[Ghost Moon let the horse come over] Six supernatural stories that happened to a certain Sha herself

👻 A collection of super-luxurious supernatural stories, personally experienced by Mousha, six selected stories, in order of horror level: "The Earthbound Spirit in the Library?" ", "Deadly Atmosphere in Nursing Home", "Crossroad Grab Alternate", and "Yam Post". 👹

❀ Antecedent summary❀

First of all, I would like to thank @Daisy for the " Ghost Moon Bringing Horses " community event.

 Damn, I couldn't find the tag, so I had to manually hyperlink it! 😆

At the moment when she saw this event, Mousha thought to herself:

  • Wow~ There is so much to write about this.
  • If it's not a ghost, it's even a weird phenomenon~
    For example, if you see someone's identical avatar, you can't finish writing 10,000 words, right?

some type of.

As a result, I dragged and dragged, planning to start writing after the eighth or eighth stanza, and something happened in the middle...
And then dragged on till now.

Fortunately, the deadline for the event is until August 17th at 12:00 noon (UTC+8), there is still a little time. 🤭

❀ Outline of this article❀

This is a collection of supernatural stories that happened to Mousha herself and experienced personally.
At present, only a few more impressive "Damn (?)" bridges have been selected.

As for some that may be explained by science (quantum mechanics?)
For example, if a person is found on different occasions at the same time, it is not written. 🤭🤭🤭
🔗 In this regard, you can refer to a popular science animation that was delayed by the title: A young pig head boy will not dream of a bunny girl schoolgirl

The following short stories are arranged in order of horror, the order is 👻 → 👻👻👻👻👻 → 👹 Phew!
It has nothing to do with the actual time point sequence.

Then secretly said that only one of them was encountered at night, and the others were all in broad daylight✦

  1. Earthbound spirits in the library? 👻
  2. The strange phenomenon of Zhongyuan Purdue 👻👻
  3. Park walkway at night👻👻👻
  4. The dead atmosphere of a nursing home👻👻👻👻
  5. Grab alternately at the intersection 👻👻👻👻👻
  6. Hades post 👹
 In fact, when writing this story collection, Mousha was a little tangled because she was a little worried about the leakage of her personal privacy.
After thinking about it, in short, everything about the names of people and places should be harmonized! 🤔🤔🤔

❀ Supernatural story❀

Earthbound spirits in the library?

This is a strange phenomenon that happened when a certain Sha went to the library during the day.

At that time, I seemed to be looking for a certain type of book, forgetting whether it was art, music, or information about ancient civilizations.
Anyway, it turned out later that the library had this type of material in a dark corner of a staircase full of dust.

The volume of the books in this section is very large, and some covers are larger than A4 size, and the old ones are very bulky.

At first, Mousha thought that it was broad daylight and there were people in the library.
Although it's a bit dark here, and it feels weird, it's an open space after all, so if something goes wrong, you can run away in time.
I just want to come and read it, if there is any book I want to read.

As a result, when a certain Sha stepped into this block, she had a feeling of stepping on a double space.
But at that time, this kind of thing rarely happened to me, I thought it was just my own illusion.
So I just focused on running my fingers along the back of the book, swiping it one by one, not paying attention to my peripheral vision.

Later, Mousha crouched down and looked at the block below.
It's dark here, and I can't see clearly, but a book arouses my curiosity, so I reach out and take it out.

  • (boom!)

Suddenly, a book in the upper right corner was still in the upper left corner, and a book fell down inexplicably.
But logically speaking, the position of the book that he pulled out would not affect the above grid.

At this moment, the alarm bell in his heart rang loudly.
Have a strong intuition, tell yourself:

  • "Never look up."

And there is a sense that above him, there is a line of sight watching.

As a result, I didn't know what was going on. At this moment, the more dangerous I felt, the calmer my actions.
As if he didn't notice anything, on the surface, he casually stuffed the two books into the empty space beside him.

Then he stood up and lowered his head, pretending to be distressed that there was no book he wanted here.
And use a slightly faster speed than usual but not abrupt, leave this area and walk directly downstairs.

