The director of the personnel office expands his office and manpower after slashing people with a knife

Due to the large range of transfers, the work of various units could not be connected immediately, and the morale of the company's employees was low. After the employee symposium, colleagues even framed each other, and the supervisor was deliberately critical in order to mobilize the employees, which made a mess.

In order to cope with the expected decrease in revenue in recent years, the company's queen-level chief executive and the director of the personnel office have taken a series of measures for more than three months. The first step is to comprehensively check the manpower of each unit. Those units have excess manpower, and they have made a thick stack of inventory reports.

The queen-level chief executive held a thick stack of reports and gradually interviewed the supervisors of each unit, telling them that the excess manpower allocation in the unit needed to be streamlined. Except for the business department, the supervisors of all units in the company were interviewed for one round.

The Personnel Office started to control the lack of compensation more than 3 months ago, and to formulate stricter assessment and elimination regulations. One and a half months ago, the director of the personnel office held a staff meeting, announced the new assessment regulations and elimination mechanism, and informed all staff that the company planned to downsize 10 administrative staff. Because she controlled the shortage in advance, there were 11 vacancies that had not been filled, and the vacancies had not been filled. The number is greater than the number to be streamlined, therefore, only job transfers will be made this year.

"I asked people who need to be transferred to fill out the transfer volunteer order. For example, three people from a certain unit, A, B, and C, have to be transferred. The first wave of matchmaking has been carried out. Some people are very popular, and some people are not interested. Poor work and poor performance! It’s just because of excess manpower after an inventory.” The director of the personnel office directly named the units with the most excess manpower and the names of those who needed to be transferred at the staff forum, which made the parties quite embarrassed.

More than 10 days ago, the company finally announced the transfer results of Gale Blow. Under the linkage of 11 vacancies, 15 people were transferred, and the transfer range was quite large.

Due to the large range of mobilization, the work of various units could not be connected immediately, and the morale of the company's employees was low. After the employee symposium, colleagues even framed each other, and the supervisor was deliberately critical in order to mobilize the employees, which made a mess.

The director of the personnel office, who had just taken office, slashed people with a butcher knife in one hand, while expanding the manpower of his office and personnel office on the other hand, and the queen-level chief executive took all the orders. Looking at the employees of the various units who have just been purged, it is very uncomfortable.

The office of our unit is located next to the personnel room, and was recently moved to another place by the director of the personnel room. When I first received the relocation order, I felt unhappy because it took a lot of work to sort out and relocate. However, because the director of the personnel office was popular, he must have what he wanted, and he knew that he must cooperate and not disobey.

When I moved to another office, I found that the advantage is that the original office is exposed to the west. Even if the air conditioner is turned on, it will still be too hot in the afternoon. The new office is quiet and will not be exposed to the west. It is a blessing in disguise!


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