Applying for a job should not be just about learning resume writing and interview skills, you should be more concerned about...

If you plan carefully for a small trip of three days and two nights, how can you not take such a big job seriously? Every choice you make, every job you do, becomes your life.

As a career planning consultant, even in order to take this path more competently, I have received psychological counseling skills training along the way, read the Institute of Psychology, and passed the NCDA International Career Development Counselor's license. However, tailoring a suitable career for each individual case is still not an easy task.

Everyone is a unique individual, and the bright and bright messages of a successful career we receive on a daily basis belong to others, not you. Borrowing mirrors and references are all very good, but if you follow the scripted imitations and do not review them afterwards, you may only fall into the failure of "I can't do it, it's better to lie down first".

Although a large part of career consulting work is to assist people with resume diagnosis and interview skills training, in my opinion, this part is the least difficult and only needs to appear in the latter part of the consultation.

The importance of self-understanding and inventory, as well as the mastery of job functions, always takes precedence over technical presentation.

The answer is very simple, resumes and interviews are all ways to let the company know you. As long as the method is presented, there will be a systematic methodology that can be learned and operated. Learning how to write a resume and answer interview questions is really not difficult. If you want to build a house, I can teach you how to build the most sturdy and durable scaffolding. When you learn the structure and logic of words (resume) and language (interview) , the two are actually the same, and your expression will be very clear , very systematic, but the most difficult is actually:

Do you know what material you use to build your house?

Do you know if you are a log or an earthquake-resistant steel bar?

If you are obviously high-grade steel bars that are earthquake-resistant and compressive, but you put yourself on the seaside where there is always sandstorms and few people, and you are raised in a deep boudoir, no one can see you; if you are actually a Nordic style log, it is suitable for building One-story house, but learn 101 and put yourself in the Xinyi District of Taipei. I am afraid that even if it can be built, it will be replaced sooner or later, and then it will be demolished.

"Teacher, what do I need to do to be admitted?" This question is imprecise.

The right question should be: "What do I need to do to find the right job?"

【Job Trilogy】

Ai-style job hunting trilogy without the surname Ai

1. Self-Inventory:

Knowing yourself clearly is always your top priority when looking for a job.
You can refer to what your parents say, what your seniors say, what you say on the Internet, but you can’t take it all without thinking. No matter how much others care about you, they can’t be responsible for your life after all. There are methods for self-exploration, and many tools such as career theory, self-analysis, and psychological assessment can help clients understand themselves.

2. Functional/Industry Anchor:

It's not enough to take stock of yourself, it's equally important to understand the market and what you can do. Many people who come to consult, especially those who are new to the society, know themselves well, but what are the job conditions and requirements for the job they want to apply for? I don’t know how the industry trends and status quo, and the lack of workplace sense of candidates has always been a problem that interviewers often encounter and feel headaches.

3. Resume/Interview Skills:

The first two items have been completed, and at this time, "building a scaffold" can more ensure that the case is going in the right direction. Otherwise, as soon as the first case is required, the consultant will teach the teaching resume and interview. It didn't take long for the case to feel that something was wrong: the working hours were too long, the work content was different from what I thought, and the supervisor felt different from the interview at the beginning... So I started to feel lost again.

Everyone worked so hard at the beginning, but if you work hard in the wrong direction, you are just sorry for your initial efforts.

If you are looking for a job or a job, if you only care about how to write your resume and interview at the beginning, you will lose the company that "everyone has a good suggestion", and then pray for one of the lottery wins, or if you win two or more and don't know how to choose , and blindly choose based on intuition or other people's experience, and in the end, the dazed feeling of "not feeling right" will only continue to be staged.

If you plan carefully for a small trip of three days and two nights, how can you not take such a big job seriously? Every choice you make, every job you do, becomes your life.

#My life don't follow suit


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艾莎解結🌷「艾莎」為您「解」開心「結」🌷 想要解開職場千千結,你需要深諳各種江湖套路,又受過專業心理諮商訓練的艾莎解結。 ~願人人都有選擇人生的自由~ To be free group-TBFG 我的個人網站 粉專:艾莎解結-跨界生涯顧問
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