[Life Whisper] Limitation


Don't let age limit your willingness to do things.

People often think that because of how old you are now, it is not suitable for you to do something, so you limit your thoughts about doing it.

But, to be honest, if this thing is positive, correct, and does not hinder others or society, then don't let age limit your thoughts and imagination.

For example, someone who is old and still hopes to go to college or even a graduate school, so he is angry to study; or a 60-year-old woman, because the first half of her life is dedicated to her family, so in the second half of her life, he wants to be herself What he wanted to do, he went to take the crew certificate and did what he really wanted to do, (the Chinese medicine test at the age of 42, the crew test after the age of 60, and the literature award! The most fashionable grandma: it's never too late to be yourself https:/ /csr.cw.com.tw/article/41484)

You only have one life, what you want to do, without affecting others, do it bravely and live a meaningful life.


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晴天小姐寫想寫的內容,成為自己的字療師。 如果文字可以抒發心情,那這裡就是女性自己的房間。
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