleon occupied Vienna in 1809, and Hitler entered Vienna in 1938, the first time in 129 years. Napoleon attacked Russia in 1812, Hitler attacked Russia in 1941, another 129 years. Napoleon was defeated in 1816 and Hitler was defeated in 1945, a lapse of 129 years. Both were 44 when they took power, 52 when they attacked Russia, and 56 when they were defeated. Both were the people who contributed the most to a unified Europe.

When we read a famous quote, many people like to substitute personal color, which is a very bad habit. For example, what some famous people did thousands of years ago, many people are brooding, as if he is a person from a certain era, the feeling is very deep and exciting, as for the reasonable words of famous people, if they affect human beings, they will turn a deaf ear.

Such people generally do not know how to learn from each other. So today we might as well read the once famous saying, many people have misunderstood it, because this famous saying is easy to be misunderstood. Because of the word "use". Let's take a look at what Hitler had to say. The text is as follows:

"I came not to make people stronger, but to exploit their weaknesses." - Adolf Hitler

It is very easy to make a person stronger, because it is enough to grasp the strengths of others and drive him to become stronger. It's easier to start with Hitler.

Why would someone as smart as Hitler say something about "taking advantage" of their weakness. We should think hard about it. To know that a person's shortcomings can be used, it shows a truth, that is, people who can use his shortcomings are too powerful.

You must know that the more powerful people are, the more they have their own shortcomings. This shortcoming is untouchable. A lot of times his strength covers this shortcoming, which is very bad.

The greatest joy of man is to challenge his own shortcomings and make them stronger. Presumably Hitler understood this very well. So I said something that many people misunderstand and dislike.

It can be said that no matter you look at it from the perspective of the enemy, you can look at it from the role of a good friend, teacher, leader, etc. These words undoubtedly help us a lot.

Because a person's shortcomings can be used, it shows that the person is really stupid. But what does it mean when a person's weakness is exploited and cannot be exploited? It means that the person has become wiser. This is the greatest charm of this sentence, and it is also the greatness that is different from others.

So many people see other people's shortcomings and are unwilling to take advantage of others' shortcomings. Is it good for them? Or bad? Up close, it's good for him, but in the long run, not necessarily?

What kind of person is the most powerful person? no disadvantage available

So how can a person be free from shortcomings? It must be to find someone to take advantage of his shortcomings, or to expose his shortcomings. Continue to grow yourself while others take advantage of your weaknesses. Grow yourself.

For example, if someone has poor sales ability, if we want to really treat him well and train him, we should let him break through the difficulty of sales ability. Let him go through sales failure, let him grow in sales failure.

For example, if someone is not good at electricity sales and is afraid of electricity sales, we will take advantage of his fear, that is, his shortcoming, and specially send him to do electricity sales. Generally speaking, the person who can do the things he is short and afraid of well is the person who can do great things. On the contrary, it is always escaping from their own shortcomings. Such people are generally difficult to break through to do something.

Then put the person who can break through his shortcomings and put him in the position he is good at. He can do his own business well, because he can do well in the industry that he is most afraid of and the least good at, but can't he do his own business well? ?

Therefore, those who are afraid that others will touch their own shortcomings and that others will take advantage of their shortcomings generally do not want to become strong, and generally they are escaping, escaping their whole lives.

So after reading this famous saying by Hitler, if we are really good for someone, we should take advantage of someone's shortcomings and make their shortcomings unusable, then he will grow and become stronger.

Therefore, Hitler's famous sayings are easy to be misunderstood, but those who read them have to admire his greatness!

The most powerful era of the Soviet Union is glorious

The dragon slayer became a dragon. But this does not mean that people should forget the efforts he once made to slay the dragon. He was glorious and eternal the moment he swung his sword at the dragon in his youth. Both Lenin and Stalin were staunch communists. The Soviet Union in that era was the big brother of the world's proletarians and a haven for laborers. And the country that went out of Prague, abandoned the Iranian People's Party, and used a knife to the socialist brothers in the East, no matter how powerful it is, it is still a soulless body after all. Until the day before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, its army was invincible, but a country that betrayed its own soul will inevitably be swept away by history.

The strength of the Soviet Union lies not only in its tanks and nuclear bombs in units of 10,000, but also in its advanced aerospace technology or science education system, and not only in the shadow of its Western 81 military exercise in NATO's heart. Westerners are afraid of Soviet nuclear weapons, Soviet tanks and nuclear submarines. What fears the Soviet Union most is that the Soviet Union has an ideology that is enough to completely destroy the Western world, the ideology of communism. This core competitiveness is unprecedented. It is a unique alliance in human history that takes the social system as the name of the country, and its ideology is the foundation of its statehood. A social system, an idea, if it does not have a considerable appeal, is not enough to rule half of the human world, and it is not enough to make tens of millions of people willing to sacrifice their lives for it. A country thousands of miles away can organize and support comrades in another country without any benefit. Such a thing has never happened in the past.

