Home Epidemic Prevention Themed Photography

Epidemic Prevention Photography

Because the teacher gave a photography assignment,

So let the lazy me have motivation.

Light and shadow present a sense of contrast.

This photo is really embarrassing 🤣 Because there is no light, I can only use the mobile phone flashlight to be stuck around my neck, press the camera shutter with one hand, and put the camera on the wardrobe, while the other hand is spraying alcohol.

In fact, this is natural light plus a mobile phone flashlight.

Finally, this one is handed over as homework.

This is how it was originally conceived.

Because I have to take online courses at home, I take out my computer, and the mask presents a feeling of isolation.

Putting it by the bed also wants to present a kind of "I really want to go out to the outside world", a feeling of being imprisoned.

On a whim, I also took a beautiful photo of the sun, and the weather was super good at that time.

Although some people would like to have no halo, I personally like the feeling.

Add an evening sky shot from the window of the building opposite.

I really like it ☺



Every time I take a photo, I will sweat profusely, especially at the window, and I may not use many of them, but I am still very happy to take a photo I like hahaha.


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