【TCLin's Travel Log】Japanese Food: Itoigawa - Miyuki🍶🍶

Japanese local izakaya~✌️

🔴 - Not the latest information, for reference only

I introduced a cheaper izakaya in Hokkaido's Susukino-Ebisu store
Come to the introduction room today, the restaurant I ate when I went to Itoigawa

📝 - About Itoigawa <br class="smart">Located at the westernmost tip of Niigata Prefecture, it is a city facing the Sea of Japan and a world-renowned jade producing area

🔷 - Miyuki- 🔷

◆ Miyuki◆ Source: me

In fact, this dinner is also a long time to find the fourth restaurant to eat successfully

I entered a shop in the middle, and after sitting for a while, I found that the boss couldn't do the order, plus the train frequency was limited, so I simply changed the room. The shop is located in a certain alley.

◆ Miyuki◆ Source: me

The menu ordering with almost no Chinese characters is really faltering, very interesting 😂

The picture below should be considered braised pork + braised egg because it is written on the menu, in fact, I don't understand it very well, I still need a little more Chinese characters.

◆ Miyuki◆ Source: me

The one on the right is quite delicious. It seems to be a sand liver because there are no Chinese characters. It is basically a guessing game.

◆ Miyuki◆ Source: me

In this recipe, I will introduce cutting through the soy sauce into small pieces, the taste is pretty good, and then it tastes sweet 😋😋

◆ Miyuki◆ Source: me

This is mainly to order with wine, the more you bite, the more delicious it will be.

◆ Miyuki◆ Source: me

I used to live with the Japanese in Rebun Island before and I would order a glass of draft beer first when I came out.

Then slowly add some hot sake Delicious seafood with hot sake is really great👍

◆ Miyuki◆ Source: me

But this kind of store is not as cheap as the store introduced before, but the taste will increase by many percentage points.


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