Travelogger #415, why am I a nationalist Zhenya

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Travellogger #415: Nationalist Zhenya
 02 - Zhenya (zhenya) Russian version: Женя / original name: Евгений or Евгения Name original meaning: noble night owl, sensitive, imaginative, easily moved by beautiful things, often immersed in the spiritual world of self. I don't like being interrupted when I'm in a daze.

Value Position: Nationalism

I didn't study carefully how many conditions I met, but I was airdropped to Travellogger #415: Nationalist Zhenya. Today, I looked back at the costume designs applied to various characters, many of them are too cute! It is said to be an airdrop, but I used the imaginative characteristics of Zhenya people, and I am really curious about the airdrop logic behind it. Have you searched for key information in the time and content of the past postings, and then decide who to cast?

After all, I really can’t think of the relationship between the real me, the articles I usually publish, and nationalism XD. The only thing that is related is that I directly mentioned these four words in the articles I participated in last year’s non-fiction writing, and those who were at the edge of memory // Bratislava War Relics Search Notes (1): The bunker group that was on the front line of the battlefield and was prepared but did not fight . This short NFT directly reminded me of this unfinished war relic series. (Ah... when the hell is a sequel coming?)

Besides, Zhenya, is it because I have never been in control of Taiwan time, and I have always posted in my time zone UTC+1? I'm really not a night owl, I can count the number of times I go to bed between twelve and one o'clock every month with my hands. (By the way, Slovak adults often fall asleep between 9:00-10:00 in the evening, because they are willing to start work between 5:00-6:00 in the morning and go home to play with their children in the afternoon .)

I don’t write here for some time, I occasionally read articles in disinterest, and several of my favorite authors are absent or don’t post often. Recently, because I have been staying at home for a long time in winter, I just used words to precipitate the things that came to my mind these days. I accidentally found that Matt City started to have a Travellogger plan. After I set up my wallet, I was actually drawn to the airdrop, which is a bit surprising. Although I still don't understand why it is nationalism... I just opened the "#zhenya sign book" label, welcome Zhenya people to join and meet other companions!


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卡在時空縫隙的虫台灣人不在台灣,喜愛旅行、編織、藝文、烹飪、園藝、健行、攀岩,對一些舊東西情有獨鍾,用文字寫出生活與過去連結的樣子。 Medium: 線人工作間
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