Create donations for public welfare|Small month in April, plummeted to 2,098 yuan

Thank you~ for your support! Announcement of the income from creation and donation to public welfare in April, to you who continue to silently support the public welfare project: turn your appreciation into a light for disadvantaged children in remote villages. In April, you can donate 2,098 yuan (NTD), accumulating 32,414 yuan.
Image source: Stone brother drawing

Create donations for public welfare|Small month in April, plummeted to 2,098 yuan


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . The epidemic has continued to expand since April, and the whole person is really in an infinite cycle of investigation, listing, and removal. Now, when I look back, I realize that I almost forgot to announce the income and expenditure of the text creation donation in April.
🍁Thank you~ for your support! 🍁

By the way, I will also publicize it here: I have two vacancies for the "Summer Internship" for quality control engineers. Advanced students are welcome to have children. They are juniors and seniors, and they are juniors and seniors. I will definitely give more guidance in the light of "Children of People‧Children of Oneself".

【Turn your love into light for disadvantaged children in remote villages】

1. After the establishment of the website, cumulative donations: 30,316 yuan ✅2021 Q4 "Donated": NT$3,184; Matters = 2,247 yuan, PotatoMedia = 937 yuan ✅2022 Q1 "Donated": NT$27,132; Matters = 6,864 yuan, PotatoMedia = 2,942 yuan, a cup of coffee for charity = 326 yuan

2. This month’s creation income, can donate: 2,098 yuan ✅Matters platform, April “donation” is: 26 NTD (excluding Hong Kong dollar wallet);
✅PotatoMedia platform, "donation available" in April = 810 yuan;
✅ A cup of coffee for public welfare, the "donation available" in April is = 1,262 yuan.
(Calculation: CFO = 44, 1 CFO = US 0.658, CFO passive income = 810 yuan. Matters monthly report shows that this month's creation fund plummeted to 263.98 Like, 1 LikeCoin = NT 0.099, about 26 yuan)

Image source: Drawing by Brother Stone; Hong Kong dollars still cannot be transferred out.

🔥 Items not included for now:
1. "Temporarily" does not include the HKD 749 (438 in the last month) that could not be collected. This is a kind deed by the citizens and friends of Matters.
🔥Small donations below: "Lawyer Shengyun" will be invited to check the details of the website; "Wanmei Project Manager" of the Green Light Seed Classroom will also be opened for confirmation to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

🍁Click me to open the link directly🔗: I am willing to "a cup of coffee for public welfare" to support Brother Stone!

Image source: Stone brother from the donation from "A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare"

【in conclusion】

Lazy people always make excuses. It seems that Brother Stone has to work harder. Let’s see how to make creations massive. Don’t be framed by the frame all the time. Attitude, but let me delay many articles, so that in April, the income from creation and transfer plummeted to 836 yuan (26+810). Fortunately, "A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" still has 1262 yuan, otherwise it would be really shameful!

No matter what, Brother Stone will still uphold the spirit of Cassifer in Hall's Moving Castle, continue to burn himself and wave the flag, because I believe:

One day, when my expression can penetrate your heart, I will be able to connect hundreds of thousands of small fires, ignite a roaring campfire in the dark, and let more disadvantaged children receive free after-school lessons. Tutoring.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

石頭哥#傑出校友 #家扶認養人 #元智大學 #企業導師 #志工社長 #創作捐公益 /累積188,016元 #公益 #化讚賞為偏鄉弱勢孩童的光 #訴訟擔當 兒 聲昀律師 筑庭律師 #職場 | 職人引路,如風助翼 #靜心 | 覺察當下,滿室芬芳 #幸福 | 簡約生活,無心而為
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