In the process of leaving, there were several desires to look back.
But every time such a thought popped into my head, it was quickly replaced by another cool and calm intuition.
That feeling tells itself:

  • "Never look back."
  • "You can't meet that line of sight, or you'll be entangled."

In the end, he obediently obeyed his intuition and left the library.

A few days later, Mousha heard from others that Mousha also went to that library before.
Then that so-and-so also wandered in that area, and later got entangled in something dirty, and was scared to death recently.

The strange phenomenon of Zhongyuan Purdue

This is what happened when a certain Sha was working part-time and went to lunch with a colleague at noon during the Zhongyuan Purdue period.

The colleague is very interesting and open-minded, and Mousha likes to chat with him.
The other party was born with a supernatural constitution, but his yin and yang eyes were sealed by the elders later.

But even if you can't see it, you can still feel it.

At that time, we had just finished eating from some restaurant or snack bar and were going back to work.
On the way, we will pass a large road and we have to turn.

Forgot what exactly we were chatting about at the time, maybe it had something to do with Purdue bye.
We noticed at about the same time that we saw two shadows passing by when we turned the corner.

The shadows appear to be human figures, and they appear to be two women.
Strangely, the voices of their conversation were:

  • "Quack, quack, quack."
  • "Quack? Quack quack..."

Then in about three seconds, the traffic lights changed, and we were staggered from those two.
At this time, Mousha asked:

  • "Did I just hear the ducks quack?"

The other said:

  • "I heard it too."

Then we looked back almost at the same time, and in less than ten seconds, we found that the two of them were completely gone.

Logically speaking, according to the walking speed and route of those two people...
Either you have to wait at the traffic lights at the zebra crossing, or show up not far from the sidewalk around the corner.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a strange feeling of being watched by something.
The colleague patted certain Sha's shoulder and whispered to himself something similar to this sentence:

  • "Stop worrying about this, where did we just talk?"

Mousha understood the signal the other party gave her, so she kept her mouth shut about the strange phenomenon that happened just now.
Because this period was Zhongyuan Purdue, the two just now might actually be offering gifts... um.

As for why the humanoid silhouette? Honestly, I don't even know.
Maybe it's because of the subconscious feeling that "since it appears on the sidewalk in broad daylight, it's a pedestrian" !

Park walkway at night

This is a certain night of a certain year, after finishing a book club and leaving a certain coffee shop...
Strange things happened on the way to the MRT station and the bus station with a book friend.

At that time, we talked about some materials mentioned in the content of the book club.
After reviewing the knowledge of some nutrients, I continued to talk about some topics that ordinary people would not particularly care about.

  • "Hey, did you notice that a lot of people died unexpectedly last year?"
  • "Looks like it? There are a lot of man-made accidents and accidents."
  • "And then I think the number of pregnant women seen on the MRT has increased this year."
  • "I also noticed, and some babies don't look very human."
  • "Really, some look like fish faces..."
  • "Yes, it looks human on the surface, but the corresponding picture in my mind is weird."

Immediately afterwards, we happened to come to a park and walked on the sidewalk outside.
Afterwards, we chatted about some random topics, and we forgot what the exact content was.
In short, it seems to be about themes like "soul" , "reincarnation" or "consciousness" .

It was very late at the moment, and I forgot the exact number. In short, it was 21-23 o'clock in the evening.
At this time, on a windless night, a strong wind suddenly blew, blowing the park woods to the side.
And it's pretty gloomy wind!

What is even more frightening is that almost all the street lights on this road section are broken and do not turn on.

  • "I got goosebumps."
  • "Me too."
  • "Shouldn't it be better for us not to continue talking about this topic?"
  • "real."

On this road section, there is about a half-circle of the playground before and after, and only the two of us are pedestrians.
At most, occasionally, there will be night cars screeching down the road.
But I always feel like I'm being watched by something invisible.

Then we changed the subject.

Soon, the feeling of "the line of sight that was clearly following around, but I couldn't see it" disappeared.

Then as soon as we got to the bus station, the car the other party wanted to take came.

After saying goodbye, he also hurried into the nearby MRT station, took the escalator, and took out his mobile phone as soon as he reached the platform.
Then I quickly put on my headphones and diverted my attention by playing games.

The dead atmosphere of a nursing home

This story happened when Mousha was very young, so there are many details that I can't remember.

