Feature Update Announcement | New public chat and broadcast notifications around the furnace, and tag additions and optimizations

The long-awaited enhanced version of the perimeter notification function is here! Now the notifications of "Chat" and "Broadcast" will be pushed to you immediately. Join the perimeter and participate in a tighter community of readers.

The Weiroku is a place where Matters authors and readers interact closely. In order to make it easier for authors to use the Weiroku for community management of readers, we have strengthened the notification functions of "Chat" and "Broadcast". Both members can instantly receive notifications of "Chat" and "Broadcast"!

The specific instructions are as follows:

【If I'm a kiln subscriber】

You will be notified in the following situations:

1. When the boiler owner publishes a new article
2. When the furnace owner publishes a new broadcast; when other members reply to the furnace owner's broadcast
3. When a new topic appears in the public chat; when other members reply to the topic of the public chat

【If I were the furnace owner】

You will be notified in the following situations:

1. Related to surfing subscription: there are new subscribers, new followers, and unsubscribers
2. Broadcast related: A member around the fireplace replied to your broadcast message
3. Public chat related: there are members around the furnace posting messages on the public chat (including starting new topics and replying to others’ messages)

Of course, notifications can be turned on or off. If you only want to keep some notifications, you can set them on or off at https://matters.news/me/settings/notification .

【Tag function update】

1. We will list your recently used tags when you add tags

We strongly recommend that you add appropriate tags when posting, this action only takes 20 seconds, but it will help your article to be discovered by more people. (To make the article more discoverable, here are some practical guidelines )

Now the "Add Tag" field of the editor helps you record the recently used tags, which is convenient for you to select more quickly.

We'll list your most recent tags when you add them

2. New label names cannot contain punctuation marks

3. Only one discontinuous space can be placed between the label words

4. The maximum length of the label name is 50 characters, including the language of each country, including a space allowed

Next, there are some more major feature updates that have been planned one after another, please look forward to Matty's follow-up announcement! If you have any questions about using the website, please leave a message or write to hi@matters.news.


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