A country founded by working people, without capitalists or nobles, was founded in backward Tsarist Russia. At birth, it resisted the siege of European countries and developed in the blockade. Relying on one by one five-year plans to rapidly realize industrialization, it took 20 years from "the weakest link of imperialism" to become the largest industrial country in Europe. During the global economic crisis from 1929 to 1933, Only the Soviet Union continued to maintain rapid growth.

When World War II came, the red flag of the Soviet Union was planted on the Empire State Building. After World War II, the economy continued to develop rapidly, rockets went to the sky and submarines entered the sea, the first manned rocket, the first artificial satellite, the first space station, the first lunar probe, and still won 16 Nobel Prizes in hostile circumstances !

The encouragement that the existence of the Soviet Union brought to the working people at that time was a shot in the arm. Its existence proves one thing - working people are never humble, without capitalists, without noble emperors, without princes and generals, working people can create great achievements. After all, in the thousands of years before the birth of the Soviet Union, history was nothing but the princes and generals who sang and I came on stage.

To prevent the spread of communism, Western countries made huge concessions. During the Cold War, the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States and Europe remained at a relatively low level. Europe established a sound welfare system and wiped out the brutal exploitation of workers before World War II. And the reason for all this is as Che Guevara put it:

After we leave, they will build schools and hospitals for you, and they will raise your wages, not because their conscience found out, nor because they became good people, but because we came.

In terms of medicine, when Solzhenitsyn was a prisoner through labor in 1954, the local hospital in Tashkent was able to cure his lung cancer, which is a testament to the level of medical care in the Soviet Union.

The national sanatorium system has become a way of life in the Soviet Union, and sanatoriums all over the country have become a major feature of the Soviet Union. While guaranteeing the eight-hour workday, the Soviet Union turned a large number of high-end hobbies into national hobbies. For example, ballet, which was a typical aristocratic hobby in the imperial and Russian period, has become a popular culture of the whole people in the Soviet Union, which has greatly improved the aesthetic level of the people.

In terms of education, the Soviet Union has a high-intensity and high-speed education system, as well as a super high level of mathematics at the national level.

The Soviet Union focuses on fairness. There are no obvious wealth gaps and class barriers, and it is more stable. Unemployment is almost negligible, and there is no such thing as an economic crisis.

In 1979, the average East German working family could afford a private car.

After the birth of the Soviet Union, the level of feminism in the world has been greatly improved (equality between men and women is one of the core founding ideas of the Soviet Union), and women have participated in a large number of jobs in the Soviet Union. The first female pilot, the first female sniper, the first female astronaut and so on became the representatives of women's rights in the world.

The global colonial system collapsed under the dismantling of the Soviet Union, and a large number of nation-states gained independence. The membership of the United Nations has grown from more than 50 to nearly 200 in a few decades. The independence of these countries is inseparable from the support of the Soviet Union. People all over the world took up arms against the colonizers and oppressors.

The rapid advancement of science and technology, the rapid development of equal rights, the narrowing of the gap between the rich and the poor, the improvement of living standards, and the universalization of modernization, capitalists dare not arbitrarily exploit workers, and globalization dare not exploit the third world. Human beings are gradually breaking away from chains.

A great civilization must be supported by a great spirit. A country that can become a superpower must have a great mission and spirit behind it. The Union of Soviet Socialist States in human history has an irreplaceable role in promoting human civilization.

Operation August Storm, a million Soviet troops defeated the Japanese Kwantung Army within a week, and Japan surrendered

Operation August Storm, also known as the Battle of Manchuria and the Soviet-Japanese War, began on August 8, 1945. In this military operation, the Soviet Union completely defeated the Japanese Kwantung Army and occupied northeastern China, the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. This marked the Soviet Union's fulfillment of the agreement at the Yalta Conference, which declared war on Japan within three months of the surrender of Nazi Germany and joined the Pacific War.

The Russo-Japanese War at the beginning of the twentieth century ended with a victory for Japan and the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth. Through this treaty and other subsequent events, including the September 18th Incident of September 1931 and the Japanese invasion of northeastern China, Japan finally gained control over the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria, and southern Sakhalin.

In the 1930s, events on the Soviet-Japanese border continued, the most important of which included the Zhanggufeng Incident (July-August 1938) and the Battle of Nomonhan (May-September 1939), which led to the April 1941 The emergence of the Moon-Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact. The Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact allowed the Soviet Union to free its troops from border incidents and focus on fighting Germany, while also allowing Japan to focus on its southern expansion into Asia and the Pacific.

However, with the victory of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet Union's attitude towards Japan changed. Stalin issued a public speech condemning Japan, and privately ordered the Soviet army to build troops and store supplies in the Far East. At the Tehran Conference (November 1943), among other things, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin agreed to let the Soviet Union join the war against Japan after the defeat of Nazi Germany. The Soviet army continued to build up in the Far East, and it was obvious to the Japanese in early 1945 that the Soviet Union was preparing to attack Manchuria, although it was unlikely that an attack would be launched before the German surrender. Therefore, in addition to the war in the Pacific, Japan also realized that it had to determine when and where an attack would occur.

