From "Sin lies at the door" to "All things work together for good to those who love God"

From "Sin is crouching at your door" to "God works for the good of those who love him" after checking Genesis for a year.

Today is the last lesson of our Bible study class in Genesis. After reading Genesis, I have a lot of feelings. Let me share with you my two favorite stories (?) at the beginning and the end!

 The most impressive passage (story) at the beginning of Genesis is this:
Cain was jealous of his brother Abel, because the sacrifices offered by Abel were more favored by God (they were the two sons of Adam and Eve), Cain was very angry, and his face changed. God soon came to him and said, "Why are you angry? Why have you changed your face? If you do well, won't you be accepted, but if you do not do well, sin will lie at the door. It will desire You, but you have to subdue it.” However, God’s advance arrangement didn’t work, and Cain was still talking to Abel, and he killed Abel.

I feel a lot about the verse "Sin lies at the door, and it will desire you, but you will subdue it." I have encountered great temptations in my life, and God has made arrangements ahead of him (He sent People told me in advance XD), let me know that this temptation will come, and it is to resist it. But like Cain, I ignored God's word completely and let sin come into my life.

There was a lot of self-loathing and sadness in the middle. Why, after being a Christian for so long, I was able to ignore even God’s words, and felt that I was disappointing God, and I was worried that God would give up on me. But when I went home this year, I found that God was still full of grace, and He still arranged my life so that I could be protected by Him in everything. Let me give you an example~ This year when I went home, although I didn't have a "formal job", I did small jobs everywhere, but my monthly expenses and income were balanced, including my expensive exam fees, which were perfect. paid out. These things remind me of a quote from the bible

Romans 8:28: "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose."

So just right, the last big story of Genesis, the life of Joseph, is telling this truth.

 Synopsis: Joseph was Jacob's youngest son, and was born to his favorite wife, so Joseph was well-loved. One day Joseph went to his brothers wearing a colorful coat that only he had. The brothers were very upset, so they discussed selling Joseph to foreign merchants, and then came to the Egyptians. In the house of the first Egyptian host, Joseph was framed in prison by the hostess because he refused the temptation of the hostess (Joseph should be handsome).
In the prison, Joseph met two criminal judges and accidentally helped them to interpret their dreams, so he asked one of the judges to go out to help him speak some good words and drag him out, but the judge forgot about Joseph and let Joseph continue to be in prison. stay. Two years later, the Egyptian Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret, so the judge remembered Joseph, and Joseph was finally able to get out of prison. After he came out, he helped Pharaoh to interpret the dream. The content of the dream was that there would be seven years of good and seven years of disaster in Egypt and the Middle East.
Pharaoh didn't know what to do, so Joseph gave him advice. Pharaoh was very helpful, so he appointed Joseph as the prime minister. So Joseph stocked up a lot of grain in a good year.
And when the year of disaster came, Joseph used his food to save many people, and also saved his father and brothers and sisters (yes, his brothers went around and asked him) about Seth also forgave his brothers, and said, "In the past you meant to harm me, but God meant it for good, to save the lives of many people and make it what we are today."

The story of Joseph is actually a counter-example to the previous Cain, that is, although we encounter many difficulties, disappointments, and even very dark sins. But if we keep the faith in our hearts strong and have enough patience with God, then in the end God will make "all things work together" for everyone's "good".

This Genesis Bible study was really exciting, and combined with the current events of the current epidemic, it made us think a lot about our relationship with God and the nature of sin.

May God bless you all!



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