Mortal ravings - 22.7.19 - Great wise and careful thinking

Intrigues in Ancient Prose Viewpoints

Holy matters:

Recently, a whim, the set of "Gu Wen Guan Zhi" that I bought on the bookshelf has been eaten up for several years. Why don't I take it out and review it and feel the influence of Chinese learning. I remember that a few years ago, I also recited three or two articles on a whim. I felt that if I could memorize all the more than 200 articles in the whole book, I would be able to add a lot of talk and gimmicks when bragging with my friends ( Good guy, it's all bloody for bragging). But in the end, it gave up because of the difficulty and complexity of the content. But the first "Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan" was impressive and slippery.

The article "Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan" is taken from "Zuo Zhuan", and it mainly tells the story of an eccentric old lady and her two sons who tried to coerce and seize power. It is said that Zheng Wugong, the CEO of Zheng Guo, married Mrs. Wu Jiang in Shendi and gave birth to two sons. The eldest is the future Duke of Zheng Zhuang, and the second is Uncle Gong Duan. When the eldest was born, because the legs came out first, according to the superstition in the past, this kind of birth is called 夤生, which is not auspicious. So Wu Jiang doesn't like the boss, so he prefers the second. So the old lady pushed the old man to pass the position of CEO to the second child every day, but the old man finally passed the position of CEO to the boss.

At this time, under the blessing of the old lady, Gongshu Duan, the young master of death, jumped up and down, and tried frantically on the edge of death. In the end, the cunning boss saw that the time was right, and sent the security team led by the security captain Zi Feng to take the The second child was kicked out of the company, and then he was firmly seated as the president, and he has been able to sit back and relax since then.

After all, the eldest eldest has been disliked by the old lady since he was a child. Now he has gained power, and it is even worse. He put the old lady under house arrest, and then issued an announcement, and he will never be seen again until Huangquan Road. But soon regretted it.

At this time, our clever and scheming boy Uncle Ying Kao appeared. Uncle Ying Kao heard that the mother and son were not in touch with each other, so he gave Zheng Zhuanggong an idea. Mr. Zhuang was very happy, so he invited Uncle Ying Kao to have some porridge. Mr. Zhuang said that we have hired a new chef in the canteen of our company, ho, this chef can talk well, and cooking porridge is a must. Come, come, I will give you a whole bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge. You can taste it, and it is not fragrant if you see it. Uncle Ying Kao was very happy when he heard it, but his purpose in this trip was not to drink porridge. Duke Zhuang asked, "Old Ying, what kind of confusing operation are you doing? Uncle Ying Kao said, "Oh, boss, this preserved egg and lean meat porridge is so delicious. It's even better than my first love. Alas, it's a pity that my old mother has never eaten it. I want to get some diced meat and take it back for my mother to taste. taste. When Duke Zhuang heard this, he was moved. He immediately packed Uncle Ying Kao with another preserved egg and lean meat porridge. When the smart uncle Ying Kao saw that the time was up, he pretended to ask: Hey, boss, what's the situation? Zhuang Gong told Uncle Ying Kao about his discord with his mother, and said that he had put his mother under house arrest. Then Uncle Ying Kao gave Zhuang Gong an idea to let them dig a tunnel to meet secretly. Anyone who dares to make irresponsible remarks will be expelled. Then Zhuang Gong did it, and everyone was happy and happy.

This is the end of the story. At the end of the article, I did not forget to blow a rainbow fart to Uncle Ying Kao, saying that Uncle Ying Kao is the spokesperson of Chunxiao. Of course, it is not denied that he may be filial to his parents, but using the gimmick of filial piety to approach Duke Zhuang and then achieve his goal of ascension is not so bright.

It can be seen that the virtue stories of emperors, generals, filial sons and grandsons are not necessarily so beautiful in reality, and their central thoughts are not necessarily for outsiders.

Matt City lives forever!


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