[Ghost Moon let the horse come over] Maybe he's just lonely...


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The so-called "July and a half" has finally arrived in the storm. In fact, since I was a child, I was not afraid of encountering supernatural events in real life. Instead, I was curious about such things and wanted to explore the reasons; and I used to be pretty iron-toothed paranormal events or something, until something changed my mind a little bit. But iron teeth are iron teeth; I won't be bored enough to break taboos or do anything disrespectful to ghosts and gods.

But I'm really afraid of watching horror movies, whether it's western or oriental, watching it once can make me have nightmares. Even if I watch it with a friend, my friend is screaming and half-dead next to me, and I cover half of my eyes calmly. After watching it (actually I was scared to death), when I walked out of the house, my mind was filled with all kinds of shadows, and when I saw anything, I became paranoid; and I would definitely have nightmares when I slept that night, and the friend who invited me to watch a horror movie I didn't have nightmares, but I had nightmares all night. Next time you invite me to watch a horror movie, I won't go to death! ! !

Returning to the topic, I want to share with you the "something" that I have personally experienced. It also makes the iron-toothed me change a little bit and feel that there are still things in this world that cannot be explained by science.

I began to miss the days when it didn't rain, and put a sunset photo taken before to drive away the musty smell in my heart.

It is said that back then, in the second year of middle school in my country, the school organized a three-day and two-night camping activity in the wild, in order to allow students to experience what it means to "survive in the wild".

Of course, the first time I participated, I was super excited. I thought that I could sleep in a tent at night with my good friends and chat and count the stars, such a romantic and passionate youthful feeling. coming.

In the scout class before the event, the teacher also helped us, the pampered secondary school students, to make up for some skills, such as using the scout rope to tie slipknots and dead knots, and the performance of the scout flag (I remember that every One class was forced to perform on the day of camp).

The long-awaited day finally arrived in good weather. I remember that the night before my departure, when I was packing my camping luggage in my room, my mother took two or three amulets that I specially asked for from the temple of Xuantian God in the village. , asked me to carry it with me at any time to keep my safety. I was very iron-clad at the time, so I just stuffed it into the bottom layer of my bag and said perfunctorily: "I went to camp with the school teacher, and the principal would also go, and Nothing will happen, why take so many amulets, one is enough."

But my mother insisted that I carry a little more on my body, and told me to carry it with me, not just in my bag; at that time, I didn't listen to my mother's words, and stuffed all the amulets into the bottom of the bag, expecting Looking forward to tomorrow's camp.

After the whole class got on the tour bus early in the morning, everyone excitedly chatted and talked about some interesting things. In such a happy atmosphere, we finally arrived at the campsite of a certain "Forest Amusement Park". There was a girl who claimed to be yin and yang eyes secretly said to a few of us: "I feel that the yin is very heavy here. Although it is daytime, there is something unclean in the woods."

When the other girls heard this, their originally happy faces became terrified, and they responded, "Really! But that forest is where we sleep in tents at night, so what should we do?"

The girl with yin and yang eyes replied: "In short, it's better not to go to the toilet alone at night, and don't be alone; try to make it safer for everyone to act together."

I, who stood by and listened for a long time, also replied: "Anyway, the teachers and the others are all there, so it's impossible to be alone, because we have groups, and everyone in the same group sleeps in the same tent, right? Even cooking at night Let the group act together, everyone, don't worry." At that time, I would answer like this, but I simply didn't believe what the girl said, and I didn't want everyone's happy mood to be affected by the strange atmosphere.

During the day, we completed various Scouting activities and challenges at the Forest Amusement Park, and everyone was very excited. On the first night of the camp, everyone in the same group as me began to work together to prepare dinner. Some of them were very excited. Some people are responsible for picking up the ingredients from the teacher, some are responsible for cleaning the food and grilling the ingredients, some are responsible for loading the plate, and some are responsible for cleaning up after the meal.

After dinner, everyone chatted happily, and soon after the lights went out, each group went to sleep in each group's tent, and the first night was safe. Da, I kept hearing the sound of the wind beating on the tent, and I didn’t sleep well. In the middle of the night, my friend woke me up and told me to accompany her to the toilet. On the way to the toilet, I met a girl with yin and yang eyes chatting with me. She said: "She's going home tomorrow, because she just had a fever and felt unwell. She went to the medical center to take her temperature. Tomorrow, the teacher will call her mother to pick her up and take her home to see the doctor." When she was going back to the tent to sleep, she also said: "It's really cloudy here. It's better to be careful." Because I was too tired to listen, I casually said "OK" and went back to the tent to sleep.