One year, a certain Sha was pulled out by an elder and asked to accompany the other party to visit someone, and she had no right to refuse.
The object of the visit was the mother of a friend of the other party, who was in a nursing home in a certain district.

Because Mousha is a luna, she was always locked at home except for school when she was a child.
So once you go outside, you can only follow the parents who are with you.

At that time, I took a tram, and possibly a bus, and came to an unfamiliar area.
I don't remember the way at all, I just let the other party lead, and then came to a building that looked like an apartment.

In the elevator on the first floor, Mousha suddenly felt a severe dizziness, and said loudly:

  • "〇〇, I don't want to go up! My head is so dizzy!"

But the other party just took Mousha's request as a child's temper, and dragged Mousha into the elevator.

Forget which floor the sanatorium is on.
All I know is that after the elevator door opened, there was a "strong breath of death" on the way.

Although it can't be seen with the naked eye, in the brain, from the corresponding environment, it can be found that there is a black qi surrounding it.
It was an atmosphere full of negative emotions, almost a dark atmosphere so thick that it looked like a filthy gutter.

My head was even more dizzy, and it even hurt.
It was so uncomfortable that some Sha almost cried and asked:

  • "〇〇, my head is really dizzy! It's so uncomfortable, I can hardly breathe!"

But the other party is still the same, treating certain Sha as a child and being angry.
The other party may feel that "Bringing children to visit the elderly will be boring, so they lied and wanted to leave quickly", right?

Later, Mousha bowed her head slightly, was held by one hand, grabbed her chest with the other and walked down the corridor.
I found that there are many elderly people with intubation in the living room, the eyes are cloudy, and the lifeless elderly are looking up at the TV.

Not sure if they were talking.
I only know that what I received from that strange aura at that time were thoughts like this:

  • Full of resentment, blaming the family for leaving them behind.
  • Screaming in my heart is so painful, so painful, why I am sick, why it is his.
  • It's useless to take medicine and see a doctor, I just want to go home.
  • Homeless, day by day.
  • I feel burdened and want to commit suicide.

At that time, Mousha felt like a broken radio, disturbed by these frequencies to the point of breaking down.
My head became more and more dizzy, more and more painful, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

As a result, I was unable to speak out for help, and was directly regarded as a certain Sha by the elders and finally obediently obeyed.
Then he went into a room and saw an aunt talking to him, and an unknown aunt was lying on the hospital bed.

The grandma was complaining that she was diabetic just because she was diabetic.
The doctor and nurse actually amputated her foot without her consent.

Then she lifted the sheet, and it was empty below her left knee.

The aunt told her that her left foot was completely blackened and necrotic.
Doctors and nurses amputated her limbs to save her, otherwise it will continue to spread upwards.

Somesha seemed to hear the grandmother muttering:

  • "Necrosis is necrosis, even if I want to leave, I want to leave completely!"

Then, in a fit of anger, he put the quilt back on, and turned around in a ball.

However, neither the elder nor the aunt listened to the client's words.
They all think that they are thinking of each other, that they are doing the right thing, and that they use their position to coax each other.
Ironically, the more they were like this, the more sullen that grandma was, and this energy seemed to worsen her health.

At this time, Mousha was already dizzy, headache, and breathless to the point that she could barely stand.
They chatted for a long time, until the aunt found out how certain Sha stood there without saying a word, and was swaying.

  • "〇〇 what's wrong?"
  • "Oh, she just quarreled and didn't want to come up, but now she's finally obedient and quiet."
  • "But she doesn't look good, she's about to faint? Are you alright?"

A certain Sha's vision has been turned around, almost black out and can't see clearly.
I could only vaguely feel that someone squatted down, touched a certain Sha's forehead, and said:

  • "It's hot! She has a fever!"
  • "She was fine before she went out!"

What happened after that, I can't remember.
I only know that I later returned home safely, and maybe there was something like a safety talisman hanging around my neck?

She may have been taken to see a doctor on the way, but Mousha couldn't remember whether she took medicine or not.
Vaguely, it seems that taking antipyretics is useless?

Then it seemed that he slept through the night, and was groggy for the next two days.
It was unclear what the family had done at that time, and all these details were forgotten.

