Where will the United States lose in a war between China and the United States?

This topic today is very sensitive, but it is necessary to talk about it. Especially when everyone is looking down on China, I want to provide another different perspective...


When I was about ten years old, I happened to be studying in the United States. Although I was not old enough to follow current news, the Persian Gulf War that broke out in 1990 was almost the hottest topic of the year. Adults would talk about it. The newspapers even reported on it at length. There were two things that left the deepest impression on me.

The first thing, I don’t know why, there were countless reports about the Persian Gulf War, but I only remembered one of them. It seemed like it was on the eve of the war. That news was about the United States sending 30,000 body bags first. As soon as the news came out, many people were cursing, and some even cried. How many of these 30,000 body bags will be used? I think this is a question in the minds of many people. I was still vague about the war at that time, but this news made me realize the cruelty of the war.

The second thing happened when I was studying in the United States and a new classmate was transferred to my class. He told us that he was from Kuwait. This was also the first time I heard about the country Kuwait.

The then President of the United States, Bush Sr., sent 15,000 U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia to prevent Saudi Arabia from being invaded by Iraq. At the same time, there was a wave of refugees fleeing, and the United States helped some people come to live in the United States. Issue them with identities, but the strange thing is that my Kuwaiti classmate told me that his parents didn't have time to escape, and only their two brothers came. I thought why can't the whole family leave together? I remember he was very sad when he mentioned that his parents couldn't come out, but neither he nor I were that good at English at that time, so I couldn't ask very carefully, but it was enough for me to feel uneasy about the war again.

Why should I mention my childhood memories?

If there is a war between China and the United States, whether it is a proxy war or not, I don’t think there is any need for experts. Everyone knows that if analyzed only from a military perspective, China has no chance of winning. And based on my understanding of China, this war will not win. It will definitely look uglier than Russia, and more shocking things will happen. In fact, if there are people in China who know the military region, as long as they are willing to tell the truth, even if you ask a few people, they will not be optimistic about China's military power. Many of them are just hype and cannot stand up to actual practice. Not to mention fighting the United States, it may be difficult to fight India.

So in a war between China and the United States, what are the odds of winning?

My mother once told me that this should be a famous quote that my father likes to quote. She said that there are three types of people in this world that are the most terrifying. Don’t get involved with them. The first type is people who don’t need money. The second type is people who don’t need money. The first type is a person who is shameless, and the third type is a person who is desperate for his or her life. Under the control of the CCP, Chinese leeks fully meet these three points. First of all, they don’t use money, and the government can even take advantage of the opportunity to squeeze out some benefits. The government is shameless and dares to say anything. What else can the people do besides listen and say shameless things? Finally, it is even more true to not care about life. China’s national defense control has clearly told you that they don’t care about life at all – they don’t want your life. The lives of ordinary people are not worth mentioning under the party’s policies. Even if the government’s policies are absurd, even if It's ridiculous, even if it's unreasonable, you have to accept it obediently.

This is how the control of an epidemic has been greatly reduced, let alone a war?

In fact, I have lived in Shanghai and Beijing for more than ten years combined. The above thinking logic can be applied to almost all walks of life and all types of social incidents. No one can escape them, no matter how big or small. The only difference lies in the target of the "violence". Just different. This kind of bottomless style of doing things is unimaginable in Western countries, or it is restricted. I believe that all politicians would like to become dictators if they have the opportunity, but with the relatively sound system there, there are too many constraints that force them to suppress their desire to dominate the world alone. So when they meet China's leaders, One is a clown who is free to do it, and the other is a strong man with his hands and feet bound. It is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

In the end, I quite agree with these words of Yao Cheng, former Lieutenant Colonel and Staff Officer of the Chinese Communist Navy Command:

By the way, where have all the little pinkies on Matters gone? In the past, when I published political articles, they would definitely rush in and say a few words. Isn’t it because they were beaten flat by the Party’s iron fist?


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