I finally fell asleep, and the day came suddenly and quickly. After I slept for only a few hours, after eating breakfast, I heard the teacher say that two or three classmates were unwell. I was taken home by my parents this morning. The doctor came and encouraged us to have a Scout spirit and work hard for three days. The teacher also said that if you are not feeling well, you can tell the teacher not to be strong.

After hearing this, I was refreshed, so I participated in the morning walking activity with the team members of the same team, and went for a walk in the village outside the forest amusement park. At the beginning of that morning, everyone was very energetic and greeted the villagers. I also I remember the teacher chatting with me that morning while walking and saying that I am in good spirits and physical strength. I will see if I have a chance to win the group championship on the last day.

I was fine that afternoon. Good friends from different groups invited me out. We were chatting in a quiet corner of the woods, but I always felt that when she was talking to me that day, I kept hearing dogs barking nearby, and I I have been getting goosebumps. A gust of wind made my hair stand on end. I felt very uncomfortable and had a headache. I said to my friend, "I have a headache. Let's go back to the camp to prepare dinner."

She said, "Talk with me for a while. I don't want to go back to my group. They are all laughing at me. It was painful to sleep in the same tent with them yesterday. They laughed at my hair all the time." My friends are like me. is a natural volume.

"But... I really feel a little cold. Let's go back to the camp to talk, okay? It's too quiet here. It's a bit scary." I didn't even know I had a fever.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a Christian, and my wife told me that if you have God in your heart, you don't have to be afraid of those things." My good friend asked me to accompany her more, she didn't want to go back to the group and be bullied again.

I couldn't bear it, and promised to chat with her until dinner was cooked, but I was actually very uncomfortable at that time.

Finally, after having dinner with everyone, my discomfort became more and more serious. When everyone took turns to take a shower, after finishing the dishes, I sat on the chair in a daze and wanted to say, "Strange, my Why is my head hurting so much, I really want to take a shower and go to bed as soon as possible, tomorrow is the last day of camping, I hope I can win the championship.”

At this time, the teacher who was chatting with me during the day came over and looked at me with a worried expression: "XX, are you alright, your face looks very pale, do you want to go to the medical center, I will tell your instructor later, you first Go to the nurse auntie."

When the teacher asked this question, he stretched out his hand to touch my forehead (the teacher is a woman) and told me to go to the medical center as soon as possible. On the way to the medical center, I wanted to say, "It's strange, I really look very sad. Pale? Then I can't last until the third day, I won't win the championship." So, after I took my temperature, the nurse aunt told me that my fever had reached 38.5 degrees, and I had to go home immediately to see a doctor. I immediately went back to the account to pack my luggage, and then came back here to wait for my mother. She would tell the teacher to notify my mother to pick me up.

As soon as I heard that I had a fever, I suddenly cried. The nurse asked me, "Are you feeling unwell? Why are you crying?" I didn't know why I was crying, but after nodding with the nurse, I went to the tent to pack my luggage. During the process of clearing the ground, a strong wind suddenly blew through our tent. At that time, I was the only one in the tent. Everyone was chatting in the camp. I felt goosebumps and I just wanted to pack my luggage and go back to the medical center.

Later, my last clear memory is: my mother came to pick me up soon, and I knew what I was doing at that time. After my mother took me to the clinic to see a doctor for an injection, I also knew that after taking a shower and taking antipyretics, I lay groggy on the bed and fell asleep.

What happened later, I listened to my mother and father, and the classmates and teachers around me told me.

Because in those days, I was always vague about everything that happened to me in reality. At that time, I was like a body in the world, and I always felt that a layer of white mist covered my eyes. I don't know what I'm doing. My soul seems to be sleepwalking, and I always want to sleep, because I feel that when I sleep, I can feel that my soul still exists, and I can see the world in my dreams clearly.

The most special dream in those days was: I was in many graves, dark and dark, with red candles, and a few moving skeletons talking to me and dancing with me, but I The feeling is not particularly scared, just a little sad, don't know why?