In short, since then, the elders are less afraid to let certain Sha go to places such as hospitals, nursing homes, or graves.

Alternate at the intersection

This is what happened on a certain day of a certain year, when a certain Sha went out at noon to buy stationery, food and water without getting enough sleep.

On that day, whether or not there was a crystal on Mousha's body, I have forgotten.
I only remember that my mental state was not very good at that time, and I was a little depressed. Maybe I was blackmailed by emotions again, or the depression relapsed.

In short, I was thinking about things at the time, while holding the shoulder strap of my bag, waiting for the traffic light at the intersection.
Then Yu Guang saw a tall, slender man in a black suit and a black high hat beside him, who might be leaning on a gentleman's staff.

At that time, Mousha was a little puzzled. Now it's a hot day. Isn't that hot?
Then he didn't pay special attention to the things around him, and he didn't look down at each other's feet.
I just watched him go to the zebra crossing, and then I also looked at the little green man on the opposite side, and there was still 4X seconds of passing time.

So I thought to myself:

  • I can go now~

Just follow the man in the suit and walk forward.

Then I took about 2-3 steps, and I felt that I had stepped into some kind of "overlapping" space.

The world seemed silent, or rather, everything became slow motion, including its own actions.
In this state, it is more like his thinking speed has suddenly become faster, and it is super fast!

His eyes noticed a woman in front of the zebra crossing on the opposite sidewalk, and she looked at herself in horror.
Mosha thought:

  • Isn't it a green light now? Why are you looking at me so frightened?

Afterwards, Mousha glanced at the traffic light beside her and found out how the little green man instantly became a little red man.
Isn't there 4X seconds left? It's only 2-3 steps away, so it's impossible to walk for ten seconds!

At this moment, Mousha herself was startled.
The whole person realizes that he has been caught alternately, because this moment...

Then he was already walking in the middle of the road.
The voice of the world, which had just become far away, is back again, and the fast cars come and go, huh huh huh, blah blah blah!

Then, within half a second, Mousha found that her body was under control.
Then I felt a cool and stable energy pouring down from the top of my head and flowing to the extremities along with the meridians of the whole body.
A gentle tenor suddenly appeared in his mind, comforting himself and saying:

  • "calm."
  • "Do not be afraid."
  • "Follow me and walk at the current pace."

Then some Sha who didn't know what to do...
He really obediently obeyed the instructions of the voice in his head and handed over the mastery of his body to him.

The next second, a fast car rushed over from behind certain Sha.
And I felt that the corner of my clothes was rubbed, maybe the difference was less than a few centimeters!
But he has not yet escaped the danger, and he is still in the middle of the road. 😭😭😭

  • Oh my god, help! ! !

Mousha was crying in her head like this, it was terrifying.

However, fortunately, the truth was that certain Sha had a calm face and really handed over the control of her body.
There is a clearly first-person perspective, but the body seems to be acting autonomously, passing through the best path.

So safely walked to the terrified woman.

On the way, cars on the left and right sides come and go, beep, beep...
Nearly hit it several times, but escaped without hitting it.
And not even the slightest scratch! ! !

After getting out of danger, the feeling of being in control of the body disappears.
Then the cool and stable energy in the body disappeared after a few seconds.

At this moment, the traffic lights of pedestrians have truly become little green men.
At this moment, certain Sha suddenly had an idea, and she wanted to turn around and ask the woman if she had seen the man in the suit just now.

But then stopped.
Because of an intuition in my heart, I told myself:

  • "Don't say it, or the guy will turn around."

Then I went to the target hypermarket with "energetic" and "amplified alertness" to purchase items.
How did you get back that day? Since we will pass through the same road again, we will take the bus obediently.

What's going on on this road?
In fact, Mousha didn't know either. In short, including this time, the same road section was caught twice alternately.
But another time, I was alert, and I paid special attention to the feet and movements of pedestrians before moving, so it was not so dangerous.
That time, I just felt the strange feeling of overlapping spaces. After all, I was among the living people and was relatively safe.

