【Parent-Child Topics】Children's Animals 2


On the road, in the department store, in the restaurant, in the store... You can see all kinds of parents everywhere (ha! How to describe it like a commodity)

Although I am not a parenting expert, I still feel puzzled and puzzled by some parents of filial sons and daughters~

I can't understand the following:

1. Why do some parents who accompany their children who have just stepped on their feet always wear a "safety belt" for fear of their children getting lost or falling?

(In my opinion... only pets need a leash. The main reason is that they are afraid of running around, afraid of getting lost, and afraid of hurting others, but why does a "child" need to be tied with a safety rope like this? Besides, there will always be a relationship between the rope and the person. A little distance, if someone doesn't notice when they pass by, will they stumble because of this, and who should be responsible? Personally, I really don't think it applies to cute children!)

When a child is learning the basic behavior patterns of growing up, why should he be afraid of falling and hurting him? !

Isn't it that he should learn and grow from failure!! Wherever he falls, where he fails, he must stand up! Even if it is because of fear that the child will be lost or taken away by a stranger, these are the responsibility of the parents! At the age when children still need to be protected, parents should prevent these situations from happening (although some accidents do not occur due to parental negligence), but I believe that all accidents are not what parents want to see!

2. Why do children who can eat by themselves chase and feed them one bite at a time?

Even if the child is still unable to hold the spoon and chopsticks firmly, it is a natural behavior to pick up the rice with his hands. At least it means that the child is "willing to eat", but he is not very good at using "civilized" dining tools!

Everything is repeated learning and learning, even if we are adults, we are learning things, that is, a few people will succeed once!!

Do we want to be scolded when we face failure? Or be treated harshly? We shouldn't be able to learn, we should be able to learn it at once. . . From another standpoint, from another angle, both adults and children should be treated with empathy.

3. Why do children (about 2 or 3 years old) who can walk by themselves still sit in a stroller?

I often see "big" children who can walk steadily, just because they are too lazy to walk? Just because they want to act like a spoiled child, their parents can't control them, they can't do anything... so they have to obey? !

Aren't the above behaviors all the behavior patterns that humans are born with as they age!


Why do parents have to be exhausted to serve the little masters and princesses they gave birth to?

As a result, when the children grow up, many things think that their parents take everything for granted!! Of course, the parents of these filial sons and daughters are also happy!


I am also a parent, and there are times when I obey my children, but only occasionally, not blindly!

Teaching with your mouth is really easy!!

Also, if you have never had children before, don't teach them how to "educate children" in front of parents! Every child is an independent individual and should be taught in accordance with their aptitude. Never apply a set of standards to every child! Even if there are more than two children in the family, one set of standards does not apply.



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