My Luck | Internships

At that time, the teacher's eyes revealed a kind of distress? Or mercy? I have no idea! However, after that, the teacher started to encourage me every time, saying, this time is not bad~ I just need to pay more attention to the places like one or two books.

my master teacher

Since I officially entered the class, I have been following my teacher for about a month.
From unfamiliar to now slightly familiar, in some daily interactions, began to establish some tacit understanding. Especially when I took a whole class of Mandarin, the first thing I did every time I got off the stage was to rush over to the teacher to ask if I could make corrections today. The teacher will also make special notes to encourage me when I perform well. During this process, I felt that I was getting better and better, and under the guidance of my teacher, I knew some tips for adapting on the spot.

I am a person who is not careful enough. In this regard, I am fortunate to have a very attentive teacher who always reminds me of some small details in due course.
In the beginning, when I changed the contact book, I was really uncomfortable looking at the phonetic symbols written by the primary two students. I often miss some four-tone symbols that the children didn't write. Also, I don't like to wear glasses, so I always look at the past and feel that there is nothing wrong~~~
In fact, children will commit some small things. If they don't pick them out, students don't know what to pay attention to.
I think from my typo a bunch of articles, probably everyone can also find my carelessness. Moreover, even if I sometimes look back and see that the article I wrote is wrong, I don't seem to particularly want to change it to the correct one. Some people can't stand it~~ (Haha~~

One day I was very tired. I was shaking my head and dozing off while changing my homework. After the correction, I know that many mistakes must be missed today. So, I wanted to read it a second time, hoping to correct it as much as possible before showing it to the teacher. Otherwise, teachers often have to change it a second time, which is a waste of manpower.
Just when I changed it for the second time, the teacher just had time to watch my revised homework. When I reached out for the homework that I had corrected the first time, I told the teacher that I wanted to read it again. At that time, the teacher's eyes revealed a kind of distress? Or mercy? I have no idea! However, after that, the teacher started to encourage me every time, saying, this time is not bad~ I just need to pay more attention to the places like one or two books.
Am I lucky! Have a great teacher teacher!

Then, there are some things in life that I would like to share with Master and Teacher now. I would also like to consult the teachers for some administrative and personnel matters.

my internship partner

In the morning, we will follow the master and teacher to do class work practice; in the afternoon, we will work with our intern partners once a month. We were in the Academic Affairs Office in August and September, and in October we were in the Academic Affairs Office.

Many activities are held in the Academic Affairs Office, so you will see the copywriting announcement of the article competition I mentioned before, as well as the arrangement of the works of the art exhibition competition. Together with the language competition on Thursday, it is also under the responsibility of the Academic Affairs Office.

After we deal with the above activities together, we have become more and more tacit.
She knew that I didn't like to climb stairs, and every time she wanted to send materials to the school year director or class teachers, she would leave the classrooms near the Academic Affairs Office to send them to me. Every time I showed a moved expression, she would say, because she wanted to lose weight and exercise more. God knows, she's already very slim, how can she lose weight~~
I knew she wanted more opportunities for substitute classes, and when the teacher in charge came to ask us about our wishes, I would leave the opportunity to her.
I recently arrived at the Academic Affairs Office. She hates sorting and summarizing. She wants to write labels, so I will sort them. I was so sick on Friday that I went to the health center to lie down for over an hour, and she silently helped with the rest. Knowing that I was not feeling well, he deliberately walked with me slowly to the bicycle parking lot after school. When I met me at the school gate in the middle, I was greeted by my students and she turned around and waited for me to finish talking with the students before leaving together.

My five languages of love are acts of service. So, I have been really moved since I practiced with her for more than a month. My internship partner is a quiet girl who is silently considerate to the people around her.

I want to say again, I consider myself lucky!


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