A Rare Experience in Life | A group outing almost never came back; turning a crisis into a turning point

This is the first time I have been the "host". I don't know if you have been the host. Anyone who has been the host must know that it is really tiring to hold an event, especially the kind that has to stay for a few days and a few nights. Every aspect of the itinerary must be planned in advance, and then prepare to face those "emergency situations" that exceed the plan.

Yilan two days and one night tour, prepare in advance

It's funny, because I'm from Yilan. During a summer vacation, my high school classmates asked me, "Well, do we want to have a "class tour"? It feels fun. Because I am a person who likes to run outside, of course I said yes when I heard Ban You, anyway, I was very busy, and I talked and talked later, and the conclusion was to go to "Yilan", which is my hometown. , and then they said directly: Oh, otherwise, you should plan the itinerary, because you are more familiar. Then I was inexplicably regarded as the "leader". In the end, I thought that it should be just planning the itinerary. Someone else should be responsible for finding people, accommodation, and transportation. (?, I was too naive. I plan all the way to the end of the journey. My God, I am from Yilan, I am not a tourist, I have no idea about finding accommodation, routes, and expenses.

The most anticipated trip becomes the most terrifying trip

As I said before, I am a person who likes to run outside, so I have been to more or less attractions in Yilan, plus some well-known check-in attractions that are super worth visiting "Rabbit Maze, Weishui Hill, Kong ㄟ Farm, Golden Car Castle , Pink Bird Forest, Bambi Hill, etc." , I think the most difficult journey is "Wei Shui Hill" . Before this journey, I have been there twice, once sitting in the back seat , the other time I went up by myself by motorcycle, so I probably knew what the road conditions were like; but I don't know which tendon I hit, and I was included in the itinerary of "Wei Shui Hill" in this group trip of 12 people. It may have been at that time. I was attracted by the scenery above. I want to say that since it is rare to come to Yilan, I must leave a good memory. Who would have thought that this trip would become a "catastrophic" for this trip. The following is the "Wei Shui" with good weather. Hill", let you see the beauty of Yilan.

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Calm before the storm

The means of transportation for our two-day, one-night tour of Yilan is a locomotive, which is relatively convenient. Just two hours before we were going to the Weishui Hill that day, we were drinking coffee and taking pictures at the "Rabbit Maze", but there were some dark clouds at that time. At that time, we were hesitating whether to go up or not. Other friends were discussing it one after another. Finally, they asked me whether it was "worth going" . Because the weather was not bad when I went there before, so I told everyone that it was really beautiful, and then encouraged them to go. In fact, the road at the beginning was very smooth; but it started to rain when we rode to the middle of the mountain road, and then we stopped to discuss whether we should reach the top or not. We didn't go, so we continued to attack the top of the mountain. Below is what we looked like when we rode halfway.

Successfully climbed to the top, and it also rained heavily

After finally overcoming the difficulty, we rode up, trembling along the way, and finally reached the top floor. It turned out that it was raining hard. We got off the car and quickly hid in the building next to us to avoid the rain. Because the rainstorm fell so suddenly, we were completely trapped on the mountain. , I can only wait to see if the rain will decrease later, and what kind of scenic spots will disappear directly in the heavy rain, let alone scenic spots, our road has become a small stream, I am super stunned at the moment, I can only pray to everyone Able to descend safely.


In the end, it was very dangerous and God blessed us. We went down the mountain safely. This also made me not dare to underestimate the weather in Yilan. In fact, as a Yilan native, I also know that Yilan is very prone to rain. At that time, I was really gambling, betting on a good weather. I thought that this trip would be a failure, because this trip was super thrilling and scary, but some friends also said that in the two days and one night trip, the most unforgettable thing for them was this We went on a trip to "The Hill of Weishui" , because at that time we were two men and women with a double load. Under the environment of wind and rain and bumpy roads, everyone became super frightened, and at the same time paid attention to each other at all times, resulting in a bit similar " "Suspension Bridge Effect" (?, but I still recommend that you don't try it XD. Anyway, this experience is really unforgettable for me.


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小塗|保險&理財_乾貨製造機我是小塗,是個大四生!目前在保險經紀人公司發展,歡迎各位嘉賓的來訪。 這裡有粉多好康,談談投資理財、談談保險金融、聊聊思維、聊聊新世界觀。 期許更多人踏入小塗宇宙,泡杯茶,喝杯咖啡,一起靜下來學習。
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