Hades Post

This is the most terrifying paranormal phenomenon that certain Sha has experienced since she was born.
Later, I told this story to two temple masters one after another, and the two responded differently:

  • former:
 "You have met a god, and it's a pity that you didn't take it."
"I think you are quite talented. Would you like to come to my temple to practice?"
  • the latter:
 "Fortunately, you didn't take it. It was a post from the King of Hell. The evil ghost pretended to be a god and ran out to grab it instead."
"It's bound and can't be pulled out. It's useless to ask God to worship Buddha; it was sent by the King of Yama, and there is no solution."
"If you accept it, you can only become a scapegoat and show it off in hell."
"It's amazing. It's the first time I've met someone who has seen Hades and survived. You're so lucky."
"You are the client, and I just told you. The way to identify 'God' is to see..."

That happened several years ago.

Later, until this year, after certain Sha was convinced of the existence of brother Tianyin, did he succeed in judging that the latter was right.
The former is a fake temple, and in Taiwan, there may be quite a few such ignorant and swashbuckling people, so you really have to be careful.
As for some details, it is inconvenient for a certain Sha to disclose, but simply tell the story itself.

That year, it was a Wednesday in mid to late November.
The sun is shining brightly, the sun is in the sky, about 11 to 12 noon.
That day, certain Sha came to school because she didn't get enough sleep, or didn't sleep at all, as if to catch up with the report.
The family atmosphere at that time was also very bad, in short, it was so melancholy that I wanted to die.

Then, probably with such thoughts in mind, just after handing in the report, when I walked to the school gate after school...
Strange thing happened.

Suddenly, there is a strange feeling of stepping into some kind of "overlapping" space.
On my right is the school gate just now, and across the road on my left is the bus stop.
And in front of him is the sidewalk leading to the MRT station.

At this time, there are actually many unfamiliar students or teachers coming and going at the school gate.

He turned his head in a trance, and saw three weirdos in masks walking on the sidewalk.
They all wear similar Prajna Or ghost masks like tengu, wearing white robes and stepping on strange steps.
It looks like a dance from a child, holding something that looks like a flyer or a ticket in his hand, dangling around, and dangling in front of certain Sha.

Mousha's eyes met them in an instant.
Then they naturally stopped in front of Mousha and handed the "ticket" in their hands to Mousha.

At this moment, certain Sha naturally wanted to raise her hand to accept it.
However, at the moment when this thought flashed through his mind, his body was immediately controlled!

It is a cool and stable energy pouring in from the top of your head and flowing to the ends with the meridians of the whole body.
It's just that this time is very different. This energy is very strong and cannot be rejected.

Then, a very serious and solemn voice appeared in his mind, telling himself:

  • "Pretend not to see."
  • "Don't accept it! You can't even touch it!"

At the same time that such instructions appeared in certain Sha's mind, certain Sha's vision saw even more terrifying phenomena.
What the hell! A pedestrian directly overlapped with their body, and the whole person passed through! ! What the hell! ! !

Almost at the same time, the voice that appeared in his head turned into a command tone that could not be refused.
Then the cool energy in the body increased again, especially in the brain, and my emotions were forced to calm down.
I really can't even get up a little bit of nervousness and fear, and I believe that my current expression is definitely a facial paralysis.

  • "Calm down and listen to me."
  • "pass it to me."

Later, Mousha seemed to be in a daze at the school gate.
The raised hand deliberately used a natural angle to avoid the position of the "ticket" , covered his mouth, and yawned.
Then, unhurriedly, he made a slight turn, pretending to be debating whether to take the bus or take the sidewalk.

As if he didn't notice them at all, he finally walked towards the sidewalk.
The three people seemed to "mistakenly think" that certain Sha "saw them, but they didn't" , and then left from the back of certain Sha.
But in fact, Mousha really saw it, but she could only pretend not to see it. ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

Somesha doesn't know why...
Obviously they are behind him, and he can see the back of their departure in his mind.
At this time, the body does not feel completely own, it is a bit like being controlled and protected by another higher existence.
And his perception ability has also been briefly raised to the opponent's level.

After that, after walking about five steps and less than ten seconds, the cool energy in the body left.
That miraculous super-sensing ability faded quickly, too.

At this time, certain Sha looked back curiously...
I found that the school entrance is just the usual school entrance, students and teachers still come and go, and the buses and motorcycles on the road are also as usual.
And these people all looked like they didn't see the three weirdos.

