WFH is so anxious about [English video conference]? By mastering the English sentences of "Ten Stages of Conference", you can also confidently preside over international conferences! -(superior)

The company has started working from home due to the severe epidemic situation. Are you anxious to participate in the [English video conference]? Today, I will introduce the English sentences that can be used in the first five stages of the meeting, "Briefly describe the meeting, explain the goals and introduce the agenda, ask for repetition or clarification, share and solicit opinions, express agreement or objection", so that you will no longer be afraid to face the "English video conference". The next part will introduce the English sentences that can be used in the five stages after the meeting. The more you prepare for the meeting, the stronger your confidence will be. Remember to review these English words and sentences before attending the meeting, which will help you express your thoughts in English confidently at the meeting and successfully host the international meeting!

Article source: Takeaway English official website


You can listen to this EP13 Learn English on the [Taken English] Podcast:

With the recent severe epidemic in Taiwan, many companies have started working from home. Whether it is a traditional conference call or a video conference, knowing how to host or participate in an online meeting professionally has become a very important skill. Are you worried about joining a video conference or conference call, but feel anxious and don't know how to express it in English? Tomorrow the company announces that it will use video conferencing, what should I do if I am not good at hosting the meeting in English? I don't know how to express my thoughts in English even though I am willing to speak English in the video conference?

Today, the situations that may be encountered at the meeting are divided into ten stages. This article first introduces the first five stages of the meeting: "Briefly describe the meeting, explain the goals, introduce the agenda, ask for repetition or clarification, share and solicit opinions, express agreement or disagreement" Practical English sentences, let you no longer be afraid to face the "English video conference". The next part will introduce the English sentences that can be used in the five stages after the meeting "negotiation and compromise, interruption of comments, time management, summarizing and tracking matters, and ending the meeting". The more you prepare for the meeting, the stronger your confidence will be. Remember to review these English sentences before attending the meeting to help you confidently express in English at the meeting and successfully host the international meeting!

Image by Brian Cragun from Pixabay

1. [English Video Conference] Start the call and brief description

When hosting a video conference, greet all participants, introduce them, and confirm that everyone is present in the video conference.

  1. Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone.
  2. Call leader/chairperson: Hi everyone, this is [Sandy]. I am the [project manager] at [ABC company]. I am calling in with [Sam, Cindy, Mike, Alex]. Please introduce yourself and state your position.
    Chairman: Hello, my name is [Sandy]. I'm [Project Manager at ABC Company].
    Today [Sam, Cindy, Mike, Alex] will be at the meeting together. Please introduce yourself first.
  3. Participants: Hi, this is [Mike, I am the engineer at CBA company]. Thanks for having me.
  4. Call leader: Can we all welcome [Alex, our sales manager]?
    CHAIR: Let's welcome [Sales Manager Alex] to join us.
  5. I would like to extend a warm welcome to our sales manager, Alex.
    Let's warmly welcome Alex, our sales manager.
  6. Call leader: It sounds like everyone is on the line, so we will get started.
    CHAIR: Sounds like everyone is online, so let's start today's meeting!
  7. Since everyone is here, we can begin.

2. [English video conference] Explain the goals and introduce the agenda

In order to make the meeting efficient, start the meeting by stating the goals and introducing the outline of the agenda, so that the participants can focus on the key points to be discussed, and also explain what you hope to achieve after the meeting is over.

State ObjectivesStating Objectives
  1. Call leader: Today, we are here to discuss [last month's sales].
    Chairman: Today, we're going to discuss [last month's sales].
  2. I've called this meeting so we can review [the most recent project].
    This meeting is being held to [review the latest project].
  3. By the end of this meeting today, we should have completed…
    By the end of today's meeting, we should be able to finish…
Introducing Agenda
  1. Call leader: Does everyone have a copy of today's agenda?
    Chairman: Does everyone have a copy of today's agenda?
  2. There are seven items on our agenda. Let's start from the beginning.
    There are seven items on the agenda, let's start with the first item.
  3. If it's ok with everyone, I would like to start with the second point, last month's sales numbers.

