【New Poem】【Creation】A stupid fish

I'm just a stupid fish...
Figure macro first pexels-fillvlad

i am a fish

a stupid fish

A fish with no concept of time

a drowning fish

(I can't swim...)

if you really love me

please don't take me

Don't put me in a plastic bag lightly

Make me lose my freedom and lose my peers

Don't put me on land so indifferently

i will cry

Although you can't see my tears

(Because they all melt into the water...)

I don't know what you are like today

Is it the same as when I first saw you

i love you but i don't want to be with you

Do you understand, are you afraid

Afraid that there is one in it

imperfect self

(I'm just a stupid fish...)


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宏先男,2003年生,現年18歲。 停更中,請至以下管道追蹤最新文章~~~ IG ureyes.mymind FB 宏先創作 HKese 星級作家 宏先
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