[Original BL] Junior Chap.2 Lighter

"After all, I don't want to use the cheap ones sold in convenience stores. For this kind of thing, I have to pick one that is good-looking and durable." He took the palm of his hand and stuffed it back into his pocket. "It takes time, it's hard to find."

Birdhead once told me with disgust that if we hadn't been in the same club, he probably wouldn't take the initiative to talk to me in his life.

The reason is very simple, I look very lame.

But at this point, I'm actually innocent, I'm just... I'm not interested in everything about others, how can I say I'm stupid?

When I was in high school, I just thought that boys of the same age were naive, and younger than me, their IQs were not developed. Is this very sloppy? well enough.

Well, maybe a little bit.

Perhaps because of this, when I receive a love letter from a first-year buddy, my first reaction is disgust.

First of all, the junior may know me, but I obviously don't know him, and I don't like anyone I don't know;

Besides, we are both men, how dare he confess to me so directly, has he considered my mood?

Finally, as I said, in the same year, I can still be a friend. It is impossible for me to be younger than me. I can't get along with a fool. Judging from his reckless behavior, he is not only stupid, but also acts without consideration. , In my eyes, it is out to the point of being out.

Although his love story is not bad.

"Hey Fan, I heard that a junior wrote a love letter to you?"


"It's nothing...what the fuck! Why didn't you say such a big thing, I still heard it from the gossip group in the third class." Very good, it seems that the junior is a big mouth , sin is added, and now I am annoyed to even hear the word "junior".

"Nothing to say, it's annoying."

"Ehhh, what's his love letter, share it with your brother!" Birdhead ignored my impatience, leaning halfway on my desk, with gossip written all over his face.

I slapped his forehead mercilessly, clearing the rubbish from my desk.


"Oh! It hurts! You are so mad! It's so popular! Share it and you'll die!"

"Is it good to be popular with boys?"

"At least someone confessed to you! This kind of girl manga is not something that everyone encounters!" Birdhead changed his strategy this time, pulled up his chair and sat next to me. I rolled his eyes at him and continued to write my homework.

"What's more, the younger brother is super famous. You really do not know the blessing in the blessing."

"Are you sick? It's none of my business if he's famous? And we're both men. It's his business if he likes boys. Did I say I like boys?"

"Hey wait, don't you know who is the junior who wrote the love letter to you?"

"do not know."

"Fuck! You don't know!" Bird head made a super exaggerated expression. It turned out that the plasticity of the human face is so high, which is really amazing.

"Fuck, you're so fucking annoying, you just said who he is, it's none of my business!" I was successfully annoyed, I put down the pen and turned to stare at the bird, but obviously he didn't think that at all. fear.

"He's the first-year angel apprentice from our club!"


"Hey, you're really exaggerating... Mr. Fan, can you pay attention to the world of mortals? It's that angel apprentice who has a cute appearance and a serious personality, and was elected as a leader in the first grade, no? Yes, the deputy team, you don't know?"

"...I was very attentive during group training and didn't pay attention to others." Well, after hearing what Birdhead said, even I felt that I was exaggerating a bit this time.

"I really convinced you, please take a good look at others during the group practice today." Bird head leaned back on the back of the chair and sighed up to the sky.

"Hey, what does the angel apprentice look at in you? The old man can't understand it!"

I didn't want to pay attention to Birdhead's complaints, and instead tried to recall the appearance of my junior.

Can't really remember.

It was not until the evening social class that I found out who the angel student was talking about.

He is a completely different person from me. In my impression, he was liked by all the seniors and sisters as soon as he joined the club, because he looks cute and loves to laugh. He talks about "senior, senior" all day long. Basically, he is me. Disliked type.

Oh, it turns out that he was selected as the deputy team. So, it seems that there is indeed an impression of hearing that a junior in high school was selected as the cadre.

If it was him, it would not be surprising, because I often saw him stay alone to strengthen the practice after the group practice.

That's the only thing that impresses me a little bit better about him.

"Hey, Master Fan, how are you, are you feeling a little bit more excited?" Birdhead, who was standing next to me, asked me in a low voice.

"Concentrate on practicing." I pushed his head away, straightened my face and threw myself into practice. Birdhead gave a "tsk" and returned to his position to continue practicing.

I really don't want to satisfy Birdhead's gossip heart, but the main reason for rejecting him is that our social class practice must be very attentive. After all, the club we participated in is the Yi team, a team that literally "dances the knife and grabs the gun". Birdhead and I each have a gun of the Yi team that weighs more than 6 kilograms. Injuring others or yourself, so no frolic or small talk is allowed during the practice.

At least when I'm practicing, I'm always very focused.

I was so focused that I didn't notice anyone approaching me.

"Uh-huh... Senior Fan, I'm sorry, can I disturb you?"

"Who? Oh..." The sudden voice made me startled. When I turned around with a frown, I found that the angel was holding a gun, standing behind me a little embarrassed.

"Is something wrong?" When I saw him, I thought of the love letter, and I felt unhappy immediately; interrupting my practice was even more unpleasant.

"Ah, sorry..." Maybe my zero-expression management frightened the junior. I watched the smile on his face disappear instantly, and his expression became quite embarrassing.

"Uh, I-I want to ask the senior to teach a spear technique, because the senior is very strong from the pistol technique, so..."




What does this guy mean by half-talking? !

"And then?" I've wasted minutes of practice listening to him.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry for disturbing the senior's practice. I'll just ask the other seniors. I won't take up the senior's time." After saying that, the junior bowed to me ninety degrees, and immediately turned around to leave.


I stretched out my hand and grabbed his shoulder. The younger brother was startled and looked back at me with a very panicked expression.

"How about you talking halfway over there alone? You've already taken up a lot of my time, did I tell you whether to teach you?" My face should have smelt so much that it couldn't get any worse.

