A second class citizen


A year later, many Hong Kong people planning to immigrate to the UK have arrived in Po.

I don't know if it is to make myself feel better, many discussions have changed from "will I be treated as a second-class citizen" in the past to "as long as you have money and knowledge, you won't be a second-class citizen if you go to the border."

I think this argument is dangerous, especially if you have the next generation. There are many social morals and legal norms in the adult world. Even if you are a second-class citizen, you may not feel it. If you don't feel it, then it doesn't exist, and then take this set of ideas as truth and instill it in the children, with disastrous consequences.

An oriental child who grew up in a western society will definitely face several times more obstacles than an adult who grew up in his familiar culture and family protection before facing the world. School bullying is a visible problem and there is an opportunity to stop it. If it is "just" having difficulty making friends, and being treated unequally because of different skin and race when applying for a higher education, it cannot be explained in a few words. Many studies have pointed out that prejudice exists everywhere, but those with prejudice often do not know it, and those affected by prejudice may not be aware of it, or they have nowhere to complain.

At this time, if we tell our children, "As long as you have money and knowledge, you won't be a second-class citizen if you go to the border", they may blame the problem entirely on their own abilities, thinking, "Is it because I am poor that I didn't get it?" Favor?" to deny himself. Many parents say that they immigrate to foreign countries because they want their children to not have to struggle in the overly competitive Hong Kong. If the child ends up thinking that ignoring the prejudice that actually exists everywhere, and misunderstanding that it is the consequence of his own lack of stagnation, then there is no way to talk about happy learning.


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Sheeta在倫敦、北京、新加坡生活過的港女一名 更多雜想在 facbook @ sheetaonthejourney, twitter @sheetancities 我愛人間樂土,但願與風和唱,鳥語花香,春回大地,桃源美景,普天同慶,就算有千噸大砲,萬匹火力,就算有更發達的科技也好,可愛的大地,永遠都是人類的家鄉。
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