The Spirituality Small Meeting Room of the Muhammad


2021/1/9 (Sat)

Although this topic is about the bottom wheel, it doesn't mention the content about the bottom wheel...😂 I'm sorry, if you get stuck, you will be full of insecurity and fear of the unknown. You must adjust your mind to make it smooth, and other advanced adjustments The method needs to be matured and mentioned again. .

I think the advantages of small groups are: what other people say online, the collective consciousness will be more able to allow ordinary people to listen, and they will be quickly affected by the current thinking circuit of other people's higher dimensions, as if we can control The life of ants and cockroaches is like that... but the dimension of wisdom must be high enough to be able to prescribe medicine to the ego.

But there are also a small number of people who walk on two poles. Although they have a self-help system, their ego level is 78: the past has experienced so much pain, no matter what it is in the future! What do you want, don't worry about it!

Then when the brain wave weakens, the closest people around me will come to advocate the idea of the ego together, and the earlier wave of anti-ego voices on the Internet has long since disappeared with the goldfish brain.

As long as I can't find the key to save my life, I will recall that sometimes, some people are really confused or continue to be confused, much like No. 22 in the sharp turn of the soul. At this time, whoever is near, the spirituality is relatively low and the heart is not cultivated will go crazy... In fact, most people are empathy.

Perhaps at this time, the collective consciousness (criticism) stuck in the third dimension will often feel that you are helpless. At the same time the collective is creating: you are not saved. At the moment, only people with high spirituality are silent and will not judge like their higher self. The ego of the person who is currently at a high spiritual level has only love and encouragement. It gives an index to those who are trapped in the ego, and finds the answer on their own. =v=”

Until one day the man himself was brought back on track by the divine. This kind of person is the kind of person who says no, but in fact, the subconscious is still the kind of person who is very honest with the emotional reaction of the body. They can't tell who they are.

It is not without reason why some people want to be consummated in their hearts for a lifetime, but they can reach 80 years old. There are also people who believe that the ego can continue to bring them the happy experience in the illusion, and in my opinion, this is called a small fortune. The new experience I believe is more exciting the less people mention it, and the more I want it when others say no. Is it diligent or not? From my point of view, these are not really unblessed. Isn't bliss just the words that stimulate the ego all day long: The heart is like still water, and the inner is constantly high and high? (My wording has been corrected)

If this can induce everyone to start cultivating their minds and nature to reduce their material desires, I really feel that I have done a really good thing. A life with fewer things and more mundane things is what we call always good, and the occasional stimulus is what economics calls the highest point of marginal utility.

I really don't know, but what I can say is that it is very likely that we will continue to empathize with these people on earth until we become a sensitive empath, and then we will start to find a smooth way to escape consciousness while on earth. Duality approach.

I can clearly understand: I want to detach from the earth 😂 The setting of the original character is too complicated.

Inner world: I don't want to get mixed up in the veil of human nature offerings in the dualistic world. Offering offerings is simpler than offering offerings to the master, as long as one has a heart-wrenching thought. When will I feel comfortable within myself to stand truly eternally awake and maintained in the state of Ascension.

Form (material image) is emptiness, emptiness is form, the phenomenon of consensus in the material world is very annoying.

In the future, I will have the opportunity to slowly dismantle the color words that people agree on to define the three-dimensional consciousness of reality! Having sex without love is no longer a patent on earth. Great love must learn to use the flow between sexual energy and creation, as well as observe the nature of the mind, maintain an attitude of observation, and have a heart for the world, not narrowly limited to the opposite sex. Emotions or being a vested interest.


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