【Strawberry Cake】——Day by day I love you more

赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415
Hehai Tianwen ✨ More than 3,000 words are finished in one post~ Very sweet, very sweet, don't die (cover your face)

Lee Hyuk Jae was preparing ramen noodles in Lee Dong Hae's kitchen when he suddenly noticed that his lover was behaving strangely.

Li Donghai, who was sitting on the sofa, had a stubborn hair on his head. Although his eyes were fixed on the TV, he would sneak a glance at He Zai from time to time. He was not sitting on the sofa as usual, but his back was straight and his posture was stunned. Looking at the standard, you can shake your hands and feet, scratch your shoulders and back, and your whole body looks like fleas, like a fluffy, restless cat.

Li Hezai slightly bent the corners of his mouth, said nothing, took out the pot, filled it with water, and started to boil it. It won't be long before Li Donghai will not attack himself, and it will never take more than five minutes.

Lee Hyuk Jae's intuition never goes wrong. When staring at the pot, he pretended not to see the little feet that Donghai moved over step by step, as if he didn't want him to find out. When the distance was close enough, Li Hezai looked up at Li Donghae and crashed into a pair of panicked eyes.

"What are you doing?" Lee Hyuk Jae said, his eyes full of interest, and the expression on his face said "You can't do anything to hide from my eyes."

Li Donghae floated in front of Li Hezai like a deflated balloon. He sat on the chair on the island in the kitchen, resting his chin on his hands, staring at Li Hezai without saying a word, just looking at him like that.

Lee Hyuk Jae was stared furiously, turned his back and put the ramen into the pot, and was suddenly looped from behind. Li Donghae's arms wrapped around Li Hejae's waist softly, and his whole body was stuck behind him, hugging him tightly as if to merge into one.

The heartbeat accelerated a lot, Li Hezai paused, put down the spoon, put his hand on Li Donghai's, and squeezed gently.

"Why are you acting coquettish all of a sudden?" Li Hezai gently released Li Donghai's hand, turned around, and without waiting for Li Donghai to answer, he wrapped his left hand around his waist and his right hand on the back of his head, and suddenly lowered his head to kiss him. Li Donghai's lips were small, soft and sweet, and he didn't want to let go after a kiss. Li Hezai attacked the city recklessly, and the boiling water vapor enveloped them. Li Donghai's face was flushed with heat, his waist and legs were weak, and his eyelashes were moist. He likes Lee Hyuk Jae's kiss and is willing to sink forever.

Lee Hyuk Jae kissed for a while, and felt that the ramen was about to boil before letting go of the person in his arms, wiping the tears from the corners of Lee Donghae's eyes with one hand, and the water light from his lips with the other. Then he kissed Li Donghai again, because his rosy face was too attractive.

"Why do you cry every time you kiss?" Lee Hyuk Jae said with a smile, brought the pot to the table, took two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks, and their Chinese meal was settled like this. Although it is in Lee Donghae's house, Lee Hyukjae does not plan to live a life-threateningly healthy life of Lee Donghae.

Li Donghai shook his head, the feeling of lack of oxygen in his head made him a little dizzy. It happens every time I kiss Lee Hyuk Jae, even after years of being together. But he can't be so arrogant! What he planned to do, he did not forget.

"Hezai." Li Donghai's milky voice was soft, and with that innocent angelic face, almost no one could say no to him. "I'm going to Haru this afternoon to meet my trainee brother."

"Then I'll go too." Li Hezai replied conditioned reflexively.


Hearing Li Donghai's answer, Li Hezai looked up at him and frowned in confusion. Li Donghai arranged to go out on a rare day when both of them were on vacation? Even if you want to go out, don't let yourself follow?

"Why?" Lee Hyuk Jae put down his chopsticks, put on a grieved face of a cute little box, and showed weakness to Donghae like he was coquettish to his mother.

"The trainee younger brother doesn't know you." Li Donghai looked at Li Hezai seriously, and was not touched by his aggrieved face.

"Did you know when you went there?"

"He didn't want to meet you."


"Say you want to meet me alone."

The alarm bell in Lee Hyuk Jae's heart rang loudly, meet alone? In a coffee shop? What is a lonely man to do? Are you going to start singing green light now?

"No." Li Hezai made a decisive decision, and his tone was not very decisive because he did not want to limit Li Donghai's freedom, but the anxiety in his voice was obvious. As artists, there are too many flowers and plants around them, and things can easily get out of control for no reason. He trusts Donghai, but it is true. I don't want him to go.

"Just one afternoon, he wanted to chat with me. It's the same company, help the younger generation, it should be." Li Donghai stretched out his hand and patted the back of Li Hezai's hand.

Afraid that Li Hezai would say no again, Li Donghai ran over to Li Hezai's side and put his arms around Li Hezai's neck. Said, "So you just acted like a spoiled brat, afraid I won't agree?"

Li Donghae withdrew his hand as if he had done something wrong, and sat back in his seat sullenly, "No, you can't just act like a spoiled brat."

Li Hezai had nothing to do with Li Donghai, although he really wanted to stay at home with him, hug and kiss, and then do some inappropriate things, but they never interfered in each other's activities, because they trusted each other, and because they came to Japan for a long time. Li Donghai acted coquettishly because he felt indebted for neglecting himself, and he didn't really need his permission to go out.

But when he watched Li Donghae go out, Li Hezai was still angry. You go to see your brother like this! what about me! Punching the sofa childishly a few times, Lee Hyuk-jae was deflated and returned to his holiday cripple mode, lying on the sofa watching TV, glancing at the clock from time to time.

