2022/04/30 The United States refers to the Dow Jones and Xiaona!! Japan K compares the rank


1. After the Dow Jones fell below the line by 1,000 points last week, the 20/60 moving averages all turned down.

If the rebound is close to the moving average, you can enter a short order~

2. It fell 900 points again on Friday~eat the rebound points~, and continued to go down

1. The index is much weaker than the trail, and the low point falls below 2/24, the low point of the Russian-Ukrainian war at 13025~

2. Continue down~~ Bearish operation~~ Rebound close to the moving average 20/60, you can enter the short order~


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星夜呢喃大叔~ 操作當下的應對思維與邏輯 盤前功課: 先抓出撐壓關鍵點,再兵棋推演多空劇本,在盤中過破之間 見轉折,出手才能快、狠、準---(節錄自 聚財網吳大)
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