First Cast NFT|Collect & Distribute

My works at that time were only simple electric drawings, but only when there was an idea, inspiration, and story in my heart would I express it in the form of drawing, and if the storage device was hung up one day, I might not be able to draw the same thing again.

Inheriting the article " Dalf Daily Notes | Drawing Collection " published in April, and suggested by @Wendy Prisca

It was said that the finished drawing could also be cast into NFT, which was a suggestion that I did not think of at the time.

Thinking about the current applicability of NFT, the only function that is more valuable to oneself is collection.

Because "artwork can be very romantic yet realistic, and it has value only if someone recognizes and appreciates it".

Although my works at the time were only simple electric drawings, they had ideas, inspirations and stories in their hearts.

It will only be expressed in the form of drawing, and if the storage device hangs up one day, it may not be able to draw the same thing again.

This reminds me of the art classes in middle and elementary school. I drew short comics and watercolor paintings twice that I was quite satisfied with.

But I don't know what was wrong at the time. After the request of my classmates and art teacher, I sent it out like this... 😭

Those two works can only be permanently stored in memory, and can no longer be reproduced.

So thanks for the suggestion of Wendy Prisca at that time, in order to avoid the possibility of loss, I also tried to cast it into NFT

I just picked two favorite pictures and cast them on Opensea. The casting process also refers to Erica 's

A teaching article " NFT casting and sales ︱ I minted my own NFT ", from creating an account, casting NFT,

The process of selling NFTs is quite clear! 👏👏👏

These two pictures "" A smile ", " That night "" I cast 17 copies each, a total of 34 copies

I want to collect 2 copies of each of the two pictures for my own use, and give the remaining 30 pictures to the citizens of Matters.

If you are interested in receiving it, please leave a message to reply. Please refer to the following for the message method.

After the NFT is sent, we will reply to the notification, please wait patiently.

Because there are two pictures, please leave a message which one you want first. If the one has been sent out, the second one is also interested in receiving it.

Please also help to propose the secondary items. If you do not want it, you can fill in N/A for the secondary items. (You can only get one)

In addition, you must leave the location of your little fox wallet in the message area (Ether wallet: starting with 0x )

Example of a message:

My wallet location:
Primary: " A smile " or " That night "
Secondary: " A smile " or " That night " or N/A


A smile
That night

I am a Talf house, sharing my life experience, learning, reading and other experiences through text. Keep it for yourself and for those who are interested, thank you for reading.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Talf宅Hi 我是Talf宅,將自身的生活體驗、學習、閱讀等心得,藉由文章分享出來。留給自己也給有興趣的人。
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