garden story

The story of the growth of my garden.

I have my own garden at the front door of my house. Since I moved here, every time a friend visits, they ask me why I don’t make good use of it, plant some plants, and make the garden more like a garden? However, neither my wife nor I like gardening. This garden is just for children to have more space and play when they are young. Therefore, this place has always been an unremarkable open space.

Since the children have grown up, this garden has only become a barbecue place when friends occasionally visit, and I have never thought about how to make good use of it.

As the child grows up, the helper's housework becomes less and less, so the helper's sister starts planting one or two plants in the garden in her spare time. In this way, starting with one or two plants, it gradually becomes a garden full of dozens of different plants in a few years, and the pots are placed on the ground of the garden.

My wife and I don't object to her interest. Anyway, we can turn the ordinary and lifeless garden into a thriving and colorful garden. Why not do it. So, we ordered some flower stands and let her place the plants one by one better and more neatly.

At first, I just changed the old bookshelf into a flower stand to place plants
Added a new flower stand for better placement of plants

Under her careful care, the garden has also become a topic of admiration among visiting friends, and she has also been glamorous. Friends think it is the credit of my wife and me, and they have to explain it happily every time.

What is even more gratifying is the annual flower season, which always brings surprises from time to time when you go out and pass the garden. Fragrant flowers seem to appear in front of you suddenly, greeting you and wishing you well, and also seem to show off deliberately in front of you. To let you know its existence and beauty, you have to let you Stop and watch first.

The elder sister of the helper was leaving after her contract expired in the middle of last year. Before she left, what she cared most about was what would happen to those garden plants? This has also become a problem for us. I asked myself that I never knew anything about gardening, nor did I have any interest in it, and I couldn't name the plants in the garden. In the past, it was purely because of the planting and care of the domestic servant sister that the garden became lush. I just enjoy the fruits of planting.

In the future, when the helper sister leaves, this garden suddenly becomes the garden that I will take care of. I thought in my heart that before she leaves, it is better to ask her to give all the plants to her friends, but I can’t do it for a while. This is how it is handled. So this garden became my garden.

However, for the so-called care, my mentality is to water them when I have time, and see how long those plants can last on that day, until they die one by one, then throw them away one by one.

The garden fell into the hands of a man who did not care about the flowers. The so-called watering care is only done once when I remember it, so I really started to see some plants slowly withering and withering. This scene is really unbearable.

Every day I go out and pass the garden, from the feeling of anticipation in the past, to the tragic image of wanting to hide my face. It was really unreasonable, so I told myself to make up my mind to water the plants and weeds regularly every day, at least let these plants get the most basic care, try to maintain their right to live, and not wither so quickly Bar.

Just as I started to continue the simplest watering and irrigation, some plants that had withered unexpectedly sprouted new shoots again. Let me have to admire the wonder and strength of life. The life created by God, as long as there is still a little strength, will work hard to survive and will not give up lightly.

These regenerated plants give me great encouragement. What I have experienced in Hong Kong in the past few years has always been very frustrating, and it has constantly broken people's fighting spirit, making people easily discouraged. However, watching the vitality of these plants made me understand that as long as there is still a little space and a little strength, don't give up, and you can still bloom wonderfully in your limited space.

This year's summer is here, and I once again let me see flowers blooming in my garden. Although it is not as lush as it was when the helper sister took care of it in the past. However, what I saw was another display of vitality.

The first sunflower to bloom this year
From one soft flower to five
In the past, there were several flowers in a pot, but now there is only one flower, but it is still very bright
 "How do you think the lily grows? It neither toils nor spins. Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these! You people of little faith Oh, the grass in the field is still there today, and it will be thrown into the furnace tomorrow. God will give it such adornment, let alone you! You don’t ask what to eat or drink, and don’t worry about it. This is what the Gentiles ask for. .You must use these things. Your Father knows it. Ask only for His kingdom, and these things will be given to you.” (Matthew 6:17-31)

Finally, think of two passages in the Bible as a summary of this garden story. I also hope this will be your encouragement.

 "He will not break a bruised reed, nor will he quench a flimsy flax until he executes justice, and justice prevails;" (Matthew 12:10)

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