

Eight months have passed in 2020, and it seems that a lot has happened, and it seems that nothing has been done.

The social movements and conflicts in Hong Kong, which have continued since the early summer of 2019, have completely reversed the original development pattern of the city. Some people are still delusional about returning to the beauty and comfort of the past, but more people realize that some things have changed, that is, they have changed. Nothing can go back.

The outbreak of the new crown pneumonia virus at the beginning of the year spread from Wuhan to the whole country and then to the whole world. The power of the virus' internationalization has paralyzed the medical systems of many countries; in order to prevent the large-scale spread of the virus, many governments have imposed restrictions on gatherings, closed cities and suspended flights. , remote work, and more people are forced to live at home all day long.

In fact, he became a freelance worker last year, and he has adapted to the pace of life working from home. However, the epidemic has further impacted the economy, and many activities cannot be held, which indirectly affects the workload.

the departure of relatives

The biggest blow of the year was when my father left us due to cancer.

During the Lunar New Year, he was fine and very happy to have Chinese New Year dinner with us. He suddenly became unwell within a week. After the doctor's diagnosis, it was found that the cancer cells had spread to his brain, and the enlarged tumor affected the coordination and mobility of the body.

In the environment of the outbreak of the epidemic, we took our father to the hospital for observation and treatment every time. The whole process was tense and stressful, because his body was very weak. Once he contracted the disease, it would also affect the course of treatment. The epidemic prevented him from going out freely, nor could he Have a relaxing meal with friends and meet up. But my father's condition is as follows. He spends more and more time lying in bed, simple movements, getting up and walking, going to the toilet and bathing, and we have to take turns to help.

The tumor not only affected his mobility, but also gradually affected his thinking. He couldn't remember what happened the day before, and his thinking ability was as simple as a child's. He was also satisfied with cleaning his face and body a little; he was also happy when he was fed delicious food. It is unimaginable that the best day of my relationship with my father turned out to be the most serious period of his illness.

The only help from the epidemic is that our family can stay at home, concentrate on taking care of my father, and accompany him through the last part of his life.

unspeakably tired

The death of my father was a blow to me beyond my imagination. Originally, I didn’t talk much with my father. When I grew up, I communicated with him politely, and I couldn’t control some of his strange actions and thoughts. As everyone knows, to formally say goodbye to my father, the tears still can't stop.

We are reluctant to part with it, but we are glad that he left painlessly and got rid of the torment of the disease. It has been two months, and there is only one person in the family. At first, I couldn't bring up my father's departure. Now I occasionally complain about the trouble he caused, and I also think about what will happen to him. It seems that he has been freed from grief, and what is left is A bit of sadness and sadness.

We are stuck at home because of the epidemic, and we dare not walk around too much. However, being trapped in this space inevitably evokes my father's weak and sick face, not the frightening scene of a fall from epilepsy. The best healing therapy should be to go out to relax, change the scene to forget, and balance the sorrow with happiness. However, the epidemic is rampant, and there is nowhere to go.

Live well

In a bad mood, it is difficult to continue to bear more bad news from society.

I also deliberately avoided paying too much attention to social changes. I was afraid that without a strong heart, I would feel more and more depressed, and even the remaining strength would be exhausted.

In order to allow myself to continue to live, on the one hand, I watch the society sinking soberly, on the other hand, I construct my own parallel world, work hard to deal with the work in front of me, support myself, grit my teeth, and live a good life.

People are lighthearted, they can only keep their posts, do their duty well, and hold on to their conscience. In the face of high winds and waves, there are family members here, help yourself to hold your breath, survive to the end, and save hope, in order to see the beautiful scenery of the bright dawn.


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