At the Yalta Conference (February 1945), Stalin, with assurances from Roosevelt of his territorial claims in the Far East, agreed to join the Pacific War two to three months after defeating Germany. By mid-March 1945, the war in the Pacific had turned against Japan, forcing it to withdraw its elite troops from Manchuria to support operations in the Pacific. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union continued to build forces in the Far East and decided not to renew the Neutrality Pact.

According to the terms of the neutrality treaty at that time, the Soviet Union must notify the Japanese side 12 months before the expiry of the treaty, so on April 5, 1945, the Soviet side informed the Japanese side that it did not wish to extend the treaty. This caused great concern in Japan, but the Soviet Union took a lot of effort to convince Japan that the treaty still had a validity period of 12 months, so the Japanese side did not have to worry about the situation continuing to deteriorate, they are now the only Axis powers still left to fight of.

They were eager to maintain peace with the Soviet Union and to extend the neutrality pact, and to end the war. Japan had repeatedly contacted or attempted to contact the Soviet Union after the Yalta Conference, hoping to extend the Neutrality Treaty and get the Soviet Union to act as an intermediary for peace talks with the Allies. The Soviet Union did not dash these hopes of the Japanese, but slowed the process as much as possible (while continuing to prepare for action).

In this, Prime Minister Suzuki Kuntaro played an active role, who came to power in April 1945 in an attempt to secure any terms of peace other than unconditional surrender. In late June, Japan moved closer to the Soviet Union (the neutrality pact was still in effect), inviting them to act as mediators in peace talks with the Allies, Japan made concrete proposals to the Soviet Union, and in return, Japan offered the Soviet Union a very attractive territorial offer concessions in return. Stalin expressed interest, while Japan awaited a reply from the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union continued to avoid responding.

From July 16 to August 2, 1945, the Potsdam Conference was held. On July 24, the Soviet Union recalled all embassy staff and family members in Japan. In the Potsdam Proclamation issued after the July 26 meeting, Churchill, Truman, and Chiang Kai-shek (the Soviet Union was still not at war with Japan at the time) demanded Japan's unconditional surrender. Japan, still awaiting a response from the Soviet Union, avoided responding to the announcement.

Japan has been monitoring trans-Siberian rail traffic and Soviet activity in eastern Manchuria and has implemented delaying tactics for the Soviet Union, while all indications are that the Soviets are not ready to attack by the end of August. But as to when or where the attack will come, they don't know the reality and have no hard evidence.

When the Soviet Union declared war an hour before midnight on August 8, 1945, Japan was completely awakened, and just after midnight on August 9, the offensive began on three fronts simultaneously.

The Soviet Army encircled Manchuria, which was similar in size to Western Europe, in a pincer-like manner, and the Soviet Red Army attacked Manchuria from the west, north and east respectively. On the Western Front, the Red Army crossed the mountains and deserts of Mongolia, away from their railroad supply lines. This was beyond the Japanese army's estimate of Soviet logistics. The Japanese did not expect the Soviet Union to declare war on Japan so soon, and they expected the Soviet Union to send troops in October at the earliest. In the first 18 hours after the war, the Japanese generals could hardly give effective command, and there were problems in the communication between the troops and the headquarters. In addition, the Soviet army used transport planes to airborne troops to various airports and urban centers, as well as supplying troops beyond the land supply line through the air force. Under the attack of the Soviet army and the air, the Japanese army was powerless.

The Soviet army quickly defeated the Kwantung Army and the puppet Manchu army with a highly mechanized absolute advantage. On August 11, Puyi and "Manchukuo" government officials began to retreat by train. On the morning of the 13th, we arrived at Dalizi Station in Linjiang County, Tonghua City. The main battle lasted about a week.

On August 15, the Japanese Emperor Hirohito read the edict on the radio, announcing Japan's unconditional surrender, and a ceasefire began the next day. On August 17, Puyi also read out the "Edict of the Emperor's Abdication" of "Manchukuo", announcing the dissolution of the Manchukuo government and the official demise of Manchukuo. On August 18, Yamada Otsuka, commander of the Kwantung Army, ordered the Manchukuo region and the 38th parallel of North Korea. The Japanese troops to the north were disarmed and the fighting ceased.

After Japan's surrender, the military campaign has devolved into a race between the United States and the Soviet Union to seize land controlled by the Japanese army. On August 18, the Red Army crossed the Yalu River and entered the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. On the same day, the Sakhalin Islands and the Kuril Islands were liberated. On August 19, Puyi and others were captured by the Red Army at Fengtian Airport.

On August 20, the Soviet army liberated the cities of Xinjing, Fengtian, Harbin and Jiamusi. On August 22, the Soviet army liberated Lushun and Dalian.

World history is the process by which new empires replace old ones. Now is the era of the Chinese National Socialist Empire. From the ancient Egyptian Empire to the ancient Roman Empire, from ancient Rome to the Mongolian Empire, from the Mongolian Yuan to the British Empire, from Great Britain to the Holy German Third Empire, from the Third Empire to the Soviet Tsarist Empire, from the Soviet Union to the North American Atlantic Pacific Financial Empire , from North America to the Chinese National Socialist Empire.


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古有马列斯,今有毛邓习 习近平是继马克思、列宁、斯大林、毛泽东与邓小平后最强的领导人