The 1st Matt City | Bojun Yixiaozhi (Soul) Painter Selection and Killing Competition Closing Report

Draw time. Everyone~~~~ Come and see if the partners you support have won any prizes.

Thank you for your participation and voting for our event this time, a total of 18 creators voted for the following statistical results

The first award 🎈Best Artist 🎨

@yunxun83 ( 13 votes)
@Carol.W ( 4 votes)
@Mao Yu( 1 vote)
@It's a rabbit and a cat( 1 vote)
@The gibberish of Hui Tai( 1 vote)

✨✨Congratulations @ yunxun83 won our best artist✨✨
Unicorns are really lifelike and amazing

What a delicate unicorn

Then there is our most competitive soul painter, the killing picture is terrible, it is a tug of war The following is the result

The second award 🎈 Soul Painter 💣

@The gibberish of Hui Tai ( 5 votes)
@star_hope ( 5 votes)
@Time keeps passing ( 3 votes)
@The little things of chicken feathers ( 3 votes)
@Carol.W ( 3 votes)
@It's a rabbit and a cat( 1 vote)
It actually appeared. Of course, the two candidates with the same vote won the prize together🤣🤣🤣

Congrats @黃太的無言 and @star_hope for winning our soul painter ✨✨✨✨
Dare to show themselves, and draw paintings that belong to their soul style, making people feel full of vitality

Super cute(?) Mickey Mouse
cute cat

The third award 🎈 psychic painter 💡

@Mao Yu( 11 votes)
@It's a rabbit and a cat ( 5 votes)
@Code Farmer's daily affairs-li( 1 vote)
@star_hope ( 1 vote)
@Ferret Pen Wide Noodle ( 1 vote)

✨✨Congratulations @毛毳 for winning our psychic artist✨✨
The polar bear is really too classic, if it is not psychic, how can you guess that strange picture

cute sleeping cat

🦡 Ferret Encouragement Award🦡

✨✨Congratulations @time goes on for winning my encouragement award✨✨
Sprinkling with the old man and other works opened my eyes and laughed out my abs

The old man who made me laugh

I watched it for a long, long time~ in @chicken feather's little things, @time has been passing, @code farmer's daily big and small things - in the choice I decided to award it to @time has been passing, although it is a selfish award , but I still want to explain that in this event, I actually have a lot of works that I like very much, and I can't laugh at it, but from game drawing to guessing questions, it really surprises me every time, yes, I am actually tangled. After a long time, this old man finally broke out of the siege, which made me laugh and was the most impressive one, so I awarded it to her.

Best Painter: @yunxun83
Soul Painter: @豬太's gibberish and @star_hope
Psychic painter: @Mao 毳
Ferret Encouragement Award: @time is ticking

(The bonus will be passed on to you, please pay attention to check it)
I will also sponsor 5HKD for future articles, please create articles well~ XD

I really appreciate everyone's participation this time, @Chicken feather's little things, @is a rabbit and a cat, @code farmer's daily big and small things-li
@ yunxun83, @white hair poke it,@time keeps passing, @Carol.W, @毛毳, @star_hope
, @Gray too gibberish

There are also 1@Cat Travel [Erica],@Chicken Feather's Little Things, @Esther Miller, @Code Farmer's Daily Big Things-Li, @JohnShao, @ Volunteer grandpaThank you again for voting and people who eat melons

Thoughts <br class="smart">It was my first time to hold an event, I was very nervous, I was afraid that I might screw it up. Yes, it ended like this. I should take a short break. As for whether there will be a second event, I am thinking about it XD
This event also met a lot of different new friends and people who eat melons.
This can be regarded as an unexpected gain. I think it is worthwhile to sweep away the troubles and haze of the ferret for a while. I thought that the number of people should not be enough, and it would be difficult to do it. After the success, everyone's reactions were good, and I also enjoyed myself. It's really worth it to be happy.

The ferret should post less recently.
I want to accompany my old mother, because she has arranged a long vacation, so I will still come to see everyone when I have time. Don't miss me too much~

The 1st Matt City | Bojun Yixiaozhi (Soul) Painter Selection Competition officially ended, see you next time

If you have any questions, please leave a message below to interact with me~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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