On the eve of the closure of Taiwan stocks, what do you do?

As investors, what should we do on the eve of the closure of Taiwan stocks?

The bumpy 2021 came to an end and ushered in a brand new year 2022. In this year, the stock market ushered in a rare bull market from a trough, but then Taiwan stocks fluctuated around Wanba for a long time. For me at that time The room for manipulation is limited, and I can’t find a target with a low stock price but can hold it for a long time. At most, I chose a few short-term stocks to follow the technical trading. As a result, as the end of the year is approaching, following the footsteps of TSMC, Taiwan stocks have broken new highs several times. , but the rest of the small and medium-sized stocks still did not show any improvement, and the stock prices remained in the same range.

Then, as investors, what should we do on the eve of the closure of Taiwan stocks ?

Taiwan stock closed

what is closure

Before talking about the closed stock operation, you should first understand what is closed.

What everyone looks forward to most every year is the Lunar New Year holiday. Not only can they go back to their hometown for a long vacation, but they can also receive the long-awaited year-end bonus. During the Chinese New Year, most businesses will rest, of course, including the stock market . It will be suspended . After all, the bank will also suspend business at that time, and any stock market transactions must be stopped. Therefore, the customs closure refers to the last trading day of the front-end stocks during the Spring Festival holiday . Usually, the customs closure day is the first three working days of New Year's Eve. The stock market does not trade. As for the detailed market closing date, those who are interested can check the announcement of the Taiwan Stock Exchange (the inquiry link is here for the opening and closing dates of the market ).

Market opening and closing date

Should you hold stocks for the New Year?

After knowing the closing date of Taiwan stocks, another concern for investors is whether to hold stocks for the Chinese New Year, because according to the above market closing time, the days that cannot be traded this year are from 1 / 31 to 2 / 4. A total of five days, And we will not be able to start trading until after the Lunar New Year on 2/7. These days, Taiwan stocks do not open and do not trade. If there is any major international event, you will not be able to escape by then. Should you hold it? Should you sell? It has become a worry for investors on the eve of New Year's Eve every year.

Should you sell?

Some people suggest that you should sell all the stocks on the last trading day, so that you can celebrate the New Year with peace of mind and avoid foreign news from affecting your mood. , the stock price difference between the previous year and the next year should not be much, but if it really encounters a financial crisis-level crash, the panic trading at the opening of the market will reduce the holding funds a lot.

to hold?

Some people suggest that the stock allocation should not be affected by the closure at all, and hold positions according to your own investment plan. Short-term fluctuations will not change the market trend, and the days of the Spring Festival are not too long. Stocks, in which transaction fees have become unnecessary investment costs, might as well rethink the allocation of funds in the new year.

Selling or holding always has its own arguments, and no one is right or wrong. Only the trading strategy that suits you is the first choice.

So in the end, I will share, personally, how I will operate before the closure.

Operation on the eve of my closure

Check investment performance

Before deciding on the operation, I think this is a good time to review the investment performance of the year , and look back to see if there is any unsatisfactory/satisfactory part of the operation. It may be the original short-term transaction, which should have been stopped. , but continue to hold or even overweight to buy, or be glad that he insisted on not selling a certain stock to take profit, but waited patiently, and finally got more than imagined rewards, etc.

After reviewing the operation, you can correct your shortcomings and maintain the good parts, strengthen your investment confidence, and get rid of the incorrect mentality, and then you will be on the right path after thinking about the configuration of the new year.

Bravely hold long-term, decisively sell short-term

In fact, for me, if the Taiwan stock market is closed or not, it will not have much impact on the operation, because even I don't necessarily pay attention to the rise and fall of the stock market every day, and most of the positions are held for a long time. There is the main thing, and my buying price will try to be at a relatively low point. Even if I insist on buying at the support price, I often miss most of the buying opportunities, but at least the possibility of loss is much reduced, so I think For long-term stocks, there will be basically no adjustment.

For the few stocks that I trade based on technical trends, I will pay close attention to whether they fall below the trend line, the trend of the 5-day and 10-day line, and the changes in trading volume. Clear, but not related to the closure of Taiwan stocks, simply because short-term funds mainly flow to weight stocks, and small and medium-sized stocks do not see obvious signs of rising, so they decided to take profits and transfer funds to buy long-term stocks , do not pay attention to the operation on the short line for the time being.

Of course, the above are all my personal opinions. I still have to think about my own investment strategy and understand it myself. You are also welcome to leave a message below and talk about your operation on the eve of the closure~


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想著退休的新鮮人從零開始學理財 什麼都不懂的我們,初出社會,被現實的世界牽著鼻子走,埋頭工作只求溫飽,但我們渴望掌握人生,追尋夢想,於是,讓自己從工作退休是我們的第一目標
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