"Do you want me to teach you?"

"...Ma, please teach me, senpai."

"It would have been better if I said no earlier. If it's a man, talk more simply."



I scolded myself for being a coward in my heart, and I couldn't even say a word. This is the first time in 11 years that we are standing in front of each other. In a trance, the younger brother in my memory overlaps with the face in front of me, but the charm is different.

Whether it was the expression on his face when he said he liked me, or the expression full of apology, it was not the same as he was at the moment.

And I, from the past to now, are a person who doesn't know how to control the atmosphere.

"How are you?" finally said, even if it was an innocuous sentence. And he laughed.

"Well, it's not bad. Where's the senior? How are you doing?" The junior put his hands in his jacket pockets, it was a little cold in October.

"It's alright."

"That's good."


Very good, God was chatted to death by me.

"Can I have a cigarette?" The junior shook the cigarette case and lighter that he had been holding in his hands, and smiled at me.

"Oh, oh, you can smoke." Angel Junior actually smokes? No...it's normal, we're all in our thirties.

"Do you smoke, senpai?"

"I don't smoke."

"Ah, sorry, I will stand downwind so that the smell of smoke won't get on the senior's clothes."

"It's okay, it's okay."

I watched him skillfully light a cigarette, his lighter was silver, and the shape was simple and beautiful.

"Your lighter..."

Hearing my words, the junior looked at the lighter in his hand, smiled and handed it to me.

"From my ex-boyfriend."

The lighter is engraved with English fonts, and even my broken English level can recognize it as "forever".

What an irony.

"It's funny, I gave this kind of thing and ended up cheating myself." The junior said with a smile, turned his face away and exhaled a cigarette.

"I wanted to throw it away, but I thought it was pretty, so I thought I'd throw it away when I found something I liked better." He took the lighter from me, spread it out on his palm, and looked at it thoughtfully.

"After all, I don't want to use the cheap ones sold in convenience stores. For this kind of thing, I have to pick one that is good-looking and durable." He took the palm of his hand and stuffed it back into his pocket.

"It takes time, it's hard to find."

I'm not sure how long it will take to find a good looking and durable lighter, I'm not even sure if it's a lighter or something else, but from the side face of my junior looking somewhere, I can see the difference in his expression. My memory is different.


During these 11 years, what people have you met and what happened?

I wanted to know, but didn't have the courage to ask.



I stopped what I was doing and nodded to the junior who came over with a schoolbag and a gun.

Since my younger brother asked me to help him see marksmanship that day, we will stay for extra training on days when we have group practice. The junior's basic marksmanship is very good, but he can't grasp the essentials apart from the pistol, so we spend most of the time studying each other's movements and skills to see how we can help him improve.

"Don't push your elbow too hard, lift it up along the force of your right hand pushing down, and relax your wrist, yes, try again."

"Oh! Not bad this time."

"Really! I think I caught that feeling, senpai!"

"Practice a few more times now, and remember this feel."

"it is good!"

When we practice, we are very focused. The important thing is that the younger brother has an unwillingness to admit defeat. He is not willing to give up when he encounters setbacks. If one practice does not succeed, practice a hundred times until he catches the feeling.

I appreciate this, it's very similar to me.

So much so that I almost forgot what he once wrote love letters to me.

I don't know why I suddenly remembered, obviously I was just holding the schoolbags of the two of them, waiting for the junior to put away the gun, lock the door of the gun room, and then hand him the schoolbag. Our hands touched each other, but that was all.

He blushed.

I know it's obvious when a person with fair skin blushes, but I'm mostly blushing because of anger.

The situation of the younger brother is definitely not angry.

I can't go on like this, I really don't understand, it's better to make it clear at one time.

"Deputy team." I stopped him. In the evening of late spring and early summer, the sunset time was very long.

"What's the matter, senior?" He also stopped, looking at me with very clear eyes.

"Why do you like me?"

The setting sun reflected the surprise in his expression.

I was waiting for his answer, and he was slow to speak.

Time slipped between the two of us, and complexity lingered on his face.

It was not until the orange sunset faded from the sky that he barely managed to squeeze a smile on his stiff face.

"Oh, haha, that's it." He started again, and I followed.

We got to the bus stop and I was waiting for him to reply, but he was silent.

"Is it difficult to answer?" I looked at him with a seemingly wry smile, thought for a moment, then turned my head to face me.

"I wrote the reason in the letter I wrote to the senior."

"So that's it?"

"Well...it doesn't seem to be the case now."

"What is that? I don't understand."

The younger brother looked at me, his eyes seemed to have a lot to say, but he was silent again.

I didn't rush him this time until he sighed.

"Tomorrow, I will tell the senior when I practice tomorrow, is it alright?"

"You mean when we stayed to practice? Before or after practice?" I asked him sternly. It's nothing, I usually have this expression, and it doesn't mean anything else.

"Pfft!" But he burst out laughing.

"Senior, you are really serious, as expected of the Li group."

I don't know what switch he pressed, but the apprentice, who had a sad face just now, suddenly put on a smile, and his attitude changed back to a relaxed look.

Although I don't understand it, it's better this way.

"After practice! I want to focus on reviewing today's results first."

At this time, the bus that the junior was about to take came, he beckoned, and when the bus stopped, he showed me the signature smile that earned him the title of "Angel Junior".

"Thank you senior for spending so much time practicing with me, rest early and see you tomorrow."

After speaking, the student got into the car.

And I always feel that there is something unspeakable strange.


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TEe_Min原創BL 兼職的泰耽譯者 在Insta上很活躍 https://www.instagram.com/tee_min18/
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🔮本月塔羅🔮 2024年05月

[原創BL] 學弟 Chap.7 決定