about human value

Is your value calculated by the sum of what you wear?

The distance from the other half is -16 hours. I am today and I received a call from him yesterday. He has been shopping with his family for a while, and the simple shopping trip actually gave us the opportunity to examine ourselves.

He said: "I went shopping with my sister's family in the mall today, and a store cost thousands of dollars. I couldn't believe my eyes. Their conversations only left money, only fame and fortune, and they talked about who and what. The kids all wear Ralph Lauren, and they also want to buy brand names for the kids to wear, and when it comes to the party, the friend's wife will put their LV bags on the table, so she also has to buy one, or she will lose to them. They shop this time Only focus on the brand, not comfort and value. They only want to go in if the brand is loud. They bought a lot of gifts and said they wanted to give them to friends, but they didn't buy anything for their parents at all. I am amazed at how she has changed in recent years. "His sister is a dentist, making a lot of money is not a problem, we are discussing the value level.

I asked, "Do you feel like they live this life that makes you feel inferior to them? I hope you don't feel that way."

He said, "No! I would like to thank you for your spiritual help over the past few years. In the past, I was easily influenced by other people and thought I was inferior to others, but now I look at these people and find it interesting. When they go shopping, I wait at the door because I have already bought what I need a few days ago, and I don’t want to buy anything when I go in.”

From the time I met him, I knew he was a very simple and easily influenced person. His graduate classmates, when they meet each other, will give false greetings, and then cut the subject to "how much is your annual salary" to judge whether you are a "successful person", are you better off than me? After graduation, they all found jobs related to the department, and the salary was relatively higher. He was not interested in civil engineering, so he engaged in other industries, but every time he got together, he was thinking about whether to apply for the relevant department or not. Industry, at least the salary will be higher.

I asked, "Would you be happier if you got a job as a civil engineer?"

"No, because I'm really not interested," he said.

I said, "Then you should continue to do the work that makes you happy. How others see it is not so important, we just need to manage the money well. The annual salary is not your value. Our goal should be to improve ourselves. Make each other better people."

Over the years, we have been continuously improving our mentality, realizing that material life should not be the goal of life, nor should we measure a person's value by pretending. Perhaps because money is intangible and cannot be discerned with the naked eye, it has to tell the world through its physical form, "I'm doing fine."

Back to calling...

I said, "I know that you will inevitably be influenced by the words around you, and I hope you don't devalue yourself with other people's values. You don't think we have set goals for the past few years to achieve financial freedom together, spend more prudently, and own things Less, but happier. I really realize that no amount of material things can bring me a higher sense of pleasure, the spiritual satisfaction is really wonderful, what do you think?”

He said, "Me too!"

"Come back quickly!"

Pursuing a goal together, even though it runs counter to the people around you, as long as you believe that you can do it, everything else is trivial.


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R.C.喜歡閱讀、喜歡說故事、喜歡避免衝突。 希望我的文字、我的故事能溫暖你的心靈。 或是給你一記當頭棒喝也好。
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