It has been more than two hours, and Li Donghai has not returned home. Li Hezai blinked his sour eyes, watching TV for so long, he lay down until his bones were about to fall apart, and his whole body was aching from bad posture. Sighing and turning off the TV, Li Hezai paced back to the room and fell into the bed to sleep.

He was awakened by the ringing of the phone, and the caller ID was "Li Donghe".

"Hello?" Li Hezai's voice was hoarse, with drowsiness that had not yet dissipated.

"Hezai, come take me home!" Li Donghai's tone was excited, as if something shocking had happened.

"Didn't you drive? Why do you want me to pick it up?" Li Hezai said, but his hands and feet began to move quickly, putting on socks and caps, and the next step was to get the car keys.

"Wait for you!" Li Donghai hung up the phone happily, knowing that his lover would definitely come to him.

When he arrived at Haru, Lee Hyuk Jae was surprised to find that the entire store was dark, although it was still open during business hours. He glanced at his watch, it was only six o'clock in the evening, how could it be as pitch-black as if the store was down?

Gently pushing the door open, he whispered, "Haihai?"

In an instant, the lights were bright, and the entire cafe was lit up. The blank walls were hung with pictures they took in Hawaii. The photo frame reflected the light of the chandelier, and the surface glass reflected Lee Hyuk Jae's surprised eyes. There was a slight noise from the kitchen, and Li Donghai walked towards Li Hezai step by step with a strawberry cake in both hands.

He walked over, just like when they were in Hawaii, Lee Hyuk Jae knelt down to propose marriage, and Lee Dong Hae approached step by step with a smile, steadfast and unswerving.

"Are you scared?" Li Donghai smiled softly, his tone was obviously mischievous, but the gentleness on his face made him look like an unearthly fairy, and the gleam in the corner of his eyes warmed every inch of Li Hezai's heart.

Li Hezai stared at the photo, his emotions flooded, and he almost burst into tears for a moment, his eyes reddened. But seeing Li Donghai sticking some flour between his eyebrows, his tears disappeared, and he couldn't help laughing out loud. Li Donghai's pants were also in vain. Looking at the strawberry cake he was holding, he instantly knew what his lover was busy with in the afternoon.

There was a smile in his eyes but the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed. Li Hezai approached Li Donghae and wiped the flour from his face, "Fool, it's stained."

Li Hezai looked at the cake in Li Donghai's hand. The cream was spread evenly, and the strawberries were bright red and big. The eight-inch cake looked very delicate. The cream, cake body, and strawberries were stacked beautifully and neatly, and a lot of work was done.

"The photo is beautiful." Lee Hyuk Jae said in a low voice, lowered his head and kissed Donghae's forehead, "So does the cake."

Putting the cake on the table next to him, Lee Hyuk Jae lowered his eyes and checked Dong Hae's hand. Li Donghae always had an accident when he touched electrical appliances. He made apple pie before, but the temperature was too high due to improper operation of the oven. Li Donghae stretched his hand in and was directly burned, so scared that Li Hezai would never let him touch the oven again.

"It's not hurt, don't worry." Li Donghai held Li Hezai's hand with his backhand, smiling and winking beautifully, "Are you happy?" Like a coquettish cat, its tail wrapped around Li Hezai's heart.

"Happy." Lee Hyuk Jae smiled and hugged Lee Dong Hae into his arms, "Is it a holiday today? Why did you surprise me all of a sudden." Lee Hyuk Jae said softly, going over the calendar in his mind. It's not their birthday, it's not a wedding anniversary, it's not a dating anniversary, and it's not a Chinese Valentine's Day.

"It's not a holiday, it's just an ordinary day." Li Donghae hugged Li Hejae tightly, feeling the warmth of his lover, "I just want to be an ordinary person who makes my husband happy on an ordinary day."

Li Hezai laughed out loud, and the vibration in his chest spread to Li Donghai, which made Li Donghai also laugh and said helplessly, "This is a very touching moment, don't laugh."

"I'm very touched." Li Hezai gently raised Li Donghae's face, put one arm around his waist and held his face in the other, "Husband."

They seldom call each other husbands, and the nauseous name makes people cringe, although their behavior is much more nauseous than this. At this moment, both of them blushed, and their ears were redder than chili peppers, but no one wanted to look away.

Li Donghai stood on tiptoe and lightly kissed Li Hezai's lips, with a strong meaning of protection and treasure.

"I love you." Lee Donghae said with a smile, his eyes fixed on Lee Hyukjae. In the past, he had to use all the strength and courage of his life to say these words, because he didn't know what Li Hezai's reply would be.

But it's different now. He can say I love you with ease and fear, because he knows that Hye Jae loves him too.

"I love you too." Li Hezai rubbed the tip of Li Donghai's nose, resting his forehead against his. "love you forever."

Whether it's Eun Hyuk who is a star or Lee Hyuk Jae who is an ordinary person, they are the moonlight in my heart, a being that is more precious than anything in the world, someone I swear to protect and love forever.

Li Donghae in front of the screen belongs to everyone, but Li Donghe, who is coquettish, spends his time preparing for surprises, and is all about making fun, belongs to me alone. And being that lucky one, I'm so grateful.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415Instagram: eunhae_stories 專寫赫海文✨ 能有一個人這樣陪伴你,不論以何種身份,親密又溫暖,多好啊。
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