The most special thing is: I dreamed of my grandmother who died not long ago. She held my hand and walked along the long dark road. We didn't talk to each other, we just kept walking like this, but I felt very warm and warm. Later, when I saw the little light spot in front of me, my grandmother stopped and told me that she was leaving. I said, "Don't leave me, can you take me with you?" But grandma just smiled and disappeared, and I woke up! !

I heard from my mother that in those days, I felt that my soul was not in my body. It was clear that the fever had subsided and there was no fever; but I always wanted to sleep; I also told the teacher that I seemed to be a different person, and then my mother often came to school to pick me up when I asked for leave. My mother said that she often took me to the clinic to see a doctor, but the doctor said that I was fine. I went to see an ophthalmologist, and my mother said that at that time, the ophthalmologist said, "When ordinary people take a light to illuminate their pupils, their eyes will react; but your daughter's eyes are completely unresponsive. I suggest you go to a high-level doctor to see an ophthalmologist. The intraocular pressure is too high."

Mom said that she and Dad were afraid that I would just sleep like this and never wake up the next morning, because when I got home, I was lying in bed and I just wanted to sleep because I didn’t like talking. At that time, they often took my temperature at night, worried that I might have a fever again, but when I heard my mother say that my temperature was only 19 degrees suddenly, she was frightened; but my father thought that the thermometer was broken, There is absolutely no chance of such a thing that goes against science.

A few days before I was going to see a high-level doctor, my cousin, after learning about my incident, suggested to my parents whether I should use unscientific methods to treat my symptoms. After all, it was useless to see many doctors. The same mind is not in real life. So my mother died and became a living horse doctor, and took me to find a master in the village who would be alarmed. I heard my mother tell me at the time, "Master told me that your daughter has something that shouldn't be followed, and she is also with you. I’ve been with her for more than ten days.” At that time, my mother said that it was just ten days since I came back from the camp!!! Later, I heard from my mother that the master didn’t know what he did on me, so he took the Fushuizhi Something like that, I want to put it in when I get home and take a shower.

My mother followed the way Master said, when I was taking a bath (I was actually curious, did I really take a bath during that time? I have no impression at all, I only know that I liked sleeping very much at that time), secretly let the burn After a few days, one afternoon, I suddenly saw the real world in my eyes. I don’t know who blew my white mist away. When I knew my situation was better; then I suddenly realized one thing that makes me feel ashamed

"Oh my God!!! Did I do something humiliating these days? (My puppet bag is very heavy), I don't remember it at all. Which Ah Piao is so lonely that he wants to play with me and stay by my side After so long, maybe he's just lonely... But, my image is gone, how am I going to face my teachers and classmates!!!!"

After I was done, I was anxious to ask my friends and family about my situation during the few days I was in school; sure enough, all the good student bags I worked so hard to manage were disrupted by the naughty Ah Piao. The teacher said that I For a while, my homework was terrible, and my homework was in a mess. When I got along with my classmates, I acted strangely. The point is that I still took part in the Duan Exam in those days, and it was very risky that I could still be in the top ten in the end, although I did not remember the days of my Duan Exam at all.

However, after this incident, I really feel that some things are not based on what you see, and what you can't see doesn't mean she doesn't exist; and what you see isn't necessarily the truth. I have more respect and humility for Guishenzhi, because he was lonely and let me see the deceased grandmother that I missed; and because of him, I will definitely carry an amulet with me next time I go out, because of this incident, Only then did I know that my horoscope was very light; and because of him, I would not go to places with heavy yin, and I felt nostalgia and respect for those who died.

In fact, ghosts and gods are not scary. The scary thing is that we don’t know them. They were once missed and loved by a certain family, but they lived in different places. It is inevitable that they will miss the place they used to live, so they will feel lonely. , so I wanted to come back and look, but I used the wrong method.

Finally: I wish everyone a safe and healthy Lunar July :)


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一隻會彈琴的貓高敏感、內向、多愁善感的貓。 慢熱慢熟、又愛自言自語的貓。 寫作風格平平淡淡、寫作體裁不限,只要有興趣和靈感都想嘗試看看。 喜歡彈琴、聽古典音樂,和任何好聽的音樂,很隨興但不隨便的貓。 IG:han8.16
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