Today, the topic of my speech is...

"Hey are you okay?" Podcast S5E2, the first time as a lecturer as a podcaster, after overturning the draft of the preview in my head, I forced myself to press the record button, and finished the first preview in one go
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Single episode release date: 2022-04-08
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Written Ahead: Voice Content and Stories Beyond Single Episode Narratives (Shownotes)

The podcast itself already has audio content, single-episode text narration, and supplementary links. Since we are going to post an update, let’s try to write something that is not carried on the podcast. I haven’t figured out the common theme of these articles. Maybe it’s behind the scenes of the production, maybe it’s The allusions of the content, and perhaps the unrelated trivial things of life, can be regarded as the little easter eggs in every single episode update!

Communication and consensus: the most troublesome part of each cooperation case

For me, using mail as a communication tool for cooperation cases is the most preferred choice. You can use asterisks, classification labels, and combine calendars and to-do reminders to avoid scheduling more than your physical state can handle. You can also remind yourself that you are awake. complete the work as soon as possible

It's just that LINE communication is too common in Taiwan. Many windows will ask for my LINE ID directly through the introducer or in the letter in order to facilitate each other's instant response.
Use this as the main conduit for text messages and files to be sent back and forth

In the case of this event with two speakers, there have been many gaps in information cognition. It is necessary to repeatedly confirm with the organizer and another speaker the way and content of the event. Compared with the prepared content, these communication messages are exchanged and consensus reached. The process is more laborious

Speech styles in the post-pandemic era

Many physical activities have gradually transformed into online conferences in the past two years. From my personal observation, whether speakers or listeners, the situation of opening video cameras is becoming less and less common. Listen to the speaker

As soon as I learned that this was an online lecture attended by a physical presence (speakers were present, listeners were online in the conference room), I immediately told the organizer that I would not do a slideshow. The "no" here, not just me I didn't plan to do it. Since I got sick, I have been unable to make a slideshow with a clear logical structure and a concise and eye-catching layout. I won't do it. When I go to the end, I actually give myself a very harsh evaluation: "I can't do it."

I tell myself:
Hey! I'm a podcaster, and I only use my voice to convey what I want to say. This is something I've been doing for more than two years.
At that time, there will be more shots in the shooting, let the body language naturally appear with the voice!

The site is always organic

In a state of extreme tension, anxiety and pressure, I couldn't sleep at all the night before the event. Make an outline, press the record button, and maintain the breathing rhythm. It's one take to complete this podcast.
The content of the speech is expected to be about 40 minutes, which is just right

After the schedule was released, it was just before dawn, after a simple breakfast, and went out for a ride to the venue.

Everything is left to the partners at the scene and the self who is feeling at the moment, because only me and the listeners who heard this podcast know the content of the pre-speaking, and I know that it will not be exactly the same at that time, so let it become an organic form of this episode. Exclusive memory of the event


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

雞蛋糕 GCAKE《喂喂你還好不好》:一個現役憂鬱症患者的日常 Podcast Podcast 創作者、製作人、製作教學 創作日常反思和閒聊在 象特
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[個人小空投] DHK Dao 治理代幣 DHK,限量 10 顆


《喂喂你還好不好》 Podcast 總下載收聽數破十萬