[Beginner Embroidery] Childhood Goddess - Lingbo Zero

Everything has a beginning, so let's go back to the time when we were just learning how to embroider!

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This work will be produced in the second month after learning French embroidery: January 2021.

A novice embroiderer who is not good at making sketches

It took hours just trying to figure out how to get the embroidery on the base fabric

This time, while sorting out the travel notes, I also sort out and archive all the files at hand.

One of the things that amazes me the most is the file on embroidery; it's been so long since I wrote about my school experience that I completely forget that I've been learning embroidery for less than two years! Perhaps it was because Paris entered the third lockdown in the year when he started learning embroidery, and both his body and mind had reached the upper limit of the load, and embroidery was the only relief from life in stagnant waters.

The strength of embroidery for more than two years in the past year can be said to be comparable to the life of the employees of the Semiconductor Science Park who were still in the fourth shift and the second round, and they were not working on two off and two, but on six off and one shortage... But it's different. The thing is, even if I sit like a lunatic in front of the embroidery for 18 hours a day, I still go back to the embroidery with excitement the next day to continue fighting.

Enthusiasm is accompanied by hard work, and the result of running all the way regardless is:

amazing progress

Although I said I was really ashamed... But when I was sorting out the photos, I saw the old bull trailer that could even do embroidery for a long time. I really felt that the speed of pre-work now has really come to the post-industrial steam engine era. !

I even sewed the double-strand thread by hand...and knotted it, it's really very simple

There is no starting point for the embroidery plan

The back of the knot is no longer visible in the current work, but this work is full of knots (laughs) Although it is on the back, the base fabric is a translucent cotton and linen material, so the knot is so large that it affects a bit. The performance of the whole picture (again laughing in front of the photo) is even a little bit of a state of death...

But like ugly successful cow dolls . For a long time, I caused my own emotional illness because I wanted to avoid failure. However, in fact, that failure is just a paranoid definition in his mind. So trial and error, trial and error, imperfection, and accepting the process is one of my most important topics right now!

Looking at the past who worked hard to make such rough works, I feel even more precious. Had it not been for the perseverance and practice at that time, it would not have been possible to embroider the magic circle as beautiful as the front and back ten months later.

Practice time and time again; study time and time again; self-request time and time again. The road is long and obstructive!

When I saw this picture, I really wanted to re-embroider an embroidery of the same artwork and see how I would deal with it.

The collapse of the semi-finished product made me almost unable to write the article.

Once again: the road is long and difficult!

I didn't know what to say because of the collapse of this photo (no positive energy at all! Hahaha), so I ran away from reality and listened to a round of Jay Chou's new songs before coming back to continue writing.

I remember a time when I saw someone on the FB community leaving a message saying that what I did was broken when I looked at it up close, so I posted to ask if there is any way to improve it. Then the moderator replied, "Sometimes things like embroidery just can't be seen up close." At that time, my brain became hot, and I almost became a keyboard troll... Fortunately, I have been beaten by society for several years, and I have learned the virtue of moderation. It's just that when I am dissatisfied with my own work, I will use words and patterns to record it in my notebook. Let the next time you remake it, you should avoid these rough expressions that you can't even watch yourself. If the person who posted the article or the moderator happened to see this article, I would like to tell you:

If you really can't see the finished product embroidered in the past, you can record what you can't see and use it as an indicator for improvement. There is no technology that can be achieved in one cluster, it is a process of practice making perfect and then improving!

As for the moderator who can't see it up close, I don't know if you really think that way or if you just want to comfort people? There are not too many good words, but really helpful words can lead to more profound inspiration.

Multitasking is really a bad habit

Except for Limbo, everything else has not been completed

When I turned to this photo, I was surprised: Huh? I have made these versions! ?

It can be seen that I have not completed any of them... Fortunately, at most, I am working on two drawings. I will not easily open a version before completing the design and then do other creations (except for orders). Otherwise, this kind of unfinished creation is really a pity... It means The art of the clown fox was designed before learning to embroider... Now should it be expressed in a better way? When the design at hand is complete, dig it out and continue to complete it!

I am incapable of coloring

I can feel the helplessness after completing the outline now through the screen

At that time, after completing the outline, I should be confused, and I don't know how to fill in the color, and I don't know what materials can be used to fill in the color.

Looking at this artwork now, it is easy to come up with suitable different materials to merge in my mind. All leather or quilts are great choices. Even plastic sheets can get involved! I talked to a good embroidery friend before, he said that what he wanted to learn most was the combination and application of materials in embroidery. I said that this is really not something that can be easily learned in school with words. It is indeed possible to learn how to put these things on your embroidered cloth from textbooks. But the smooth application in one's own creation still requires countless attempts and creative ideas to see these possibilities. Again:

Practice makes perfect

In the end, I only did the coloring as much as I could (laughs)

Appreciation of finished products

This work was originally made for my husband's brother, because from the first time I saw him, he was wearing a Limbo T-shirt, which made me think that he was younger than me as a "younger brother" who needed to be taken care of. It wasn't until a few months before the wedding that it became clear that he turned out to be a brother! Also to thank him for supporting my embroidery studies and for taking me around Paris. However, he felt that the abruptness in a pile of French embroidery hanging on the wall of my house made him more interesting, so this little thing has been left in my house.

This article will be updated simultaneously on: ChereCaline personal website
ChereCaline is a French embroidery brand run by the author. If you are interested in embroidery, welcome to Fallow my IG: @ChereCaline


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