Want to make more money? Do spot gold simulation trading first!

Before investing in spot gold, many people will go through a simulated transaction to test. On the one hand, they can observe the stability of the platform software, and on the other hand, they can also check whether their trading level has passed the test. After a period of simulated trading of spot gold, everyone gradually found that simulated trading seems to be easier to obtain profits, but when it comes to real trading, it often backfires. What are the factors that cause the difference between the two?

Before investing in spot gold, many people will go through a simulated transaction to test. On the one hand, they can observe the stability of the platform software, and on the other hand, they can also check whether their trading level has passed the test. After a period of simulated trading of spot gold, everyone gradually found that simulated trading seems to be easier to obtain profits, but when it comes to real trading, it often backfires. What are the factors that cause the difference between the two?

No financial pressure for simulated trading

Compared with real trading, the simulated trading of spot gold does not involve real funds. Although the trading environment and operation methods are basically the same, in the absence of financial pressure, most investors can make more rational judgments, and There is an account opening experience fee of up to 10W in it, so the safety factor of the position is also very high.

Therefore, everyone's analytical thinking before trading will be more open, thereby effectively improving the odds of trading. This is why most high-quality platforms recommend investors to use demo accounts to cultivate confidence and gradually learn the investment knowledge on the Gold Academy column.

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The simulated trading mentality is relatively stable

In addition, there is another advantage of spot gold simulated trading, that is, everyone's mentality will be relatively stable and calm. Because in the process of real trading, many investors will make some small mistakes, such as going against the market or refusing to set stop losses, etc., but in simulated trading, because the funds are not their own, it will be better. timely adjustment of thinking.

However, whether it is simulated trading or real trading, some good habits still need to be cultivated as soon as possible. Strictly use the price limit platform to set stop losses, so that in the future spot gold investment can be more stable and rich returns.

What is the difference between a limit platform and a market platform? Why are price-limited platforms safer?

Why is it easier to make money in the simulated trading of spot gold? In fact, the fundamental reason lies in everyone's mentality. If everyone can put the mentality of the simulated trading on the real trading, it will definitely greatly increase the probability of winning in reality. Of course, this is basically impossible for most novice investors, so we need to continue to strengthen our trading skills. When we cultivate good confidence, it is naturally the time to make money.


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