I want to become a fat tiger's sister - a fat girl one day

If I become a fat girl, I will live under the same roof as Fat Tiger and endure his tone-deaf and abusive voice; if I become a fat girl, I will see his annoying appearance every time he bullies the weak. . It seems that no matter how you think about it, it seems strange to choose to become a fat tiger sister.

Everyone knows that there is a tall man in Doraemon.
The grumpy and domineering child king - fat tiger, right?

He and his husband often bully other children together,
take advantage of others,
Take someone else's stuff. . .
Every time I see them like this, my teeth itch with anger,
I want to rush into the comics, tie the two of them up and spank them, and then throw them in the mountain behind the school to feed the tigers ! ! !
(╯▔ dish▔)╯

Uh, then why would I want to be Fat Tiger's sister - Fat Girl?

Fat Girl - Source: https://www.sohu.com/a/319286999_634164

If you become a fat girl,
I'm going to live under the same roof as Fat Tiger and endure his tone-deaf and abusive voice;
If you become a fat girl,
I would see the annoying look of him every time he bullied the weak and bullied others. .

It seems that no matter what I think,
It seems strange to choose to become a fat tiger sister, roar?

Fat Tiger's singing voice - source: https://www.sohu.com/a/164114140_383564
The fat tiger song that makes people feel guilty - source: https://www.sohu.com/a/164114140_383564

And listen to me in detail~~ (drinking tea)

In fact, the fat tiger has an advantage that is very popular in my heart.
It was he who cared and treated his sister as a little princess,
I can't wait to give the best in the world to my sister.
He really really loves fat girls.

In my impression,
Fat Tiger does not allow anyone to bully Fat Girl.

Whoever makes the fat girl unhappy, he will angrily find someone to settle accounts;
The fat girl has what he wants and he will try his best to help her get it no matter what!

Source: https://doracloset.com/pumpkin/2318.html

When the fat girl dreams of becoming a cartoonist but has no self-confidence,
Fat Tiger unconditionally supports and encourages,
Even forcing friends to read my sister's comics,
Then force them to say that they are good-looking and not let people say the slightest bad comments,
Just to help my sister build her self-confidence.

When the fat girl is heading for the muddy dream road of a cartoonist,
Fat Tiger is the one who has been following her silently and waiting for her.
The warm brother who carefully protects the seeds of her dreams.

I believe there is no fat tiger,
Fat girl may not be able to persist on this road,
And become a real manga artist~~

Source: https://doracloset.com/pumpkin/2318.html

All of this reveals his love and protection for the fat girl,
Although watching Fat Tiger bully others every time,
But I think for fat girls,
Fat Tiger is really a rare gentle and considerate good brother.

The elder brother of this domineering child king is selfless and gentle only belongs to the fat girl.

Since I was a child, I have longed for a gentle, reliable, heroic and handsome brother.
He would stand up to protect me when my mother ran after me with a cane whip around the house;
He will support me unconditionally and encourage me to pursue my dreams bravely;
He would be reluctant to eat delicious food alone, and quietly leave some for me;
He would tease me with bad jokes when I was unhappy;
When I was tired, he would gently touch my head and tell me,
"It's okay, my brother is here!"

If I had such a brother, I could be willful, rascal, petty, and sick. . .

In the end, relying on the gentleness of my brother, I will take care of it! !

Woo~ wow ha ha ha ha! ! ! Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

cough cough. . .

Summarizing the above unrealistic fantasy requirements,
Brothers who dote on sisters like Fat Tiger are the most suitable!
Although he is not handsome,
But handsome can't be anything,
The point is, he hurts me enough~~~

Because the fat tiger is only gentle to the fat girl,
If you want to enjoy such selfless tenderness and selfless pampering,
I have to be a fat girl! !

The first thing I did after becoming a fat girl was to tell Fat Tiger not to sing today,
Lest I pass out and spend the rest of the day in bed,
That would waste my day as a domineering princess~~~ つ﹏⊂

Then I asked Fat Tiger to take me to eat a lot of delicious fruit cakes and sushi,
When I was full, let him do 100 burrows on my back and stand up to taste the feeling of being bullied.
Go home and ask him to return all the toys and comics that he took back to everyone,
Then. . .
I can't think of what else to do. .
(Do you have any comments? XDD)

If not, I think~
I will stick to the fat tiger all day and let him spoil me like a princess~~~
✪ ω ✪

Fat Tiger and Fat Girl - Source: https://wantubizhi.com/image.aspx


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