3.【English video conference】request for repetition or clarification

Calls or video conferences may be disrupted by noise or when multiple people are speaking at the same time, and you may need to ask the other person to speak again to ensure everyone can hear you clearly. Often if you do not understand what someone is saying, there is a good chance that another member of the group has the same problem. Use the following sentences to help the whole team get the message clearly.

  1. Sorry [Mike], I did not catch that last part. Would you mind repeating yourself for me?
  2. Was that clear to everyone?
  3. If we look at it from this perspective, does that make more sense?
    Wouldn't it make more sense to look at it from this perspective?
  4. Can you make that easier to understand?
  5. I will repeat for clarification...I will repeat it again for everyone to understand...
  6. Because these are important points, I will repeat them.
    Since these points are important, I will repeat them again.

4. [English video conference] Sharing and soliciting opinions

Holding a meeting is nothing but hoping to have a productive meeting. During the meeting, it is necessary to efficiently gather ideas and opinions, encourage attendees to participate in the discussion, and make every member feel involved and valued. Expertise and contribution opinions, and finally reach a consensus at the meeting. You can use the following sentences to express opinions and ask for opinions.

Share an Opinion
  1. I (really) feel that these sales figures are encouraging.
    I (really) find these sales numbers inspiring.
  2. If you ask me, I think that we should focus on…
    If you ask my opinion, I think we should focus on...
  3. In my opinion, this idea is...I think, this idea is...
Ask for Comments Asking for an Opinion
  1. Do you agree with this initiative?
  2. I'd love to get some ideas from everybody.
  3. Mike, could you share your opinion on these ideas?
    Mike can you share your thoughts on these ideas?
  4. Mike, how do you feel about this marketing plan? Mike, how do you feel about this marketing plan?
  5. We haven't heard from you yet, Mike. Do you mind sharing your thoughts?
    Mike, we haven't heard from you yet. Would you mind sharing your thoughts?
  6. What do you think about the numbers from last month?
    How do you feel about last month's numbers?
  7. Would you like to add anything about these figures?
    Do you want to add anything to these numbers?
  8. Does anyone have any comments on this point?
  9. Is there anything else someone would like to add? Is there anything else someone would like to add?

V. [English Video Conference] Expressing Agree or Opposition

Whether agreeing or disagreeing, it means that the participants are listening, and the chairperson can ensure that both positive and negative opinions are fully expressed and discussed.

Agree with Agreeing
  1. That's a great point! Great point!
  2. I could not agree more. I totally agree.
  3. That is exactly what I was thinking. That is exactly what I was thinking.
  4. I must agree with Mike on this idea.
  5. That sounds like a great idea! Sounds like a great idea!
Opposition Disagreeing
  1. Unfortunately, I do not see it the same way. Unfortunately, I do not see it the same way.
  2. I agree with you in part, but...I agree with you in part, but...
  3. I can't agree with you because I think...I can't agree with you because I think...

It should be noted that the first principle of the meeting is to maintain a positive attitude. Maliciously rejecting a person's opinion will change the atmosphere of the meeting, and it will also make other members feel that they may not be accepted and dare not express their opinions. Remember not to use the following sentences. (X) No one agrees with you on that.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Today, I introduced the English sentences that can be used in the first five stages of the meeting, "Briefly describe the meeting, explain the goals and introduce the agenda, ask for rehearsal or clarification, share and solicit opinions, express agreement or objection", among which "request for rehearsal or clarification, sharing and soliciting opinions" Is the most important, you can first master these two categories of English sentences.

Next time, I will introduce the English sentences that can be used in the five stages after the meeting, "Negotiation and Compromise, Interrupting Comments, Time Management, Summarizing and Tracking Matters, and Ending the Meeting". Welcome to follow the takeaway English official website, don't miss it! Let you no longer be afraid to participate in "English Video Conference"! What kind of meetings are you most worried about? What problems have you encountered in recent meetings? Do you want to know more about the meeting in English? Please leave a message and let me know😊

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After reading this article, you can read another one~
Post-epidemic era "home economy" must learn【English new words】


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