Is spot gold good for intraday trading? Avoid frequent operations!

The recent inflation rate in the United States has begun to decline, and Fed officials also said that if inflation declines, the rate of interest rate hikes will decrease, which is undoubtedly good for gold prices. There are already many fundamentals supporting the price of gold in the market. Once the rate hike is not as expected, the price of gold may rise to a new level. Let me tell you about the intraday trading of spot gold? How to trade?

The recent inflation rate in the United States has begun to decline, and Fed officials also said that if inflation declines, the rate of interest rate hikes will decrease, which is undoubtedly good for gold prices. There are already many fundamentals supporting the price of gold in the market. Once the rate hike is not as expected, the price of gold may rise to a new level. Let me tell you about the intraday trading of spot gold? What needs to be paid attention to?

What is spot gold?

Spot gold is a gold investment product. It has no physical delivery, online transactions, no need to store gold, and transactions are very convenient. Investing in spot gold, investors can trade 24 hours a day, two-way trading and T+0 trading. Under the effect of leverage, investors will gain huge profits by seizing profit opportunities.

Is spot gold good for intraday trading?

Spot gold contains leverage, and the price fluctuates violently during the day. In fact, it is more suitable for short-term trading, that is, intraday trading. Seize the profit in the day, and short-term trading will also have the opportunity to obtain high returns. For example, if the price of gold fluctuates by 1 US dollar, and investors trade 1 lot, in the right direction, the rate of return at this time is 10%, which is already higher than most investments. The annual rate of return of the product is higher.

What should I pay attention to in intraday trading?

Intraday trading should be controlled frequently, and if the frequency is too high, huge costs will be incurred. Now, if you invest 1 lot of spot gold, you need to pay a spread fee of $50, and the spread fee for trading 10 lots is as high as $500. In addition to frequent control, investors also need to choose a micro-spread account for trading. When trading 1 lot in this account, the spread fee can be as low as $15, and you can win at the starting line at the beginning.

Ultra-low transaction costs, the spread charge is as low as an average of $15/lot, and you can grasp more profits!

Is spot gold good for intraday trading? Spot gold is not physical gold and has no realisation cost. In fact, it is more suitable for intraday trading. There is no need to worry about low returns in intraday trading. Under the effect of leverage, intraday trading will also achieve high returns. When doing intraday trading, investors should pay attention to controlling the frequency of transactions, and also choose micro-spread account transactions, which can control costs.


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