Rust programming language install ft VSCode

The environment is win10, quickly complete the Rust installation!

Instructional videos are available for reference

There is a search icon next to the start, click and search for cmd or Command Prompt
Enter the following commands one by one

C:\Users\YOURNAME>echo %PATH%

C:\Users\YOURNAME>rustup --version

C:\Users\YOURNAME>rustup update

01-Install extension > Rust
02 - Install the second Rust extension pack
03-The last Rust Test Explorer is also installed
04- First build a folder to put the codes
05-Add a new file, the file name is Cargo.toml
06- Enter these to test
07-Another file, taken as
08- Enter these
09-Shift+Ctrl+P to bring up the search bar
10-Search for build first, and click on the first one
11- Remember to click this option that automatically pops out after completing the previous steps
12- This json file will appear automatically

Finally, press Shift+Ctrl+B to run it, the test is done!


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