If you let me change career

Photo by Sarah khan on Unsplash

Are you satisfied with your current job?

If you could choose again, what career would you switch to?

Well, regardless of whether you have that major or skill, just based on your own interests, you can choose a career that you are really interested in. What would you choose?

I want to be an interior designer

If I didn't need to consider professional skills and let me re-select my career, I would want to be an interior designer.

In fact, since I was a child, I have been very interested in the interior decoration of other people's homes, so I especially like to visit other people's homes and want to see what other people's homes are like.

When I was a child, I would stand on the street and look at the windows of the buildings, hoping to look into other people's homes through the windows, and then imagine what it would be like to live in that home.

I tried the unit I lived in for sale upstairs and downstairs. I immediately seized the opportunity to see it and saw that the same compartment has a completely different decoration design. life, I find it very interesting.

I never thought of becoming an interior designer before, because I had no talent for drawing since I was a child, and I was not good at the sense of space and size.

So when do I want to be an interior designer?

It should be a small renovation of the home in recent years.

When I first moved into my current residence, there was a designer who designed it. I didn't think much about it at that time, because the other party designed a lot of plans that I couldn't imagine, so I accepted it completely.

A few years ago, the home was in urgent need of renovation. Since I didn't have time to find an interior designer, I used my own brains to modify it.

In fact, I didn't think of any major changes, the main thing is to think about the design of different cabinets and cloakrooms. I have experience in making cabinets before. Don't think that other people's designs can meet my needs 100%. Although I really want the other party to surprise me, in the end, the other party's design and what I want are often two different things. After all I am the user, and I know what I really need, so in the end I can only draw it myself, and then let the master do the same. Of course, the master will propose revisions where it can’t be done, but at least that’s according to me. request to do.

Later, I subscribed to some design companies on Facebook, and I saw decoration design photos from time to time. Every time I saw my eyes light up, wow, there is such a practice now, wow, this trick can be used...

A few months ago, I suddenly decided to renovate my daughter's room. I have some ideas myself, but the plan proposed by the designer is better, and then I put forward some counter-suggestions. After going back and forth several times, I finally finalized the draft, although it is not very good. Gorgeous design, but greatly improved in function and aesthetics, successfully turning a children's room into a girl's room.

In the process, I found that interior design is really interesting. It is an art that turns decay into magic. If I can become an interior designer, I can design different plans for more units and satisfy my desire to imagine other people's home life.

Although it is never too late to realize my dream, it should be difficult for me to switch careers as an interior designer. After all, I have no foundation, so I can only make a brighter universe next time I have the opportunity to renovate.

More life insights: some life


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