2022.8.15 Hong Kong Court News Compilation

法庭線 The Witness
Focus: 6.12 Admiralty | "Break-eye teacher" Yang Zijun pleads guilty to illegal assembly and sentenced to 9 months in prison 8.22 Decision

"Court Line" is a Hong Kong court media that started operation in May 2022. It was founded by former court reporters. It adheres to the principles of independent, accurate and impartial journalism. It hopes to continue to witness records in Hong Kong and the court scene in a rapidly changing era. All reports are open to the public free of charge, and rely on readers to pay subscriptions to support operations. "Court Line" website and subscription support on various platforms


6.12 Admiralty | "Break-eye teacher" Yang Zijun admits illegal assembly and sentenced to 9 months in prison

The stake is accused of inciting subversion case He Junren applies for bail for the second time High Court decision 8.22

|Social Movement|

7.21 Man in White|A 63-year-old man denies that the riot wounded and was accused of attacking and returned to the mainland. He was arrested last year when he entered the country

12.22 Central|Two youths admit to assaulting a policeman and robbing a criminal, but denying that the riot was tried


Defendant sentenced to 1 year in prison for indecent assault in Hello Kitty hiding case

Defendant of Cathay Pacific's two former air crews involved in violating epidemic prevention regulations: Cathay Pacific email says dining in restaurants and visiting friends are "acceptable"

Tai Kok Tsui 3-month-old baby boy suspected of being abused, foster couple charged with murder and remanded on 11.7

Husband and wife involved in conspiracy to rape Filipino maid|Defense: The victim had a good impression of the male employer and voluntarily traded, and later suspected that the meat was too little and slandered rape

Shatin shooting case|Private car driver refused to be investigated and crashed into 7 cars and was shot and subdued by police, driver pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and other 5 crimes


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法庭線 The Witness香港法庭媒體,由前法庭記者創立,秉持獨立、準確和持平的新聞原則。報道全部免費向公眾開放,有賴讀者付費月訂或年訂支持營運。 |網站及各平台:https://linktr.ee/thewitnesshk |付費訂閱:https://bit.ly/3l9vWC4
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