Story Creation|VAF Sailing: Wormhole・Book of Jihan・Travel (Part 2)

Square Grid Call for Essays|The Book of Jihan's Story Creation Part 3

For the relevant characters in the text, please refer to the introduction of the characters on the official website of VOCUS AND FRIENDS

Ivan Diaz on Unsplash

Amber knew that he was not good at history, but he still knew something about the empire . "You said that the last time this legend appeared was the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages? That dark age!"

Nick continued to flip through the records in the book, "Yes, in the following eras and countries, there is no more description of the book of Jihan, as if it disappeared."

when! when! when! ..., and suddenly there were large and small banging sounds from the outside of the Pioneer's hull.

Amber pricked up her keen ears "Listen to this sound, is it a meteorite group? But something is not right."

Amber immediately got up and turned to the driving area to look "Hey Mario, this is..."

At this point Mario was gripping the lever and shouting , " Just some meteorites, don't worry, the Pioneer's hull is pretty solid and it'll be fine; but Captain, there seems to be some kind of strong suction that's pulling the hull up. !"

"Well, I can feel it, and these meteorites are also flying in the same direction, but there is no abnormality in the detector. Let me confirm what's going on." Vokes quickly pressed the hull perspective button above the pilot's seat.

At this time, a message came from the Earth headquarters: "Call the Pioneer! We have detected an unknown abnormal energy space above the ship! Please drive away from it immediately."

Mario was holding the lever firmly to keep the boat balanced. "I think so too! But its suction is too strong, and it is very difficult to maintain the hull from being sucked away at present!"

At this time, the outer structure of the hull gradually became transparent through the perspective button, and everyone gasped after looking up...

Vokes widened his eyes and said, "Nick, is this a black hole? Mario, doesn't the Pioneer have an additional nuclear acceleration engine, start it quickly and get out of it."

I saw Mario sweating and saying "I just turned it on, but it didn't respond."

Vokes quickly pressed the hull detection instrument, and the detection instrument could see that the position of the acceleration engine was abnormally lit with a red light, and it showed that the engine was lowered abnormally!

Mario said in a rather unhappy tone , "Damn, who designed it! Why did the accelerator engine design look like the landing gear of an airplane?"

Nick was a little angry, but he held back. "Captain, this is not a black hole. But it is as dangerous as a black hole. This is a wormhole, and the acceleration engine cannot be lowered. The detector shows that the lowering shaft must be stuck by something. ”

Vokes kept thinking about any feasible way in his mind: "It should be stuck by the meteorite, Mario, you are here, I will put on a space suit and go to remove the meteorite."

Amber blocked the front of Vokes at this time , "Captain, you and Mario must stay in the driver's seat to avoid other emergencies, and a bunch of meteorites are flying around, I am the best here, and the task is left to me! "

Mario yelled "No, you're too dangerous! Let me come and go."

"Don't underestimate me, you can help me a lot by holding the boat properly!"

Vokes put his hand on Amber's shoulder . "Okay, then it's up to you, be careful. Nick, you help Amber with the spacesuit and out of the ship."

Amber and Nick said in unison "Yes! Captain."

Amber turned immediately and shouted "Nick, let's go!"

Nick quickly followed Amber to the exit pod to assist, while Vokes returned to the driver's seat to assist Mario and report the situation to Earth Headquarters.
In the exit module, Nick was quickly helping Amber put on the space suit and check, and Amber would also place the tools he needed firmly on his body.

After everything was ready, Amber looked at Nick with a worried face and said, "Don't worry, it will be alright, I will come back to hear you finish talking about the Book of Jihan!"

Nick was still disturbed and said, "I always feel that the wormhole is quite special. Anyway, you have to be careful."

After Amber entered the decompression chamber alone, he strolled to the exit of the hull. Although his experience in the thieves group has allowed Amber to cope with any situation, it is still difficult to suppress his nervousness to the point of trembling hands when performing a mission in outer space for the first time, especially when opening the hatch. After seeing the world outside space, it is even more shocking.

