A Swedish Love Story: When I was a teenager


When you think this is a youth love movie about two little things, director Roy Andersson tells the audience directly with the first shot that the protagonists of this film are never the lingering lovers, but those who are watching through the glass , adults who are powerless and unable to regain the taste of love.

Under the screen, we, like the tired adults in the film, looked at Annika and Pär's green affection with admiration with their helpless and lonely eyes, and cherished their long lost youth. Time not only changes a person's appearance, but also wears away a person's innocence. When we become adults, we are no longer the hairy boys who peek at our sweethearts and wait in front of each other's door. We also lose the ecstasy or weeping because of a kiss or a missed appointment. mental strength. In the end, it was not the loneliness of the adults around that highlighted the sweetness of Annika and Pär, but the youthful affection that in turn showed the vicissitudes of the adult world.

Annika and Pär only see each other, so they don't need any assistance in activities, as long as they are by each other's side, they can be happy. However, adults need all kinds of parties and jokes to give themselves reasons to laugh. The crayfish party in the film pushes the vicissitudes of the adult world to the extreme. When Annika and Pär hide in the sweetness and warmth, the adults are so tense that they can't even enjoy a moment of joy. They either sing to relieve their sorrows to keep each other warm, or they lose their temper and quarrel. Although they are together, their hearts are still lonely. Yes; when Annika and Pär were frolicing in the grass and met the tired adults who had just returned from the suicide farce, the young couple, who had been stared at by adults, stared at them for the first time, always complaining, The adults who quarreled and cried were young and did not understand the taste of sorrow. In their eyes, the exhaustion of adults was nothing but fatigue from fishing activities.

If you want to sum up the film in one sentence, it is undoubtedly "when I was young", because when I am young, everything seems simple and enthusiastic. However, its subtext is that we are "no longer in time". Facing the ruthless baptism of time, we cannot resist. In the end, we will all become tired adults who are watching other people's vitality and life through the glass. Director Roy Andersson will The bitterness of adulthood is smuggled into a heart-warming youth love song, intertwining youth and simplicity with the sophistication of the years, and the sweetness and bitterness of life are presented in front of you.


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