The three were wearing ghost masks and white robes, and they were swaying around the road while walking on the dance steps of the children!
Anyone who encounters such a thing on the road will take a second look, right?

However, the fact is that no one looked at it, and no one talked about it.
This just means one thing -

I've been living hell in broad daylight! Woohoo...・゜・(PД`q。)・゜・

Later, when I realized this, I became scared.
At that time, I didn't understand what that cool energy was, and I didn't understand why I could see a ghost even though I didn't have yin and yang eyes.

As a result, I was restless for about two months, two months! ! !

It was super exaggerated at that time, and even the sound of the wind breaking the MRT sounded like a wail in certain Sha's ears.
If you see a vague shadow, you will be suspicious, and it is useless to be taken by your family to worship, but it will only get worse. ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

At that time, after a friend knew about Mousha's condition, he enthusiastically asked for a Mazu amulet for Mousha.
He accepted it gratefully.

At the beginning, it felt effective to wear it, and I wore it to sleep all day.
Until one day, certain Sha wore it and listened to its peaceful and peaceful melody.
But somehow, then its frequency shifted.

That strange sense of incongruity made certain Sha's intuition tell herself strongly:

  • "Stay away from it!"

Later, Mousha really obeyed her instinct and took it away.
How to deal with forgetting, maybe leave it to the elders?

At that time, I felt inexplicably that if I continued to wear it, I might be forced to "negotiate conditions" or "deal" or something.

At that time, my family was very worried, my mind was quite messy, and my memory was even a little confused.
At that time, I might wash the talisman water, the amulet, the shock, and the Buddhist scriptures...
Or wearing dzi beads, Buddhist beads, etc., all are useless! ! !

Finally, just two months after the incident, an elder suddenly gave Mousha two bracelets.

One amethyst, one white crystal.
When she saw it, she liked it very much, and when she got close, she felt that it resonated with her "hummingly" , especially the amethyst.
After wearing it, it started to return to normal the next day.

Since then, Mousha has lived a life of wearing crystals when she goes out during the day. (つд⊂)
Otherwise, you will feel uneasy and feel like you are running naked.

By the way, with regard to the appearance of Yan Wang's post itself, Mousha just glanced at it at the time, but didn't look at it very carefully.
I just remember that in my own eyes, it was the size of an exhibition ticket, and I thought it was a haunted house promotional card.
The whole picture is black, the middle pattern is forgotten, but there is a feeling of being watched by the eyes, the color is a bit like black hole .

And the day after the incident, Mousha asked her classmates and friends at the school if there was a haunted house exhibition recently.
They all said no, which made certain Sha more convinced that she was a ghost in broad daylight. 😭😭😭

That's about it.

This is a collection of supernatural stories written by a certain Sha in about six hours. The full text is about 8,000 words.✦
Those who are frightened, please pat Mousha hard! (つд⊂)

(Tian Yin: Huh? If you want to write, you can produce about 8,000 words in three hours! (Can laugh) )
(Some Sha: This level cannot be used for writing novels every day. ヾ(;゚;Д;゚;)ノ゙)

❀ The source of this picture❀

In-text illustrations

【Pixabay @ jarmoluk】 https://pixabay.com/photos/436498/
【Pixabay @ chitradeep】 https://pixabay.com/photos/2316775/
【Pixabay @ RealAKP】 https://pixabay.com/photos/2045453/
【Pixabay @ PublicDomainPictures】 https://pixabay.com/photos/315869/
【Pixabay @ manfredrichter】 https://pixabay.com/photos/3291320/
[Wikipedia @ Daderot uses Public Domain] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannya

Cover photo

【Pixabay @ksyfffka07】 https://pixabay.com/photos/5659772/
Pixabay @ ksyfffka07
 By the way, when I saw this in the copyright-free gallery, I found that I really wanted a set of amethysts engraved with runes!
It's a pity that I have forgotten the meaning of each rune, and the memory is all returned to the library. (つд⊂)

🎈 Indicate at the end of the article (*´ω`)person(´ω`*)

🍀 Guide the wizard ( つ•̀ω•́)つ


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