"Amber, don't worry, you can do it. As a flying fox family, nothing can stop you." After shouting to himself, Amber leaned out of the cabin to check the large position of the acceleration engine equipment.

"Fortunately, the equipment is located at the stern of the ship below, and it should be able to be reached immediately through the aircraft, but these meteorites that fly from time to time are troublesome. If they are hit, they will suffer." After turning on the aircraft behind him, he flew to the equipment position stably. Fortunately, Mario worked hard to stabilize the hull of the ship, keeping the Pioneer between the wormhole and himself, as long as he moved close to the hull and paid attention to the flying meteorites.

At this time, Nick had moved to the outside monitoring screen to check the situation outside, and reminded Amber from time to time to pay attention to the approaching meteorite.

When Amber arrived at the lowering position of the acceleration engine, he found that, as Vokes said, a meteor the size of a fist was just stuck between the engine lowering gate and the hull. And stuck in this position "Report to the captain, the problem has been found, it is a meteorite, and the elimination operation will be carried out immediately."

"Well done, go back to the ship as soon as possible after eliminating it." Vokes glanced at Mario and said, "What's wrong, Amber will complete the mission, why is he still worried."

"Vokes, I'm still a little worried for some reason, so let me go and support her, okay?"

Vokes nodded, "Go, leave it to me here, make sure to bring her back safely."

Before Vokes could finish speaking, Mario hurriedly jumped out of the driver's seat and ran to the exit cabin . "Thank you, Captain!"

Amber took out the tools from his body and tried his best to pry the meteorite out. "Captain, the platoon work is completed, please lower the engine again."

After Vokes presses the accelerator button again, the lower gate can be opened normally, and the nuclear accelerator engine is placed from the gate. "Well done Amber, you go back to the cabin, and when you come in, you can start the accelerator and leave here."

Ambe controlled the aircraft to fly towards the entrance again, and Nick hurried back to the exit cabin to meet her. Just as he was about to reach the entrance, Amber felt an object flying towards her behind him, and when he was about to turn around, "Bump!" A meteorite the size of a basketball hit directly behind her. Due to the impact, Amber hit the hull of the ship, flipped over several times, and floated away.

"Amber Amber! Did you hear that? Are you okay?" The Vokes voice on the communicator awakened Amber, who had fainted from the impact.

"Report Captain, I'm fine. My health monitoring is normal at the moment. Fortunately, the tether is holding it so that it won't float too far away from the ship. I'll go back immediately." Amber waved her limbs to confirm that she was not injured. Wormhole was frightened and hurriedly operated the aircraft to leave quickly.

"Damn, what's the matter, the aircraft can't move, report to the captain, the aircraft should be damaged by the meteorite just now and can't be used. Don't worry, I will pull the tether back to the cabin."

"Okay, be careful of those meteorites, we'll wait for you to come back." Vokes watched Amber's situation through the transparent cabin. It was really sinister, and he just prayed that there would be no more emergencies.

As Amber pulled the tether forward, he usually dodged or kicked away from the oncoming meteorite. Suddenly, he felt that the tether in his hand lost its sense of tension. disconnect.

"No! Amber!" The panicked voices of others came from the communicator, and she felt her body gradually fly backwards towards the wormhole.

"No way, how could this happen, am I going to be sucked away?...Am I going to die?" Seeing that he was getting farther and farther from the Pioneer, his fear grew bigger and bigger.

Suddenly Amber saw a figure at the exit of the Pioneer, and saw him jump out from the exit and push the power of the aircraft to fly quickly in his direction. "Amber!" is Mario!

Just when Mario was about to pull Amber, a sudden pull stopped him from moving forward. It turned out that the length of the tether had reached the limit . "It's the tether, Amber, wait a minute, I'll undo it right away."

"Stop! Mario, you can't dismantle it. The closer you get to the wormhole, the stronger the suction. Even if you dismantle it, the power of the aircraft alone will not be able to send the two of you back." The captain's roar came from the communicator.

