After being wronged for a year at Notion, I finally decided not to be wronged - move!

New home - infrastructure

The new home is obviously built bit by bit using WordPress. I haven't touched it since 2009. Many things have changed a lot, and I'm not used to it, but the central theme of WordPress' "modularization" has not changed, which is quite touching...

First of all, the hosting is using Hostinger recommended by kinder netizens on Liker.Social (a decentralized community… one of the Twitters on the blockchain). Overall, the connection speed is fast, compared to the previous Notion interface. It should be very different and feel very different; the price is also ok, but the disadvantage of WordPress modularization is that you have to pay extra for everything, so in fact, there are many functions that I originally wanted to do with Squarespace that cannot be implemented; In fact, it is not much worse than Squarespace, which rents 45 USD per month. And the fact that space and domain are purchased separately is really the same everywhere... I wish they could be the same! (grief)

At this time, I was very fortunate that the capital I invested in the self-supporting station was not in vain. Many plug-ins that I bought in the past can still be used now, and I have saved almost a quarter of the calculation before and after. I still have to applaud and praise myself. Take a look at the keen intuition of the year and the self who did not forget their existence, great!

New Home - Future Development  …

In fact, while I was making detailed adjustments, I was thinking about what I just said a while ago and wanted to do. First, I roughly established some article classifications, and the draft service descriptions were also built first; while planning and publishing, I felt that I still owed a lot of construction work.

Putting aside these reflections, in short, this is the exclusive space for my personal brand in the future! (Should we put something like "Since 2022" in the corner to commemorate it?)

In addition to the usual body, mind, numerology and divination related articles, considering the characteristics of WordPress and the fact that I love writing (a lot of words) , in addition to the very light and loving articles, I will also start writing some more everyday articles. s things. For example, what TV series or series did I watch, what apps did I buy, etc... Well, maybe. But considering the audience, these articles will be displayed separately in different ways, so if there is no accident, this should be the first and the last small talk that has nothing to do with body and mind.


The things to be written next can be roughly divided into several categories -

  • Card resource translation - Reynoldsman, Kiboka, Gypsy Witch divination playing cards
  • Occasional high spirit messages
  • Monthly Mass Blessings
  • Bimonthly popular quiz (paid)
  • case record
  • Message and energy painting records (flower of life, blueprint, etc.)
  • Self-made card development record (I'm almost done drawing!)
  • Soul Healing Records and Message Sharing
  • Various challenge records (a flower a week or something, I'm still thinking about it.)

These are the content of the articles that I have scheduled starting in May 2022. In addition, there are some newly launched services. After the new services, I will post articles to explain and introduce them separately.

new subscription system

Because of the move, we have a flexible environment that is relatively friendly to the subscription system - a platform for stable deductions, plus flexible content that is layered and customized.

The connection of the new subscription platform has actually been completed, but the level data in it are still test content; some friends who have clicked on the subscription and tracked before may have been accidentally bombarded by me. All my test data have been sent out...

cough. The new subscription platform is the coffee mug floating in the lower right corner of the website - Buy me a coffee .

You can freely decide whether you want a one-time sponsorship or a long-term subscription. The subscription system can only be seen by entering the webpage and going to the "Membership" side; all the income will be used for website maintenance. Then do more fun things.

Of course, you are also welcome to sponsor one-time sponsorship. In any case, after everything is finalized at the end of April, you can start to consider whether to join the subscription system or not!

New home - other things

A few other things about the new home-

The first is the old website - it's still there, and has been changed back to Notion's original URL; then it will be subdomained to maintain its association with the new home, and will serve as a backup station for website maintenance. The more life-like things mentioned above will also be released on the old site.

The second is the reason for the move (I only thought of it now) .

The speed of Notion mentioned above is one reason, and the other is that Liker.Land/LIKE COIN CHAIN, which I have always used, released an announcement - a new plug-in is launched, which can directly link articles in the WordPress background to achieve decentralization Publishing is registered! That's the main reason why I've decidedly given up on other web hosting spaces I've been waiting for a long time. As a pseudo-tech nerd, Web 3.0 continues to promote evolution. This is my weak struggle and pursuit, and I also play with these interesting functions and environments.

The last part is the update progress. It is expected that the big move will be completed at the end of April. The articles and descriptions are mainly based on the old station information for the time being. I will try my best to catch up with the progress!

Original link: Above the Flowers (


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