The real reason for China's implementation of the "three-child" policy (2)

Once this family planning policy is abolished, it is almost impossible to restore it.

(Continued from the previous one )

As for the second aspect, the New York Times article actually only gave a partial answer.

Many people have noticed that the procedure for the Communist bandits to introduce the three-child policy is different from when they introduced the separate two-child policy and the comprehensive two-child policy. It was only after Xi Wenzhu discussed it in the Politburo that it was released.

From this perspective, the three-child policy is procedurally illegal.

So why did Xi Fanzhu bypass the National People's Congress and launch the "three-child" policy?

I guess, maybe there are still people in the party who disagree with this policy.

In the process of cracking down on counterfeiting and anti-birth control groups over the years, I found that the reasons for relaxing or abolishing family planning put forward by the anti-birth control groups are often untenable (refer to my article " Criticizing Yi Fuxian's Fraud, I've Always Been "Reasonable") There is data, clear logic, and no personal attacks" "):

At first, they hyped "tens of millions of families who lost their only child", which has been falsified by me;

Then they hyped up the poor education of the only-child family and then demonized the only-child, which was also falsified by me;

Then they hyped up family planning, resulting in an unbalanced gender ratio and "30 million" bachelors, which are still falsified by me;


Finally they target the so-called "aging crisis" hype.

However, as I analyzed in " The Blind and Not Optimistic of the Ottomans in the American Version ", although due to the huge population base, China's elderly are very large in absolute numbers (the same is true for bachelors), but due to the implementation of the Communist Party's banditry The dual household registration system, the elderly in rural areas generally only have a pension of a few hundred yuan, and the elderly who are really supported by pension funds are not as many as they appear on the surface , so the government’s pension pressure is not anti-birth control. They are rendered so serious .

In the face of the low-level lies thrown out by anti-birth control factions such as counterfeiting master Yi Fuxian, although intellectual elites invariably pretend to be stupid and selectively blind. However, not all the CCP bandits are fools, otherwise, the ambition and stupidity of Xi Fanzhu would not be dealt with in a "high-level black and low-level red" style, and become the laughing stock of the whole country and even the whole world.

If even a rural woman like me can see through these lies, do you think no one in the CCP will see through?

In addition, in recent years, the Communist bandits have used the "advantage" of the large population of the DPRK to fight a trade war with the United States and bully countries with small populations such as Australia and Taiwan. On the surface, this population "advantage" seems to have given the CCP the upper hand, and used the power of Xi's huge market to drive away the Trump who hated Xi's pig. But after Biden took office, he almost completely continued Trump's previous China policy and sanctions, and on this basis joined other Western countries to deal with the Communist bandits and intensified their efforts to suppress the ambitions of the Communist bandits. This Biden's threat to the CCP is more than Trump's.

The trade war between the CCP and the United States, from a local perspective, seems to have won a little bit, but from an overall perspective, it has actually lost a lot.

This has been made clearer in the trade war with Australia.

Although the CCP has taught Australia a lesson when it comes to non-essential products like lobster wine. But in order to meet the needs of this huge population, Xi Dynasty also needs a huge amount of steel to build housing and road infrastructure. In the past year, the price of high-quality iron ore in Australia has continued to rise. As a result, after a trade war, " from January to March this year, Australia's total exports to China reached 33.7 billion US dollars (equivalent to about 2204 US dollars). RMB 100 million), a year-on- year increase of 20.7%, setting a record high. Among them, Australia’s exports to China in March reached US$13.2 billion, a record high in a single month. ” (Refer to “ Iron Ore Prices Rise for Seven Consecutive Months! Australia The blood has been successfully recovered, and the export to China has increased by nearly 20% in the first three months .”).

In a word, because of the "advantage" of the huge population of the Baiya Dynasty, Xi's trade war with Australia is only a few small sesame wins, but a big watermelon is lost.

As long as the "advantage" of the huge population remains unchanged, the CCP bandits will be choked by the West at any time in terms of resources that require a relatively large amount.

When Xi Fanzhu, whose ambition and ability are inversely proportional to talent, desperately undermines China's population policy, this kind of pain in the neck may have kept him and his comrades a little sane .

Last but not least, the madness of the anti-birth control group might also make the CCP bandits wary.

In the past few years, some Western mainstream media, such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Radio Free Asia, Voice of America, etc., who have regarded Lizhongke as their standard, have abandoned their professional ethics and cooperated with counterfeiting in order to abolish family planning. Birth control factions lie and spread lies.

Even the western mainstream media that deal with the Chinese people are crazy to this extent! If one day, after the abolition of family planning, the CCP bandits realize that they have made a mistake and want to restore the family planning policy and regain control of the population growth of the dynasty. It is simply unimaginable how the anti-birth control factions and the media and audiences at home and abroad will react. Under the instigation of the anti-birth control group, the angry people will rise up and overthrow the Communist bandits.

In short, once this family planning policy is abolished, it is almost impossible to restore it .


Decades of family planning have really benefited thousands of ordinary families who have escaped the vicious cycle of "the poorer the more, the more the poorer," especially those who, because of the shrinking family size, have become more independent in terms of education and economic independence. Women with more and better opportunities. Although violent family planning does infringe human rights, it cannot completely deny the family planning policy.

Population policy is the basic national policy of a country, and it should maintain certain continuity and stability, and it is not appropriate to change too much or too quickly.

With the total population still high, the anti-birth control faction coerced Xi's ambitions to create lies and fool the people. Although they won support among those intellectual elites who disregarded reality for the sake of ideals and loved the truth more than the truth, It turns out that the people at the bottom are not as easy to fool as they thought.

I hope that intellectual elites and political elites can put down their arrogance a little bit, look at the real situation among the people, and stop trying to fake and lie, and push the plan to abolish family planning.

Ordinary people struggling between involution and lying flat have been overwhelmed.


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