"Then you want me to see her sucked away by the wormhole? I can't!!" Mario was eager to remove the tether from his body.

"Stop it! Mario, thank you very much for coming to save me without risking your life, but you still have a task to do. If you are also sucked away, what about the search for the energy of the creation stone, what about the earth, don't let me become the task because of this. sinner."

"Captain, I'm sorry, I have to leave this mission first. Don't let my efforts go to waste. Obtaining the energy of the Creation Stone is a must. Start the acceleration engine and take them out of here!"

"Nick, I'm sorry, I may not be able to fulfill my promise to you, you have to take good care of yourself."

call out! Amber disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant.

Seeing Amber disappear in front of his eyes and the fact that he couldn't save her made Mario completely devastated "Damn it! Amber~"

Nick fell to his knees with tears in his eyes. Although he didn't know Amber for a long time, and the two often couldn't get on the line when they talked, she always cared for herself like a relative and sister in her own way. Her disappearance made Nick Feel the pain of losing a loved one again.

Vokes couldn't hide his tears, but as the captain, he had to be calm and strong in the current situation . "Everyone, I'm the captain.... I know this result is difficult to accept, but we still have a task to do. Please cheer up. Mario, please remember what Amber said, things have happened, hurry back to the cabin, we need to get out of this place as soon as possible."

Vokes looked up at the wormhole "Please, God, please give her a chance..."

I don't know if I seem to fall into a hole and continue to fall, or if I am in a special space, it seems that my whole body is pulled away, only the vision and the nerves in the brain are working, I try to count the seconds in my heart, but I don't feel at all. When he was moving, as if the space was still, only what he saw in front of him was full of various colors and continued to dazzle.
Suddenly, a blurry picture like an inferior movie appeared in front of me, seeing myself and everyone on the pioneer ship, the night before the pioneer ship set sail, the mission performed during the thief group, and Mario on a cross-border mission. The acquaintance of Amber, the hard training he received when he was young, and the younger brother who was separated from him when he was a child, all scenes and scenes ran quickly in front of Amber's eyes and gradually fainted.
A dazzling light shone in front of him, he subconsciously covered the light with his hands and gradually opened his eyes, his vision slowly recovered, and he felt that he was lying on a hard substance, and his body was a little weak, but still able to Barely propped up his upper body.

"Shasha", Amber grabbed something casually , "Is this a stone?" Looking around, there are grass, trees, flowers, and looking up at the light, there is a sense of familiarity, the sun, the blue sky, and a slight Visible Moon "This is Earth? I'm back?"

After standing up, Amber tried to call the communicator "Call the Pioneer, Captain, please answer when you hear..., no response." He checked the monitoring of the ambient oxygen concentration in the space cap, "Very good, there is oxygen." Amber took off the heavy space cap, took a deep breath and took a good look at the environment he was in , "Yes, this is the earth, but it is not the same as the earth I am familiar with. I am currently standing on a high mountain, looking out There are no familiar cities, streets, cloudy sky, only endless mountains and forests, where is this, are you dreaming?”

Amber turned to look at other scenery, and found that a building was suspected to be standing in the distance. He moved forward in order to see it clearly, until an ancient castle came into view, and a flag was planted on the city perimeter. After carefully looking at the picture on the flag, Unable to believe what he saw, the space cap in his hand fell to the ground in panic.

"It's a golden flag, and in the center of the flag, there's a symmetrical black double-headed eagle... God, are you kidding me? This is..."

Medieval " Holy Roman Empire "!


After reading the introductions of these VAF characters, I found it interesting. I supplemented the plot by myself through the writing activity. I thought and recorded it. Story creation is really not easy. I admire those authors who can continue to create stories!

I am a Talf house, sharing my life experience, learning, reading and other experiences through text. Keep it for yourself and for those who are interested, thank you for reading.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Talf宅Hi 我是Talf宅,將自身的生活體驗、學習、閱讀等心得,藉由文章分享出來。留給自己也給有興趣的人。
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